


Hello, everyone. I’m Liangxu, a former farmer, and now an entrepreneur.

时间飞逝,转眼就2021年年尾了,向各位「股东」们汇报一下良许的 2021 年。



Since the official account has been in operation, every year I will write a year-end summary. The first three summaries have been put below, and the officials have come to help me hit my face.


2018 年开号至今,公众号已运营 3 年半。前三年公众号的发展一路高歌猛进,顺风又顺水。而在今年,由于市场的突变,发展的势头有所放缓。



It is precisely because the development of the official account has encountered some setbacks, forcing me to begin to explore a new direction of development, so I found a new world! Next I will review from several modules of my business.







The general environment is not good to superimpose the influence of other well-known factors. The market of official accounts is very bad this year. Official account owners are having a hard time, and even many official accounts have broken or stopped.



Therefore, although the number of readers of my official account has been growing, due to the decline in business volume, the income has not increased much compared with last year.



Although this is the case in the general environment, no progress is a retrogression for me, so I am also trying to adjust my strategy and start to increase my income in other ways. And these miscellaneous income just fill the loophole of the decline of the official account.




Official account is my basic disk, and most of my energy is still focused on the operation of official account this year.



In the past, a large part of my official account readers came from mutual tweets, but mutual tweets were not a good experience for readers, so this year, I changed my strategy and greatly reduced the frequency of mutual tweets (once a month at most).

放弃互推后,我的公众号读者增长立马变缓,甚至连续很长的一段时间公众号都是负增长!年初我的公众号读者数 14W 左右,然而这个数字居然一直保持了 9 个月之久!



The market is not good, coupled with the slowdown in growth, under double pressure, I become very anxious, and even once anxious to insomnia at night! You know, my sleep has always been very good, basically as soon as I lie down and go to sleep!




So I explored a lot of projects, took some detours, and gradually focused on content creation. After a period of practice, slowly get back on track.



After the National Day, I began to write a large number of original, contribution, network-wide distribution, coupled with the recent short video, my official account finally changed from negative to positive, and re-entered the fast lane at a speed visible to the naked eye!



Although this speed is not as fast as mutual push, it is great for the reader experience! So, for the sake of the reader’s experience, I will gradually reduce the mutual push until I give up the mutual push completely.



2019 年底的时候,我开始进军视频领域,当时搞的是中视频,主要发布在 B 站。经过七八个月的运营,B 站的粉丝也达到了 1.7 W。

但是除了粉丝数的增长,B 站一直都没有给我带来较好的正反馈,于是我停更了。而这一停更,就是一年多。



I have always been optimistic about the video field, but because I did not think of a good business model, worried about the growth of official accounts, I suspended the exploration of the video field first.



In spite of this, I never gave up my exploration and research in the video field, quietly followed the dynamics of the video direction, and asked some video bosses for operational experience.

在充分了解了视频的玩法之后,11 月份时,我又开始重新杀回视频领域了!这次,我先从短视频入手,将视频分发到视频号、抖音、快手、小红书、B站、微博、YouTube 等等平台,进行全网发布。




The strategy of video distribution across the network is correct, and it often happens that a video is not popular on Douyin, and as a result, it becomes popular in Kuaishou or Little Red Book, not bright in the east and bright in the west!




My videos are all original release, planning, copywriting, shooting and editing, all by myself. So during the two months of making video, I was also very hard. (yes, I am asking for attention! )



As my video has a lot of practical information and good editing, at present, several works have exploded on different platforms. I believe it will get better and better.

接下来,短视频是我着重发展的方向,这毕竟是当前的趋势。后续我会继续更新高质量程序员相关话题,同时也会更新 Linux 从入门到入土系列(继续求关注!)。



从 5 月份开始,我基本上保持每周一次直播,主要分享副业和程序员相关的话题,教大家赚钱的方法论与工具。



In addition to short videos, live streaming is also the trend of the times. So next, my development strategy is video + live broadcast, in line with the trend of the times.

每次直播,我都会提前做好充足的准备,做好 PPT 或思维导图、写好逐字稿,认真对待每一次机会。所以,我每次的直播口碑都不错,欢迎大家关注我视频号,进我直播间和我一起唠嗑。





This year, I also put a lot of energy into the sideline operation of the planet of knowledge. This planet is jointly operated by Peter, brother Tao and me, and it is currently the only planet in the country run by three programmers.



Many bosses on the planet are invited to share the ways to make money related to the sideline, including methodology, project experience sharing, project key points, etc., all of which are shared by those who have achieved results in the project.



At the same time, bigwigs are invited to take players to training camp, including Xianyu, Xiao Hongshu, Zhihu Haowu, Douyin, Toutiao, etc., each project lasts one month, so far, a total of three training camps have been held with remarkable results.



Deliver the most results, the lowest price (face-covered expression), so our planet has a good reputation, several times ranked in the top 10 of the active list.



At present, the planet is in a state of not making money, and it is more of a feeling to help more people earn the first bucket of gold outside the sideline.




The first two years were the last golden age of the official account of programmers. The development was good and the income was OK. All my energies are focused on the operation of the official account, and I don’t explore many other platforms.



(this is also a wake-up call for yourself. It is necessary to do self-media to conform to the trend and make more preparations. It is not satisfied with your current achievements.)



The sudden change in the market this year has reduced my income, and I have been forced to jump out of my comfort zone and unlock the possibility of making more money.



A preliminary study of the main play of traffic, failure. At the beginning of the year, I began to learn the flow master’s game from a big guy. After a month of exploration, I found that this direction is not suitable for me at all. Because this project needs a lot of money, the success rate is very low at present. The reason why the boss was able to do it was because he did it early, so he confirmed the saying: it has long been an advantage!



If you find out the good things again, the results are not significant. In order to ease the anxiety of falling income, I had no choice but to start the Zhihu good things program. Although I understand that good things have passed the dividend period.



After working for a month, I can basically stabilize my income of about three or four thousand. I heard the boss say that in the current market, it will take at least three months or more to achieve more than 10,000 a month.



And this project, in my opinion, is not cumulative, and many of them are “cloud reviews”. They don’t brag about high-commission products, while low-commission products are deprecated, so I don’t like this project. I gave up after about three months of work.



Until now, I can still have dozens of yuan of passive income every day, so the long tail effect of Zhihu is still very good.

而后又分别探索了闲鱼、微头条的玩法。而这些项目一样是没有可积累性的,投入产出不成正比,对个人 IP 的打造没有较好的帮助,所以我都放弃了,专心开始做可以长期做并有积累性的项目。

所以,在后面我要做的就是围绕个人 IP 的打造,包括:公众号+知乎+视频+直播,其它的都不再浪费时间。




If I have to use one word to describe my 2021, it must be: * ups and downs * .

行情突变 → 开始走下坡路 → 焦虑 → 尝试更多变现可能 → 找到公众号新的增长方式 → 短视频有了可喜的发展势头 → 找到了适合自己的新机会



During this year, I was anxious and took detours, but I didn’t give up, but I kept exploring and bravely tried, and finally found a suitable direction for my development.



In the future, I will continue to move in this direction and forge ahead!


Original: https://www.cnblogs.com/yychuyu/p/15750638.html
Author: 良许Linux
Title: 良许跌宕起伏的2021年





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