



rosrun image_transport republish compressed in:=/camera/image raw out:=/camera/image_raw


在github中下载Kalibr安装包编译,操作步骤(Ubuntu 16.04为例):

sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-rosinstall ipython libeigen3-dev libboost-all-dev doxygen libopencv-dev
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-vision-opencv ros-kinetic-image-transport-plugins ros-kinetic-cmake-modules software-properties-common
sudo apt-get install libpoco-dev python-matplotlib python-scipy python-git python-pip ipython libtbb-dev libblas-dev liblapack-dev
sudo apt-get install python-catkin-tools libv4l-dev
sudo apt-get install python-igraph
mkdir -p ~/kalibr_workspace/src
cd ~/kalibr_workspace
source /opt/ros/kinetic /setup.bash
catkin init
catkin config --extend /opt/ros/kinetic
catkin config --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cd ~/kalibr_workspace/src
git clone git://github.com/ethz-asl/kalibr.git
cd ~/kalibr_workspace
catkin build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -j4



rosrun topic_tools throttle messages <intopic> <msgs_per_sec> [outtopic]# 在这里,使用为
rosrun topic_tools throttle messages /camera/image_raw 4.0 /image_raw
kalibr_create_target_pdf --type apriltag --nx [NUM_COLS] --ny [NUM_ROWS] --tsize [TAG_WIDTH_M] --tspace [TAG_SPACING_PERCENT] #nx和ny对应棋盘格数
target_type: 'aprilgrid' #gridtype
tagCols: 6               #number of apriltags
tagRows: 6               #number of apriltags
tagSize: 0.088           #size of apriltag, edge to edge [m]
tagSpacing: 0.3          #ratio of space between tags to tagSize
                         #example: tagSize=2m, spacing=0.5m --> tagSpacing=0.25[-]
rosrun kalibr kalibr_calibrate_cameras --bag ../cam.bag --topics /image_raw --models pinhole-radtan --target ../april_6x6_80x80cm.yaml


  cam_overlaps: []
  camera_model: pinhole
  distortion_coeffs: [0.08710955387338654, -0.24288688826219126, 0.0027985848457975342, 0.003448529815029094]
  distortion_model: radtan
  intrinsics: [1643.7964106758034, 1638.3662248161381, 1243.6682735881284, 541.0150595623118]
  resolution: [2400, 1080]
  rostopic: /camera/image_raw



sudo apt-get install libdw-dev
  • 全局安装ceres库,code_code依赖ceres。
  • 不要同时把imu_utils和code_utils一起放到工作空间下进行编译。

由于imu_utils 依赖 code_utils,所以先把code_utils放在工作空间的src下面,进行编译。然后再将imu_utils放到src下面,再编译。否则会报错误

  • 编译报错

code_utils-master/src/sumpixel_test.cpp:2:24: fatal error: backward.hpp:No such file or directory
在code_utils下面找到sumpixel_test.cpp,修改#include “backward.hpp”为 #include “code_utils/backward.hpp”,再编译

<param name="max_time_min" type="int" value="120">   #&#x6807;&#x5B9A;&#x7684;&#x65F6;&#x957F;

bash<launch></p> <pre><code> #imu topic的名字 #生成文件保存路径 #标定的时长 单位: min # </code></pre> <pre><code> </code></pre> <p>rosbag play -r 200 imu_utils/imu.bag (这里要写你录制的包的路径) cd imu_ws source ./devel/setup.bash roslaunch imu_utils imu.launch</p> <pre><code> 程序结束生成标定结果对应的YMAL文件,整理为如下格式(imu.ymal): </code></pre> <h1>Accelerometers</h1> <p>accelerometer_noise_density: 1.86e-03 #Noise density (continuous-time) accelerometer_random_walk: 4.33e-04 #Bias random walk</p> <h1>Gyroscopes</h1> <p>gyroscope_noise_density: 1.87e-04 #Noise density (continuous-time) gyroscope_random_walk: 2.66e-05 #Bias random walk</p> <p>rostopic: /imu0 #the IMU ROS topic update_rate: 200.0 #Hz (for discretization of the values above)</p> <pre><code> ## 相机IMU联合标定 从安卓手机中直接抓取到的bag包有以下问题存在
python2 fix_bag_msg_def.py -l inputbagpath fixedbagpath
python2 roasbag_timeduiqi.py -l inputbagpath fixedbagpath

