

PullingAsyncPipelineExecutor::pull() -> PipelineExecutor::execute()



BlockIO是一个IO的抽象,可输出(select类查询),也可输入(insert类查询),参考以下 IInterpreter的定义。

class IInterpreter
     /** For queries that return a result (SELECT and similar), sets in BlockIO a stream from which you can read this result.

      * For queries that receive data (INSERT), sets a thread in BlockIO where you can write data.

      * For queries that do not require data and return nothing, BlockIO will be empty.

    virtual BlockIO execute() = 0;



BlockIO包含query pipeline,process list和callbacks,其中query pipeline是数据的流动管道。


parseQuery() 函数接收SQL语句字符串和parser,调用 parseQueryAndMovePosition(),最终调用 tryParseQuery()完成解析返回AST树作为结果。

参数 allow_multi_statements用于控制是否解析多个SQL语句,这个对于我目前的任务非常重要。

ASTPtr parseQueryAndMovePosition(
    IParser & parser,
    const char * & pos,
    const char * end,
    const std::string & query_description,
    bool allow_multi_statements,
    size_t max_query_size,
    size_t max_parser_depth)
    ... ...

    ... ...





  └── IParser
      └── IParserBase
          ├── IParserColumnDeclaration
          ├── IParserNameTypePair
          ├── ParserAdditiveExpression
          ├── ParserAlias
          ├── ParserAlterCommand
          ├── ParserAlterCommand
          ├── ParserAlterCommandList
          ├── ParserAlterQuery
          ├── ParserAlterQuery
          ├── ParserAlwaysFalse
          ├── ParserAlwaysTrue
          ├── ParserArray
          ├── ParserArrayElementExpression
          ├── ParserArrayJoin
          ├── ParserArrayOfLiterals
          ├── ParserAssignment
          ├── ParserAsterisk
          ├── ParserAttachAccessEntity
          ├── ParserBackupQuery
          ├── ParserBetweenExpression
          ├── ParserBool
          ...... .......

AST语法树由 IAST的派生实现类的一组实例组成

  └── IAST
      ├── ASTAlterCommand
      ├── ASTAlterCommand
      ├── ASTAlterQuery
      ├── ASTArrayJoin
      ├── ASTAssignment
      ├── ASTAsterisk
      ├── ASTBackupQuery
      ├── ASTColumnDeclaration
      ├── ASTColumns
      ├── ASTColumnsElement
      ├── ASTColumnsMatcher
      ... ...

构建Query Pipeline

IInterpreter::execute()返回的结果 BlockIO实例中主要组成部分就是 QueryPipeline实例。可以说是由解释器来构建Query Pipeline的,但是每种解释器的构建Query Pipeline的方式不同。Select类查询(最普遍的查询)是先生成Query Plan,做优化后,再生成最终的Query Pipeline。

IInterpreter::execute()是解释器的核心,它会根据三种情况返回 BlockIO实例作为结果。

/** Interpreters interface for different queries.

class IInterpreter
    /** For queries that return a result (SELECT and similar), sets in BlockIO a stream from which you can read this result.

      * For queries that receive data (INSERT), sets a thread in BlockIO where you can write data.

      * For queries that do not require data and return nothing, BlockIO will be empty.

      virtual BlockIO execute() = 0;

而Select查询类的解释器比如 InterpreterSelectQuery的execute() 方法会首先生成 QueryPlan实例,在优化的策略下由 QueryPlan实例去生成 QueryPipeline实例。这也是为什么 explain plan 命令只能用于select类型的查询中。注意这里的 InterpreterSelectQuery::executeImpl() 并不是 InterpreterSelectQuery::execute() 的实现,其实是 InterpreterSelectQuery::buildQueryPlan() 的实现。


void InterpreterSelectQuery::executeImpl(QueryPlan & query_plan, std::optional prepared_pipe)
    /** Streams of data. When the query is executed in parallel, we have several data streams.

     *  If there is no GROUP BY, then perform all operations before ORDER BY and LIMIT in parallel, then
     *  if there is an ORDER BY, then glue the streams using ResizeProcessor, and then MergeSorting transforms,
     *  if not, then glue it using ResizeProcessor,
     *  then apply LIMIT.

     *  If there is GROUP BY, then we will perform all operations up to GROUP BY, inclusive, in parallel;
     *  a parallel GROUP BY will glue streams into one,
     *  then perform the remaining operations with one resulting stream.


