【Call for papers】IJCAI-2023(CCF-A/人工智能/2023年1月18日截稿)

【Call for papers】IJCAI-2023(CCF-A/人工智能/2023年1月18日截稿)

Submissions are invited for the 32nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, which is planned to be held in Cape Town, South Africa, from Aug 19th to Aug 25th, 2023. Starting from 1969, IJCAI has remained the premier conference bringing together the international AI community to communicate the advances and achievements of artificial intelligence research.


; 1.会议信息

会议介绍: 第32届人工智能国际联合会议计划于2023年8月19日至8月25日在南非开普敦举行。从1969年开始,IJCAI一直是汇集国际人工智能社区交流人工智能研究进展和成就的首要会议。

会议全称: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence

会议网址: https://ijcai-23.org/

会议地点: Cape Town, South Africa

CCF分类: A类

Core分类: A*类

H5指数: 95

Impact Score: 11.71

录取率: IJCAI’22 14.9% (679/4535)


WhatWhenSubmission site openingJanuary 4, 2023Abstract submission deadlineJanuary 11, 2023Author information deadlineJanuary 16, 2023Full paper submission deadlineJanuary 18, 2023Appendix and resubmission information deadlineJanuary 23, 2023Summary reject notificationFebruary 24, 2023Author response periodMarch 20-23, 2023Paper notificationApril 19, 2023

Original: https://blog.csdn.net/m0_38068876/article/details/127971703
Author: 山野庸才熏悟空
Title: 【Call for papers】IJCAI-2023(CCF-A/人工智能/2023年1月18日截稿)





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