


Drowsy Driver Detection Using Two Stage Convolutional Neural Networks
Visual-based Real Time Driver Drowsiness Detection System Using CNN
Driver Drowsiness Detection Based on Joint Monitoring of Yawning, Blinking and Nodding
IET Image Processing – 2021 – Zhao – Research on fatigue detection based on visual features
Multi-Timescale Drowsiness Characterization Based on a Video of a Driver’s Face
Federated Learning for Driver Status Monitoring
temporal and spatial feature based approaches in drowsiness detection using deep learning technique

Drowsy Driver Detection Using Two Stage Convolutional Neural Networks

  1. Face Detection uses YOLO-V3
  2. Drowsy Classification
  3. 使用Inception-v3网络对闭眼数据训练,认为闭眼就是疲劳。对疲劳分类就定义为对睁眼和闭眼分类。
  4. 数据集(包括睁眼和闭眼图像):CEW;提取Nth-DDD数据集中一些视频帧作为一个数据集;自己创建的数据集;
  5. 准确率80.32%, 79.34%and 89.90%

Visual-based Real Time Driver Drowsiness Detection System Using CNN

  1. Face Detection Viola&Jones算法
  2. Drowsy Classification
  3. 疲劳定义:自己设计浅层cnn网络判断是否闭眼,如果”闭眼”持续超过4个连续帧,系统将确定驾驶员处于睡眠状态
  4. 数据集:我们将Nth-DDD数据集视频序列的每一帧标记为”闭上眼睛”或”睁开眼睛”。总共有4620张人脸图像被标记,其中2310张是”闭着眼睛”的,2310张是”睁开眼睛”的。 准确率98.95%

Driver Drowsiness Detection Based on Joint Monitoring of Yawning, Blinking and Nodding

  1. Face Detection Viola&Jones算法
  2. Drowsy Classification
  3. 疲劳定义:根据人脸关键点算法算出,EAR,MAR,头部动向三个特征,将三个特征放在MLP,K近邻算法中做各种疲劳行为的分类,比如疲劳,闭眼,打哈欠,点头。

IET Image Processing – 2021 – Zhao – Research on fatigue detection based on visual features

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Multi-Timescale Drowsiness Characterization Based on a Video of a Driver’s Face

  1. Face Detection OpenCV implementation of the Viola & Jones algorithm
  2. Drowsy Classification 使用CNN得到眼睑闭合度,收集眼睑闭合度的一段时间序列,对此时间序列进行疲劳分类训练。

Federated Learning for Driver Status Monitoring

  1. Face Detection
  2. Drowsy Classification 得到眼睛是否闭眼,嘴巴是否张开,然后结合PERCLOS准则判断疲劳,但是没有说具体·使用了多少帧,阈值是多少,与现在我们的实现方法是一样的。

temporal and spatial feature based approaches in drowsiness detection using deep learning technique

  1. Face Detection
  2. Drowsy Classification

Original: https://blog.csdn.net/Icandescence_/article/details/123619552
Author: Icandescence_
Title: 疲劳检测方法总结_计算机视觉





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