Query Plan Step是Query Plan的组成部分,由基类 IQueryPlanStep和其派生实现类表示。

QueryPlan实例主要由若干以树(非二叉树)的形式组织起来的IQueryPlanStep的实现类的实例构成。每个IQueryPlanStep的实现类的实例会为QueryPipeline产生并织入一组Processor,这步由 updatePipeline() 方法实现。


    /// Add processors from current step to QueryPipeline.

    /// Calling this method, we assume and don't check that:
    ///   * pipelines.size() == getInputStreams.size()
    ///   * header from each pipeline is the same as header from corresponding input_streams
    /// Result pipeline must contain any number of streams with compatible output header is hasOutputStream(),
    ///   or pipeline should be completed otherwise.

    virtual QueryPipelineBuilderPtr updatePipeline(QueryPipelineBuilders pipelines, const BuildQueryPipelineSettings & settings) = 0;


│ CREATE TABLE default.cx1
    eventId Int64,
    案例号 String,
    金额 UInt8
ENGINE = MergeTree
ORDER BY (案例号, eventId)
SETTINGS index_granularity = 8192 │


explain pipeline select * from cx1
│ (Expression)                  │ # query step 名字
│ ExpressionTransform × 4       │ # 4个 ExpressionTransform processor
│   (SettingQuotaAndLimits)     │ # query step 名字
│     (ReadFromMergeTree)       │
│     MergeTreeThread × 4 0 → 1 │ # MergeTreeThread的输入流0个,输出流1个


explain pipeline header=1 select 案例号, eventId from cx1 where eventId % 10 > 3 group by 案例号, eventId limit 100
│ (Expression)                                                        │
│ ExpressionTransform                                                 │
│ Header: 案例号 String: 案例号 String String(size = 0)                │
│         eventId Int64: eventId Int64 Int64(size = 0)                │
│   (Limit)                                                           │
│   Limit                                                             │
│   Header: 案例号 String: 案例号 String String(size = 0)              │
│           eventId Int64: eventId Int64 Int64(size = 0)              │
│     (Aggregating)                                                   │
│     Resize 4 → 1   # 代表输入数据流是4个,合并后输出1个                │
│     Header: 案例号 String: 案例号 String String(size = 0)            │
│             eventId Int64: eventId Int64 Int64(size = 0)            │
│       AggregatingTransform × 4                                      │
│       Header: 案例号 String: 案例号 String String(size = 0)          │
│               eventId Int64: eventId Int64 Int64(size = 0)          │
│         StrictResize 4 → 4                                          │
│         Header × 4 : eventId Int64: eventId Int64 Int64(size = 0)   │
│                       案例号 String: 案例号 String String(size = 0)  │
│           (Expression)                                              │
│           ExpressionTransform × 4                                   │
│           Header: eventId Int64: eventId Int64 Int64(size = 0)      │
│                   案例号 String: 案例号 String String(size = 0)      │
│             (SettingQuotaAndLimits)                                 │
│               (ReadFromMergeTree)                                   │
│               MergeTreeThread × 4 0 → 1                             │
│               Header: eventId Int64: eventId Int64 Int64(size = 0)  │
│                       案例号 String: 案例号 String String(size = 0)  │


explain pipeline header=1 select 案例号, eventId, avg(金额) from cx1 where eventId % 10 > 3 group by 案例号, eventId limit 100
│ (Expression)                                                         │
│ ExpressionTransform                                                  │
│ Header: 案例号 String: 案例号 String String(size = 0)                 │
│         eventId Int64: eventId Int64 Int64(size = 0)                 │
│         avg(金额) Float64: avg(金额) Float64 Float64(size = 0)        │
│   (Limit)                                                            │
│   Limit                                                              │
│   Header: 案例号 String: 案例号 String String(size = 0)               │
│           eventId Int64: eventId Int64 Int64(size = 0)               │
│           avg(金额) Float64: avg(金额) Float64 Float64(size = 0)      │
│     (Aggregating)                                                    │
│     Resize 4 → 1                                                     │
│     Header: 案例号 String: 案例号 String String(size = 0)             │
│             eventId Int64: eventId Int64 Int64(size = 0)             │
│             avg(金额) Float64: avg(金额) Float64 Float64(size = 0)    │
│       AggregatingTransform × 4                                       │
│       Header: 案例号 String: 案例号 String String(size = 0)           │
│               eventId Int64: eventId Int64 Int64(size = 0)           │
│               avg(金额) Float64: avg(金额) Float64 Float64(size = 0)  │
│         StrictResize 4 → 4                                           │
│         Header × 4 : eventId Int64: eventId Int64 Int64(size = 0)    │
│                       案例号 String: 案例号 String String(size = 0)   │
│                       金额 UInt8: 金额 UInt8 UInt8(size = 0)          │
│           (Expression)                                               │
│           ExpressionTransform × 4                                    │
│           Header: eventId Int64: eventId Int64 Int64(size = 0)       │
│                   案例号 String: 案例号 String String(size = 0)       │
│                   金额 UInt8: 金额 UInt8 UInt8(size = 0)              │
│             (SettingQuotaAndLimits)                                  │
│               (ReadFromMergeTree)                                    │
│               MergeTreeThread × 4 0 → 1                              │
│               Header: eventId Int64: eventId Int64 Int64(size = 0)   │
│                       案例号 String: 案例号 String String(size = 0)   │
│                       金额 UInt8: 金额 UInt8 UInt8(size = 0)          │

