


机器所展示的与人类自然智能相当的智能被称为人工智能。计算机程序是根据人类来学习,思考和行动的。所以我们可以说我们正在使机器变得智能。最好的例子是语音识别和图像识别。不同类型的AI包括反应机器,有限的记忆,思维理论和自我意识。约翰·麦卡锡(John McCarthy)被称为人工智能之父,他首先称这个词为”人工智能”。该系统可以分析和解释数据,从数据中学习,并从由于AI的数据中得出结论。


根据人工智能之父约翰·麦卡锡(John McCarthy)的说法,”制造智能机器的科学和工程,特别是智能计算机程序”,是人工智能的定义。




Some of the activities of artificial intelligence machine design are:

  • 语音识别
  • 学习
  • 规划
  • 解决问题



Artificial intelligence has now become a very important part of information technology. This branch is designed to create intelligent machines. Artificial intelligence has high technology and professional research related to it.



The biggest problems with artificial intelligence include coding and programming certain functions of the computer, such as:

  • 知识
  • 推理
  • 解决问题
  • 知觉
  • 学习
  • 规划
  • 操纵能力



The process of transforming a computer into a computer-controlled robot or designing software that thinks and responds completely in accordance with the human way of thinking is the whole meaning of artificial intelligence.



In order to use artificial intelligence to develop intelligent systems, it is necessary to understand how the human brain works. How the brain thinks, learns, decides and operates when solving problems needs to be thoroughly studied. The resulting results must then be applied to the software in order to develop intelligent and intelligent systems.



The core concept of artificial intelligence research is knowledge engineering. Only when machines provide enough information about business and the world can they act, operate and react like humans. Therefore, it is important that artificial intelligence can access all information about the relationship between objects, categories, attributes, and all business use cases, so that machines can effectively implement knowledge engineering. However, it is difficult and tedious to endow machines with common sense, decision-making, reasoning, and problem-solving skills.




The man has been using the computer system for some time. Although machines always help human beings, human beings always want to explore these slaves more and more. This curiosity makes people wonder, “can a machine think and operate like a human?”



Therefore, in order to make machines operate and react like human beings, artificial intelligence has been developed.



  • 要创建智能和专家系统:这种发展开始制造出表现出智能行为的系统。这些机器的预期功能是学习,演示,解释和建议其用户。
  • 将人类智能灌输到机器中:创建系统并开发能够像人类一样理解、思考、学习和行为的软件。




Artificial intelligence is essentially science, technology-based on a variety of disciplines. Research areas such as computer science, biology, psychology, linguistics, mathematics and engineering.



The main goal and challenge of artificial intelligence is to develop computer functions related to attributes such as human intelligence, including reasoning, learning, response, decision-making and problem solving.



One or more of the attributes mentioned above can be used to develop smart machines.





Computational learning theory is a very clear branch of theoretical computer science. It uses mathematical analysis, which is accomplished by machine learning algorithms. The perception, response, and decision-making of the machine depends entirely on the machine’s ability to infer all aspects of the environment using inputs from various sensors. For example, computer vision analysis visual input, facial recognition, object recognition and gesture recognition are subsets of the overall analysis. Robot is another major field that has something to do with artificial intelligence. The various tasks handled by the robot are navigation and object operation. The sub-problems are positioning, mapping and motion planning.








  • 其体量巨大,超出人们想象。

    its volume is huge, beyond people’s imagination.*

  • 计划和指导方针根本没有组织好,也没有形成好。因此,很难有效地使用它。

    the plan and guidelines are not well organized or well formed at all. Therefore, it is difficult to use it effectively.*

  • 它在不断变化。因此,它必须始终更新。

    it is constantly changing. Therefore, it must always be updated.*





This is a process of organizing and using knowledge effectively in order to:

  • 信息提供者应该能够感知到它。

    the provider of information should be able to perceive it.*

  • 应易于对数据和程序进行更改,并应易于修改以纠正错误。

    it should be easy to make changes to data and programs, and should be easy to modify to correct errors.*

  • 即使程序不准确或不完整,在各种情况下也应该是有用的。

    even if the program is inaccurate or incomplete, it should be useful in a variety of situations.*

  • 鉴于使用AI的程序非常复杂,这些AI技术应该提高这些程序的执行速度,从而优化效率。



1. 游戏



Strategy games such as chess, poker and tic-tac-toe games need to evaluate real-time data. The machine should be able to think of all possible actions and should be able to weigh these options and make decisions based on heuristic knowledge. Artificial intelligence plays a vital role in these strategic games.

2. 自然语言处理


3. 专家系统



The main function of intelligent machines is to make decisions. These machines need software to accept information as input, understand it, weigh options, and draw conclusions. These machines are used to impart reasoning to a given situation. This kind of software provides users with explanations and suggestions to make informed decisions.

