


Hello, everyone. I’m Liangxu, a former farmer, and now a freelancer.



As my friends know, just last week, I just finished a 35-day “vacation”.




As soon as this remark came out, it immediately set off a frenzy of comments in the comment area, and everyone asked me, aren’t you freelance? Where did you get the vacation?


这 35 天里,我的行程是这样的:广州出发 → 衡阳 → 郴州 → 长沙 → 福州 → 仙游 → 厦门 → 返回广州。



Doesn’t it look cool and free? And it is also very consistent with what freelance looks like in everyone’s mind?




Freelance should be a kind of work state that many people envy. You are not bound by time and space. You are your own boss. You do not have to be angry with your leaders or colleagues like you do in the company.



People yearn for this state of work, but to put it bluntly, it is the psychological state that they are dissatisfied with their current work, but have to go to work in the company. I can understand this psychology very well, because I was in the same state at that time.



I yearn for freelance, more because I have always had an entrepreneurial heart. Until last April, when my sideline income was several times higher than my main business, I finally left the workplace and embarked on the road of starting a business.



After freelance work, life is indeed as I expected, arrange your own time, arrange your own work, Enron, and you can also arrange your own workplace.



So, since I freelance for a year and a half, I have worked at home, at Starbucks, at a friend’s company, in the library, in a hotel, in my hometown, and so on. At the same time, I also deal with many work-related matters on subways, buses, high-speed trains, airplanes, ships, maglev trains, and so on.



所以,虽然我这 35 天在外面没少花时间在工作上,但工作效率远不及在自己租的办公室里高。因此,这 35 天我宁愿称其为是「假期」,而不是大家所理解的既可以旅游,也不影响工作。



As a matter of fact, I have been back for a week, but why is this article just published now?



The reason is very simple. When I went out for a month, I left too much work behind. I have been frantically catching up on my work since I came back.


很多人喜欢跑星巴克里去办公,觉得在星巴克里工作效率高。为了体验这种工作状态,我也约了几次自媒体大 V 挖数一起去星巴克办公。



However, after several times, I said that I had finished my work quickly, but I couldn’t calm down all the time. I didn’t do much work at the same time. My concentration is actually quite good, but in such a public place, people coming and going always make me too alert to focus on the task at hand.



Also, it basically takes a certain amount of time to get used to the new place in a different workplace. It may be human instinct to adapt to an unfamiliar environment before hunting.



However, many people are very adaptable and very suitable for public places. They can quickly adapt to anywhere and quickly enter the working state. For example, digging is one of them. He spent most of his first few years in freelance at Starbucks.

如果你觉得自己的专注力、适应能力都还算 OK ,那么还有个东西会决定你的工作效率,那就是—— 工作状态



In a work environment that you are familiar with, you can quickly get into work. If this state is maintained, the work efficiency will naturally be high. But if you work while traveling, the environment is constantly switching, and your status is also frequently switching between “travel” and “work”, it will certainly affect your productivity.



Especially if you are a programmer or a self-media practitioner like me, you need a lot of time to think, program, and write, and sometimes you may just travel back to the hotel and sit for a long time to get back to work.



If your schedule is still tight, then you may be about to move on to the next itinerary before your working state has been switched over. How can you work in this state?



That’s what I did when I was traveling in Changsha. I just went to Orange Island in the morning and wanted to write some words when I came back from the hotel, but my brain was still in the excited state of travel. I really couldn’t switch back to the mode of thinking. I sat for a long time before I wrote down a title.




Also, switching workplaces frequently can make your time fragmented. In a big city like Guangzhou, every time you go out, you start in an hour. If you need to move to another battlefield, you won’t lose it for another hour. Time has been cut apart, how to think efficiently?



So, on the whole, working in a fixed place and keeping working all the time (instead of working for two days and traveling for three days) is the most efficient.




In this way, from a workplace perspective, freelance is not as free as people think. Still want to let oneself be like in the company, always maintain the efficient work condition, the output is the highest.



That’s why I’m renting an office outside now. I have been working from home before, but there are too many distractions. From time to time, the child came to pull me and asked me to play with her; the elders would sometimes come in and sit and chat with you.



Although sometimes only for a little while, but once the working state is destroyed, sometimes it may not recover for an hour or two.



So, if you want to freelance, don’t be fooled by the word “freedom”. If you want to improve your work efficiency, I suggest you rent an office outside and commute to and from work every day like going to the company. at the same time, do not ask for frequent “leave” to go out, be sure to keep the “working state” all the time, so that your efficiency and output is the highest.

Original: https://www.cnblogs.com/yychuyu/p/15560349.html
Author: 良许Linux
Title: 不自由的自由职业





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