在构建executeActionForHeader() 函数获取表头header,但是并不产生数据,它会调用dryrun模式,并不产生数据。

执行Query Pipeline

执行Query Pipeline的类是 PullingPipelineExecutor, PullingAsyncPipelineExecutor, PushPipelineExecutor, PushAsyncPipelineExecutor。非Async的是单线程版本,带Async的是多线程并行版本。 PullingAsyncPipelineExecutor虽然名字里有Async字眼,但实际上是等所有worker线程完成之后才返回,因此并不是我眼中的异步。

Query Pipeline的基本单位是Processor,实际执行Processor的类是 PipelineExecutor,该类被以上所有executor所调用。类QueryPipeline是Query Pipeline的实现,其中用于执行的信息如下代码所示:

class QueryPipeline


    PipelineResourcesHolder resources;
    Processors processors;  // 所有要执行的processors

    InputPort * input = nullptr; // 输入端口

    OutputPort * output = nullptr; // 输出端口
    OutputPort * totals = nullptr;
    OutputPort * extremes = nullptr;

    QueryStatus * process_list_element = nullptr; // 名字很奇怪,是表示查询运行状态

    IOutputFormat * output_format = nullptr; // 最终输出

    size_t num_threads = 0;  // 线程数


QueryPipeline::complete()里设定完成后的最终输出, IOutputFormat也是 IProcessor的派生类。

void QueryPipeline::complete(std::shared_ptr format)
 * Chunk is a list of columns with the same length.

 * Chunk stores the number of rows in a separate field and supports invariant of equal column length.

 * Chunk has move-only semantic. It's more lightweight than block cause doesn't store names, types and index_by_name.

 * Chunk can have empty set of columns but non-zero number of rows. It helps when only the number of rows is needed.

 * Chunk can have columns with zero number of rows. It may happen, for example, if all rows were filtered.

 * Chunk is empty only if it has zero rows and empty list of columns.

 * Any ChunkInfo may be attached to chunk.

 * It may be useful if additional info per chunk is needed. For example, bucket number for aggregated data.

/** Container for set of columns for bunch of rows in memory.

  * This is unit of data processing.

  * Also contains metadata - data types of columns and their names
  *  (either original names from a table, or generated names during temporary calculations).

  * Allows to insert, remove columns in arbitrary position, to change order of columns.