4. 视觉系统



Visual input is a crucial and difficult to explain form of information. Therefore, systems integrated with intelligence must read, understand, interpret and understand visual inputs and make decisions based on that information.


  • 无人机、相机或飞机拍摄照片和视频,以了解该地区的地图或查找空间信息。

    drones, cameras or aircraft take photos and videos to learn about maps of the area or to find spatial information.*

  • 临床专家系统使用内置摄像头,医生经常使用摄像头诊断患者。

    the clinical expert system uses internal cameras, and doctors often use cameras to diagnose patients.*

  • 警方调查面部识别时使用计算机软件。该程序识别嫌疑人的脸,在警察系统中以肖像模式传唤他,并向法医艺术家描述证人。

    use computer software when the police investigate facial recognition. The program recognizes the face of the suspect, who is called in portrait mode in the police system, with the description of the witness to the forensic artist.*

1. 语音识别



Some of the systems given by artificial intelligence are designed to enable them to hear sounds and understand language in order to understand the meaning of words. This understanding is not only in terms of words, but also in sentences, their meaning and tone, while human beings talk to systems in a variety of languages. The software aims to identify different accents, dialects, slang, background noise, voice modulation changes, voice changes caused by pain, cold and so on.

2. 手写识别



The software is programmed to read the text. This text can be written on paper with a pen or pencil. Text can also be located on a screen written by a mouse or using a stylus. It can read text and recognize the shape of letters and numbers, and then convert it into editable text, which can be manipulated, changed, and stored, thus increasing the speed of the process.

3. 智能机器人



A robot is a machine programmed as a slave station to perform tasks directed by the master station. They are made up of various sensors. These sensors read physical data as input from the real world. This physical data exists in the form of light, heat and temperature, motion and pressure, sound, obstacles, spatial coordinates and bumps. They are equipped with efficient processors, multiple sensors and huge storage memory. All of these are installed to demonstrate intelligence. In addition, they can adapt to the changing environment and learn from their mistakes.




  • 与人类相比,错误率要低得多。

    compared with human beings, the error rate is much lower.*

  • 人工智能系统的准确度、精确度和速度令人难以置信。

    the accuracy, accuracy and speed of artificial intelligence systems are incredible.*

  • 可以在恶劣的环境中以同样的效率工作。

    can work with the same efficiency in a harsh environment.*

  • 完成对人类构成挑战的危险任务,在不对人类造成任何人身伤害的情况下执行太空探索等任务。

    to complete dangerous tasks that pose a challenge to mankind, and to carry out missions such as space exploration without causing any physical harm to mankind.*

  • 使用这台机器时,采矿和采矿燃料变得更容易。

    Mining and mining fuel become easier when using this machine.*

  • 可以在不损失效率的情况下处理重复、单调和繁琐的任务。

    repetitive, monotonous and tedious tasks can be handled without losing efficiency.*

  • 预测和决策。
  • 发现欺诈变得更容易,特别是在基于卡的系统中。

    it becomes easier to detect fraud, especially in card-based systems.*

  • 组织和管理记录。
  • 可以建造机器宠物与人互动,帮助减少抑郁和不活动。

    robotic pets can be built to interact with people and help reduce depression and inactivity.*

  • 当机器在没有情感的情况下进行逻辑思考时,它们会做出理性的决定。

    when machines think logically without emotion, they make rational decisions.*


  • 建设、重建和维护需要熟练的专业人员,耗费大量资金和时间。

    Construction, reconstruction and maintenance require skilled professionals and cost a lot of money and time.*

  • 存储成本高昂。
  • 从内存访问和检索数据可能没有人类系统那么有效。

    accessing and retrieving data from memory may not be as effective as human systems.*

  • 机器可以通过编程学习并变得更好,但不如人类。

    machines can be programmed to learn and become better, but not as good as humans.*

  • 他们的操作范围仅限于编写的程序。

    their scope of operation is limited to the programs written.*

  • 他们永远无法获得人类拥有的创造力。

    they will never be able to acquire the creativity that human beings have.*

  • 失业是最大威胁,因智能机器的发展

    unemployment is the biggest threat because of the development of smart machines.*

  • 人类虽然懒惰,但可能变得过于依赖机器,没有充分利用自己的心理能力。

    although human beings are lazy, they may become too dependent on machines and do not make full use of their psychological abilities.*

  • 机器落入坏人手中,很容易导致破坏。

    the machine falls into the wrong hands and can easily lead to destruction.*




This is a short article about the much-hyped word “artificial intelligence”. In addition to the advantages, artificial intelligence also brings some challenges and disadvantages. It is up to the enterprise to assess whether it is necessary and profitable to invest in such technology.


这一直是什么是人工智能的指南。在这里,我们讨论了AI的应用程序,工作,优点和缺点。您还可以浏览我们的其他建议文章以了解更多信息 –


Original: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_22182989/article/details/125608361
Author: 南北极之间
Title: 什么是人工智能?





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