Numpy and SIMD

Numpy is by its design a SIMD structure, which is best examplified by the list indexing feature:

Together with ohther python structures, such as dictionary, the SIMD execution can be done, but with a more unintuitive grammatic style:

from numpy import copy

newArray = copy(theArray)
for k, v in d.iteritems(): newArray[theArray==k] = v

numpy.copy — NumPy v1.22 Manual
test code:

#!/usr/bin/env python2.7

from numpy import copy, random, arange

data = random.randint(30, size=10**5)

d = {4: 0, 9: 5, 14: 10, 19: 15, 20: 0, 21: 1, 22: 2, 23: 3, 24: 0}
dk = d.keys()
dv = d.values()

def f1(a, d):
    b = copy(a)
    for k, v in d.iteritems():
        b[a==k] = v
    return b

def f2(a, d):
    for i in xrange(len(a)):
        a[i] = d.get(a[i], a[i])
    return a

def f3(a, dk, dv):
    mp = arange(0, max(a)+1)
    mp[dk] = dv
    return mp[a]

a = copy(data)
res = f2(a, d)

assert (f1(data, d) == res).all()
assert (f3(data, dk, dv) == res).all()

Any All in Python – GeeksforGeeks
python – Use a.any() or a.all() – Stack Overflow
==> obviously direct indexing filter by numpy arrays is going to be faster than numpy + dict;
===> use numpy arrays when you can; python has weaker SIMD support in general.

the indices slicing support makes SIMD easier and more versatile in implementation, but depending on the hardware support and numpy low-level implementations, i.e. how the hardware organize physical storage and accesses and how numpy utilize such features, different slicing directions might have drastically different performances.

==> in general assume row-major or C-like array storage structures, meaning slicing lower indices will be more efficient.

==> some ASICs might have much stronger support for higher indices slicing.


While python is not structured for SIMD style prarallel programming, since you don’t even have accesses to pointers, Numpy is. And this package has proven to be quite efficient (, power of modular design I guess), so try to base your SIMD coding with Numpy.


Numpy slicing is not as straightforward as manipulating the memory buffers directly with pointers in C/C++, but still many slicing options are supported; there are 2 versions:

  1. basic:


this is a successive access, reducing array dimensionality by 1 per dereference action, [], if a non-full range of indices is given.

slicing in this mode is restrictive:


is actually


==> use this mode for clear, structured expressions of dereferences.

  1. multi-directional access, or full slicing support

array[row, col, level]

this mode does the same for specified accesses, but differs in slicing behavior from successive derefences;

array[:, :col, :level]

actually works as intended, i.e. “for all rows, take all cols till col; for each of the taken cols, take all levels till level.”


Slicing combined with filter/list indexing as introduced in Indexing section is a powerful feature, which strongly mirrors a basic gather/scatter action in most SIMD ISAs, but they can be extremely confusing to use.


for a 3D array a:

array([[[0.87330218, 0.348806 , 0.98876196, 0.44153593, 0.35657919],
[0.0591688 , 0.01207211, 0.76808385, 0.5382626 , 0.74737973],
[0.61562341, 0.49494463, 0.99326787, 0.78333718, 0.18965861],
[0.10603183, 0.78535426, 0.54849272, 0.6651616 , 0.99013694]],

[[0.42220155, 0.65080645, 0.92558894, 0.11468048, 0.70492543],
[0.58528903, 0.71053382, 0.96009024, 0.84545703, 0.89357304],
[0.61943998, 0.99428317, 0.54617109, 0.62770748, 0.39451982],
[0.94771556, 0.56667405, 0.18225097, 0.75520699, 0.99649013]],

[[0.05937206, 0.71885611, 0.08577789, 0.82468742, 0.61361646],
[0.13556848, 0.05283339, 0.63987149, 0.91302604, 0.37158879],
[0.37965324, 0.71274351, 0.19897426, 0.48187764, 0.55820695],
[0.20501126, 0.44322089, 0.90804689, 0.55505773, 0.66719231]]])

will give:

array([0.5382626, 0.18965861])

add in slicing:

a[:2, np.array((1,2)), np.array((3,4))]

array([[0.5382626 , 0.18965861],
[0.84545703, 0.39451982]])


a[:2][np.array((1,2)), np.array((3,4))]

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “

Maybe try:

==> try with a terminal and toy examples to help;

==> while slicing, except for only the lowest index, use the [,,,,,] mode/notation only, to avoid confusing yourself;

==> of course, you can always reshape whichever array you are dealing with into 1D and treat it as a C pointer.


minimum is the elementwise SIMD like comparison

array.min/np.amin is a reduction operation, not elementwise

==> naturally the same applies to max/maximum

additionally, for the position of the extrema, see:

for initialization use np.full():

updates: array.fill()

pad an existing array

reshape and resize: reshape explicitly requires the new shape to be compatible with the old one

==> by choosing order=’C’ / ‘F’ (row major or C-like vs. column major or Fortran-like) while casting arrays from nD to 1D or vice versa, you can achieve interleave/deinterleave effects.

Author: EverNoob
Title: Numpy and SIMD





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