实际执行query pipeline的组件是庞大而丰富的processors,它们是底层执行的基础构件。

  └── IProcessor
      ├── AggregatingInOrderTransform
      ├── AggregatingTransform
      ├── ConcatProcessor
      ├── ConvertingAggregatedToChunksTransform
      ├── CopyTransform
      ├── CopyingDataToViewsTransform
      ├── DelayedPortsProcessor
      ├── DelayedSource
      ├── FillingRightJoinSideTransform
      ├── FinalizingViewsTransform
      ├── ForkProcessor
      ├── GroupingAggregatedTransform
      ├── IInflatingTransform
      ├── IntersectOrExceptTransform
      ├── JoiningTransform
      ├── LimitTransform
      ├── OffsetTransform
      ├── ResizeProcessor
      ├── SortingAggregatedTransform
      ├── StrictResizeProcessor
      ├── WindowTransform
      ├── IAccumulatingTransform
      │   ├── BufferingToFileTransform
      │   ├── CreatingSetsTransform
      │   ├── CubeTransform
      │   ├── MergingAggregatedTransform
      │   ├── QueueBuffer
      │   ├── RollupTransform
      │   ├── TTLCalcTransform
      │   └── TTLTransform
      ├── ISimpleTransform
      │   ├── AddingDefaultsTransform
      │   ├── AddingSelectorTransform
      │   ├── ArrayJoinTransform
      │   ├── CheckSortedTransform
      │   ├── DistinctSortedTransform
      │   ├── DistinctTransform
      │   ├── ExpressionTransform
      │   ├── ExtremesTransform
      │   ├── FillingTransform
      │   ├── FilterTransform
      │   ├── FinalizeAggregatedTransform
      │   ├── LimitByTransform
      │   ├── LimitsCheckingTransform
      │   ├── MaterializingTransform
      │   ├── MergingAggregatedBucketTransform
      │   ├── PartialSortingTransform
      │   ├── ReplacingWindowColumnTransform
      │   ├── ReverseTransform
      │   ├── SendingChunkHeaderTransform
      │   ├── TotalsHavingTransform
      │   ├── TransformWithAdditionalColumns
      │   └── WatermarkTransform
      ├── ISink
      │   ├── EmptySink
      │   ├── ExternalTableDataSink
      │   ├── NullSink
      │   └── ODBCSink
      ├── SortingTransform
      │   ├── FinishSortingTransform
      │   └── MergeSortingTransform
      ├── IMergingTransformBase
      │   └── IMergingTransform
      │       ├── AggregatingSortedTransform
      │       ├── CollapsingSortedTransform
      │       ├── ColumnGathererTransform
      │       ├── FinishAggregatingInOrderTransform
      │       ├── GraphiteRollupSortedTransform
      │       ├── MergingSortedTransform
      │       ├── ReplacingSortedTransform
      │       ├── SummingSortedTransform
      │       └── VersionedCollapsingTransform
      ├── ExceptionKeepingTransform
      │   ├── CheckConstraintsTransform
      │   ├── ConvertingTransform
      │   ├── CountingTransform
      │   ├── ExecutingInnerQueryFromViewTransform
      │   ├── SquashingChunksTransform
      │   └── SinkToStorage
      │       ├── BufferSink
      │       ├── DistributedSink
      │       ├── EmbeddedRocksDBSink
      │       ├── HDFSSink
      │       ├── KafkaSink
      │       ├── LiveViewSink
      │       ├── LogSink
      │       ├── MemorySink
      │       ├── MergeTreeSink
      │       ├── NullSinkToStorage
      │       ├── PostgreSQLSink
      │       ├── PushingToLiveViewSink
      │       ├── PushingToWindowViewSink
      │       ├── RabbitMQSink
      │       ├── RemoteSink
      │       ├── ReplicatedMergeTreeSink
      │       ├── SQLiteSink
      │       ├── SetOrJoinSink
      │       ├── StorageFileSink
      │       ├── StorageMySQLSink
      │       ├── StorageS3Sink
      │       ├── StorageURLSink
      │       ├── StripeLogSink
      │       └── PartitionedSink
      │           ├── PartitionedHDFSSink
      │           ├── PartitionedStorageFileSink
      │           ├── PartitionedStorageS3Sink
      │           └── PartitionedStorageURLSink
      ├── IOutputFormat
      │   ├── ArrowBlockOutputFormat
      │   ├── LazyOutputFormat
      │   ├── MySQLOutputFormat
      │   ├── NativeOutputFormat
      │   ├── NullOutputFormat
      │   ├── ODBCDriver2BlockOutputFormat
      │   ├── ORCBlockOutputFormat
      │   ├── ParallelFormattingOutputFormat
      │   ├── ParquetBlockOutputFormat
      │   ├── PostgreSQLOutputFormat
      │   ├── PullingOutputFormat
      │   ├── TemplateBlockOutputFormat
      │   ├── PrettyBlockOutputFormat
      │   │   ├── PrettyCompactBlockOutputFormat
      │   │   └── PrettySpaceBlockOutputFormat
      │   └── IRowOutputFormat
      │       ├── AvroRowOutputFormat
      │       ├── BinaryRowOutputFormat
      │       ├── CSVRowOutputFormat
      │       ├── CapnProtoRowOutputFormat
      │       ├── CustomSeparatedRowOutputFormat
      │       ├── JSONCompactEachRowRowOutputFormat
      │       ├── MarkdownRowOutputFormat
      │       ├── MsgPackRowOutputFormat
