pysimpleGui 之table使用

(class) Table(values, headings=None, visible_column_map=None, col_widths=None, def_col_width=10, auto_size_columns=True, max_col_width=20, select_mode=None, display_row_numbers=False, num_rows=None, row_height=None, font=None, justification=’right’, text_color=None, background_color=None, alternating_row_color=None, selected_row_colors=(None, None), header_text_color=None, header_background_color=None, header_font=None, row_colors=None, vertical_scroll_only=True, hide_vertical_scroll=False, size=(None, None), s=(None, None), change_submits=False, enable_events=False, bind_return_key=False, pad=None, key=None, k=None, tooltip=None, right_click_menu=None, visible=True, metadata=None)

1、必选项 values,表格中的数据,是一个二维list

:param values: 表格的数据,第二层每个list为一行,各list的相同位置的元素必须为同一个类型。
:type values: List[List[str | int | float]] 双层list类型

:param headings: The headings to show on the top line 表头
:type headings: List[str] 列表

:param visible_column_map: One entry for each column. False indicates the column is not shown,是否显示该列,每列一个值,False表示不显示
:type visible_column_map: List[bool]list类型

:param col_widths: Number of characters that each column will occupy 列宽:
:type col_widths: List[int],list类型
:param def_col_width: Default column width in characters 以字符表示列的宽度
:type def_col_width: (int)
:param auto_size_columns: if True columns will be sized automatically,是否自动调整列宽,如果是True,则是自动调整
:type auto_size_columns: (bool)
:param max_col_width: Maximum width for all columns in characters 以字符表示的所有列的最大宽度
:type max_col_width: (int)

5、选择类型 select_mode
:param select_mode: Select Mode. Valid values start with “TABLE_SELECT_MODE_”. Valid values are: TABLE_SELECT_MODE_NONE TABLE_SELECT_MODE_BROWSE TABLE_SELECT_MODE_EXTENDED
:type select_mode: (enum)

注:这里有三个值,none, browse, or extended none 不可选择,browse 可以单选,extended 多选


使用 select_mode = ‘browse’可以选择一列

使用 select_mode = ‘extended’可以使用shift键活ctrl键多选

行号显示,如果为True 第一列显示行号

:param display_row_numbers: if True, the first column of the table will be the row #
:type display_row_numbers: (bool)

:param num_rows: The number of rows of the table to display at a time
:type num_rows: (int)

:param row_height: height of a single row in pixels
:type row_height: (int)

:param font: specifies the font family, size, etc
:type font: str | Tuple[str, int]

:param justification: ‘left’, ‘right’, ‘center’ are valid choices
:type justification: (str)

:param text_color: color of the text
:type text_color: (str)

:param background_color: color of background
:type background_color: (str)

交替颜色设置可以使用”red” “blue” ,也可以使用十六位颜色代码
:param alternating_row_color: if set then every other row will have this color in the background.

:type alternating_row_color: (str)

选择行颜色,设置选定行的文本颜色和背景颜色。与按钮颜色元组(‘red’, ‘yellow’)或字符串’red on yellow’相同的格式。默认为主题按钮的颜色
:param selected_row_colors: Sets the text color and background color for a selected row. Same format as button colors – tuple (‘red’, ‘yellow’) or string ‘red on yellow’. Defaults to theme’s button color
:type selected_row_colors: str or (str, str)

:param header_text_color: sets the text color for the header
:type header_text_color: (str)


:param header_background_color: sets the background color for the header
:type header_background_color: (str)

:param header_font: specifies the font family, size, etc
:type header_font: str | Tuple[str, int]

:param row_colors: list of tuples of (row, background color) OR (row, foreground color, background color). Sets the colors of listed rows to the color(s) provided (note the optional foreground color)
:type row_colors: List[Tuple[int, str] | Tuple[Int, str, str]]
:param vertical_scroll_only: if True only the vertical scrollbar will be visible
:type vertical_scroll_only: (bool)
:param hide_vertical_scroll: if True vertical scrollbar will be hidden
:type hide_vertical_scroll: (bool)
:param size: DO NOT USE! Use num_rows instead
:type size: (int, int)
:param change_submits: DO NOT USE. Only listed for backwards compat – Use enable_events instead
:type change_submits: (bool)
:param enable_events: Turns on the element specific events. Table events happen when row is clicked
:type enable_events: (bool)
:param bind_return_key: if True, pressing return key will cause event coming from Table, ALSO a left button double click will generate an event if this parameter is True
:type bind_return_key: (bool)
:param pad: Amount of padding to put around element (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom))
:type pad: (int, int) or ((int, int),(int,int)) or (int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int)
:param key: Used with window.FindElement and with return values to uniquely identify this element to uniquely identify this element
:type key: str | int | tuple | object
:param k: Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.

:type k: str | int | tuple | object
:param tooltip: text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
:type tooltip: (str)
:param right_click_menu: A list of lists of Menu items to show when this element is right clicked. See user docs for exact format.

:type right_click_menu: List[List[ List[str] | str ]]
:param visible: set visibility state of the element
:type visible: (bool)
:param metadata: User metadata that can be set to ANYTHING
:type metadata: (Any)

Author: jilingxf
Title: pysimpleGui 之table使用





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