import argparse
import os
import sys

    import roslib.message
    sys.stderr.write("Could not import 'roslib', make sure it is installed, "
        "and make sure you have sourced the ROS environment setup file if "

    import rosbag
    sys.stderr.write("Could not import 'rosbag', make sure it is installed, "
        "and make sure you have sourced the ROS environment setup file if "

def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='Be verbose')
    parser.add_argument('-l', '--use-local-defs', dest='use_local', action='store_true', help='Use message defs from local system (as opposed to reading them from the provided mappings)')
    parser.add_argument('-c', '--callerid', type=str, help='Callerid (ie: publisher)')
    parser.add_argument('-m', '--map', dest='mappings', type=str, nargs=1, action='append', help='Mapping topic type -> good msg def (multiple allowed)', default=[])
    parser.add_argument('inbag', help='Input bagfile')
    parser.add_argument('outbag', help='Output bagfile')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if not os.path.isfile(args.inbag):
        sys.stderr.write('Cannot locate input bag file [%s]\n' % args.inbag)

    if os.path.realpath(args.inbag) == os.path.realpath(args.outbag):
        sys.stderr.write('Cannot use same file as input and output [%s]\n' % args.inbag)

    if len(args.mappings) > 0 and args.use_local:
        sys.stderr.write("Cannot use both mappings and local defs.\n")

    # TODO: make this nicer. Figure out the complete msg text without relying on external files
    msg_def_maps = {}
    if len(args.mappings) > 0:
        print ("Mappings provided:")
        for mapping in args.mappings:
            map_msg, map_file = mapping[0].split(':')
            print ("  {:40s}: {}".format(map_msg, map_file))

            # 'geometry_msgs/PoseStamped:geometry_msgs_pose_stamped_good.txt'
            with open(map_file, 'r') as f:
                new_def = f.read()
                # skip first line, it contains something like '[geometry_msgs/PoseStamped]:'
                msg_def_maps[map_msg] = new_def.split('\n', 1)[1]
                #print (msg_def_maps[map_msg])

        if not args.use_local:
            print ("No mappings provided and not allowed to use local msg defs. "
                   "That is ok, but this won't fix anything like this.")

    print ("")

    # open bag to fix
    bag = rosbag.Bag(args.inbag)

    # filter for all connections that pass the filter expression
    # if no 'callerid' specified, returns all connections
    conxs = bag._get_connections(connection_filter=
        lambda topic, datatype, md5sum, msg_def, header:
            header['callerid'] == args.callerid if args.callerid else True)

    conxs = list(conxs)

    if not conxs:
        print ("No topics found for callerid '{}'. Make sure it is correct.\n".format(args.callerid))

    def_replaced = []
    def_not_found = []
    def_not_replaced = []

    # loop over connections, find out which msg type they use and replace
    # msg defs if needed. Note: this is a rather primitive way to approach
    # this and absolutely not guaranteed to work.