      │       ├── ProtobufRowOutputFormat
      │       ├── RawBLOBRowOutputFormat
      │       ├── ValuesRowOutputFormat
      │       ├── VerticalRowOutputFormat
      │       ├── XMLRowOutputFormat
      │       ├── JSONEachRowRowOutputFormat
      │       │   └── JSONEachRowWithProgressRowOutputFormat
      │       ├── JSONRowOutputFormat
      │       │   └── JSONCompactRowOutputFormat
      │       └── TabSeparatedRowOutputFormat
      │           └── TSKVRowOutputFormat
      └── ISource
          ├── ConvertingAggregatedToChunksSource
          ├── MergeSorterSource
          ├── NullSource
          ├── ODBCSource
          ├── PushingAsyncSource
          ├── PushingSource
          ├── RemoteExtremesSource
          ├── RemoteTotalsSource
          ├── SourceFromNativeStream
          ├── TemporaryFileLazySource
          ├── WaitForAsyncInsertSource
          ├── IInputFormat
          │   ├── ArrowBlockInputFormat
          │   ├── NativeInputFormat
          │   ├── ORCBlockInputFormat
          │   ├── ParallelParsingInputFormat
          │   ├── ParquetBlockInputFormat
          │   ├── ValuesBlockInputFormat
          │   └── IRowInputFormat
          │       ├── AvroConfluentRowInputFormat
          │       ├── AvroRowInputFormat
          │       ├── CapnProtoRowInputFormat
          │       ├── JSONAsStringRowInputFormat
          │       ├── JSONEachRowRowInputFormat
          │       ├── LineAsStringRowInputFormat
          │       ├── MsgPackRowInputFormat
          │       ├── ProtobufRowInputFormat
          │       ├── RawBLOBRowInputFormat
          │       ├── RegexpRowInputFormat
          │       ├── TSKVRowInputFormat
          │       └── RowInputFormatWithDiagnosticInfo
          │           ├── TemplateRowInputFormat
          │           └── RowInputFormatWithNamesAndTypes
          │               ├── BinaryRowInputFormat
          │               ├── CSVRowInputFormat
          │               ├── CustomSeparatedRowInputFormat
          │               ├── JSONCompactEachRowRowInputFormat
          │               └── TabSeparatedRowInputFormat
          └── ISourceWithProgress
              └── SourceWithProgress
                  ├── BlocksListSource
                  ├── BlocksSource
                  ├── BufferSource
                  ├── CassandraSource
                  ├── ColumnsSource
                  ├── DDLQueryStatusSource
                  ├── DataSkippingIndicesSource
                  ├── DictionarySource
                  ├── DirectoryMonitorSource
                  ├── EmbeddedRocksDBSource
                  ├── FileLogSource
                  ├── GenerateSource
                  ├── HDFSSource
                  ├── JoinSource
                  ├── KafkaSource
                  ├── LiveViewEventsSource
                  ├── LiveViewSource
                  ├── LogSource
                  ├── MemorySource
                  ├── MergeTreeSequentialSource
                  ├── MongoDBSource
                  ├── NumbersMultiThreadedSource
                  ├── NumbersSource
                  ├── RabbitMQSource
                  ├── RedisSource
                  ├── RemoteSource
                  ├── SQLiteSource
                  ├── ShellCommandSource
                  ├── SourceFromSingleChunk
                  ├── StorageFileSource
                  ├── StorageInputSource
                  ├── StorageS3Source
                  ├── StorageURLSource
                  ├── StripeLogSource
                  ├── SyncKillQuerySource
                  ├── TablesBlockSource
                  ├── WindowViewSource
                  ├── ZerosSource
                  ├── MySQLSource
                  │   └── MySQLWithFailoverSource
                  ├── PostgreSQLSource
                  │   └── PostgreSQLTransactionSource
                  └── MergeTreeBaseSelectProcessor
                      ├── MergeTreeThreadSelectProcessor
                      └── MergeTreeSelectProcessor
                          ├── MergeTreeInOrderSelectProcessor
                          └── MergeTreeReverseSelectProcessor


  └── IProcessor
      ├── IAccumulatingTransform
      ├── IMergingTransformBase
      ├── IOutputFormat
      ├── ISimpleTransform
      ├── ISink
      ├── ISource
      ├── JoiningTransform
      ├── LimitTransform
      ├── OffsetTransform
      ├── ResizeProcessor
      ├── SortingAggregatedTransform
      ├── SortingTransform
      └── WindowTransform



BlockIO InterpreterShowProcesslistQuery::execute()
    return executeQuery("SELECT * FROM system.processes", getContext(), true);

Author: 程鑫
Title: Clickhouse执行处理查询语句(包括DDL,DML)的过程





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