mulesoft Module 2 quiz 解析

mulesoft Module 2 quiz 解析

mulesoft Module 2 quiz 解析

; 1. What asset can NOT be created using Design Center?

A Mule Application
B API Specifications
C API Fragments
D API Portals


  1. A web client submits a GET request to a Mule 4 application to the endpoint/customers?id=48493

Where is the id stored in the Mule event by the HTTP Listener?

A Variables
B Payload
C Attributes
D Inbound Properties


  1. What MuleSoft product enables publishing, sharing, and searching of APIs?

A API Designer
B Anypoint Exchange
C API Notebook
D Runtime Manager


  1. What is the main purpose of Flow Designer in Design Center?

A To define API lifecycle management in a graphical way
B To design API RAML files in a graphical way
C To design and mock Mule application templates that must be implemented using Anypoint Studio
D To design and develop fully functional Mule applicatoins in a hosted development environment


  1. Where does a deployed Flow Designer application run in Anypoint Platform?

A CloudHub worker
B Design Center
C Exchange
D API Manager


Author: 穿条秋裤到处跑
Title: mulesoft Module 2 quiz 解析





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