    # It does work for me though ..

    for conx in conxs:
        # see if we have a mapping for that
        msg_type = conx.datatype
        if not msg_type in msg_def_maps:
            if not args.use_local:
                def_not_found.append((conx.topic, msg_type))

            # don't have mapping, but are allowed to use local msg def: retrieve
            # TODO: properly deal with get_message_class failing
            sys_class = roslib.message.get_message_class(msg_type)
            if sys_class is None:
                raise ValueError("Message class '" + msg_type + "' not found.")
            msg_def_maps[conx.datatype] = sys_class._full_text

        # here, we either already had a mapping or one was just created
        full_msg_text = msg_def_maps[msg_type]

        # don't touch anything if not needed (note: primitive check)
        if conx.header['message_definition'] == full_msg_text:
            def_not_replaced.append((conx.topic, msg_type))

        # here we really should replace the msg def, so do it
        conx.header['message_definition'] = full_msg_text
        conx.msg_def = full_msg_text

        def_replaced.append((conx.topic, msg_type))

    # print stats
    if def_replaced and args.verbose:
        print ("Replaced {} message definition(s):".format(len(def_replaced)))
        for topic, mdef in def_replaced:
            print ("  {:40s} : {}".format(mdef, topic))
        print ("")

    if def_not_replaced and args.verbose:
        print ("Skipped {} message definition(s) (already ok):".format(len(def_not_replaced)))
        for topic, mdef in def_not_replaced:
            print ("  {:40s} : {}".format(mdef, topic))
        print ("")

    if def_not_found and args.verbose:
        print ("Could not find {} message definition(s):".format(len(def_not_found)))
        for topic, mdef in def_not_found:
            print ("  {:40s} : {}".format(mdef, topic))
        print ("")

    print ("Writing out fixed bag ..")

    # write result to new bag
    # TODO: can this be done more efficiently? We only changed the connection infos.

    with rosbag.Bag(args.outbag, 'w') as outbag:
        # shamelessly copied from Rosbag itself
        meter = rosbag.rosbag_main.ProgressMeter(outbag.filename, bag._uncompressed_size)
        total_bytes = 0
        for topic, raw_msg, t in bag.read_messages(raw=True):
            msg_type, serialized_bytes, md5sum, pos, pytype = raw_msg

            outbag.write(topic, raw_msg, t, raw=True)

            total_bytes += len(serialized_bytes)


    print ("\ndone")
    print ("\nThe new bag probably needs to be re-indexed. Use 'rosbag reindex {}' for that.\n".format(outbag.filename))

if __name__ == '__main__':
import rospy
import rosbag
import sys

if sys.getdefaultencoding() != 'utf-8':
bag_name = 'camfix.bag'
out_bag_name = '/home/leo/camduiqi.bag'
dst_dir = '/home/leo/'

with rosbag.Bag(out_bag_name, 'w') as outbag:
    stamp = None
    for topic, msg, t in rosbag.Bag(dst_dir+bag_name).read_messages():
        if topic == '/Mate/imu':
            t_old = t

        # elif topic == '/cam0/image_raw':
        #     outbag.write(topic, msg, msg.stamp)
        #     continue
        # print msg.header
        print topic, msg.header.stamp, t
        if imu_flag and topic!="/Mate/imu":

            outbag.write(topic, msg, t_old)
            # imu_flag=False
            outbag.write(topic, msg, t)



rosrun kalibr kalibr_calibrate_imu_camera --bag /home/xx/camimu.bag --target /home/xx/aprilgrid.yaml --cam /home/xx/camchain.yaml --imu /home/xx/imu.yaml


Calibration results
Camera-system parameters:
    cam0 (/camera/image_raw):
     type: <class 'aslam_cv.libaslam_cv_python.distortedpinholecamerageometry'>
     distortion: [ 0.10035121 -0.25083969  0.00487046 -0.00212582] +- [ 0.00456407  0.0267141   0.00045738  0.00044148]
     projection: [ 1809.67406077  1812.62023429  1193.23787303   554.22913794] +- [ 7.76623621  8.43173172  5.60478973  2.07664017]
     reprojection error: [0.000001, 0.000001] +- [0.391375, 0.383458]

Target configuration

  Type: aprilgrid
    Rows: 6
    Cols: 6
    Size: 0.0212 [m]
    Spacing 0.00636 [m]

Original: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_39514211/article/details/125721498
Author: 制作人
Title: 联合标定Android手机的IMU和Camera数据





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