


Contrary to popular belief, architecture is an important aspect of agile software development work, like traditional work, and a key part of extending agile methods to meet the real needs of modern organizations. However, the architecture of agile experts is slightly different from that of traditionalists. This article discusses the following issues:

  1. 迈向敏捷架构
  2. 整个生命周期中的架构
  3. 谁负责架构?
  4. 拥有”架构所有者”的角色
  5. 大规模的敏捷架构
  6. 根据需求建立您的架构
  7. 为您的架构建模
  8. 考虑几种选择
  9. 记住企业约束
  10. 旅行灯
  11. 用工作代码证明你的架构
  12. 沟通您的架构
  13. 想想未来,等待行动(推迟承诺)
  14. 采取多视图方法
  15. 这是如何运作的?
  16. 解决敏捷和架构周围的神话





Here are some ideas for you to think about:

  • 建筑没有什么特别之处。异端邪说!绝对不行。敏捷建模的谦逊价值表明,每个人对项目的价值都是平等的,所以任何担任架构师并努力工作的人都同样重要,但并不比其他人的努力更重要。是的,优秀的架构师拥有适合手头任务的专业技能,并且应该有有效应用这些技能的经验。然而,完全相同的东西可以说是好的开发人员、好的教练、好的高级管理人员等等。谦虚是建筑工作中一个重要的成功因素,因为你需要避免象牙塔的发展和队友的敌意。架构师的角色对大多数项目都是有效的,不应该由基座上的人来完成。

    nothing special about the architecture. Heresy! Absolutely not. The humble value of agile modeling shows that everyone has equal value to the project, so anyone who serves as an architect and who works hard is equally important, but no more important than the efforts of others. Yes, good architects have professional skills suitable for the task at hand and should have experience in applying these skills effectively. However, the exact same thing can be said to be good developers, good coaches, good senior managers, and so on. Modesty is an important success factor in your architectural work because you need to avoid the development of ivory towers and the hostility of your teammates. The role of the architect is valid for most projects, and it should not be done by someone on the pedestal.*

  • 你应该提防象牙塔式架构。象牙塔式架构通常由架构师或架构团队开发,与项目团队的日常开发活动相对隔离。强大的架构专家会开发并开发一个或多个模型描述了团队中的仆从为架构师建立的最佳体系结构。象牙塔架构通常是美丽的东西,通常有很多花哨的图表和精彩的视觉陈述,宣称它们是你的救赎。理论上,这通常是您的架构师的工作基础,象牙塔式架构完美地运作。然而,经验表明象牙塔架构存在重大问题。首先,”minion开发者”不太可能接受这种架构,因为他们在开发过程中没有发言权。其次,象牙塔式架构通常是未经证实的,象牙塔式架构师很少会弄脏他们编写代码的手,因此在您知道他们实际通过技术原型提供的具体反馈之前,您的项目将面临重大风险。第三,如果架构师除了模型之外什么也不做,因为你无法思考系统所需的一切,象牙塔架构将是不完整的。第四,象牙塔式架构促进了软件的过度建设,因为它们通常反映了任何系统所需的每个功能。架构师曾经参与其中,而不仅仅是您的系统实际需要的功能。
  • 每个系统都有一个架构。但是,它可能不一定具有描述该架构的架构模型。例如,一个小团队采用XP方法在同一个房间里一起工作可能没有必要对他们的系统架构进行建模,因为团队中的每个人都非常了解模型并不能为他们提供足够的价值。或者,如果存在架构模型,则通常会有一些简单的旧白板(POW)草图可能由定义的项目隐喻支持。这是因为XP的通信方面,包括结对编程和集体所有权,否定了需要在整个项目中开发和维护的架构模型的需要。其他团队 – 不遵循XP的团队,更大的团队,人员不在同一地点的团队 – 将发现他们的环境中固有的更大的沟通挑战要求他们超越口碑架构。这些团队将选择创建架构模型,以便为开发人员提供有关如何构建软件的指导。从根本上说,您执行体系结构建模的原因是为了解决开发团队成员无法实现共同愿景的风险。
  • 架构规模敏捷。传统技术也是如此。为项目制定可行且可接受的架构策略对于您的成功至关重要,尤其是在敏捷团队大规模发现的复杂情况下。扩展问题包括团队规模,法规遵从性,分布式团队,技术复杂性等(有关详细信息,请参阅软件开发上下文框架(SDCF))。一种有效的体系结构方法使您能够解决这些扩展问题。


图1描绘了敏捷模型驱动开发(AMDD)的生命周期。在”迭代0″(Disciplined Agile Delivery(DAD)中的初始阶段),您需要使项目井井有条并朝着正确的方向前进。这项工作的一部分是初步要求设想和架构设想,以便您能够回答有关项目的范围,成本,进度和技术策略的关键问题。从架构的角度来看,在迭代0期间,目标是确定您的团队的潜在技术方向以及您可能面临的任何技术风险(应通过代码证明风险来解决)。此时您不需要详细的架构规范,事实上在软件开发项目开始时创建这样的规范是一个非常大的风险。相反,在迭代期间通过在每次迭代开始时的初始迭代建模或通过在整个迭代中进行模拟计划,在实时(JIT)基础上识别细节。最终的结果是,体系结构随着时间的推移逐渐出现,最初由于更需要设置项目的基础而更快,但是随着时间的推移仍在不断发展,以反映对开发团队的更多理解和了解。这遵循小增量中的实践模型并降低项目的技术风险 – 您始终拥有一个坚实且经过验证的基础,可以从中工作。换句话说,你想要考虑未来,但等待采取行动。



图2描述了Disciplined Agile Delivery(DAD)工具包描述的敏捷/基本生命周期。DAD工具包具有本文中描述的所有体系结构策略.DAD是一种混合体,它采用来自各种来源的策略,包括敏捷建模,Scrum,XP,敏捷数据等等。实际上,DAD在处理方面做了”繁重的工作”,因为它捕获了来自这些不同方法的想法如何组合在一起。因为DAD不是规定性的,所以它支持几个生命周期。图2的生命周期是DAD基于Scrum或”基本”的敏捷交付生命周期,但它也支持精益/看板类型的生命周期和持续交付生命周期。我们的想法是,您的团队应该采用对您所面临的情况最有意义的生命周期。

图2. DAD Agile生命周期(单击以展开)。






The problem is much more complicated than you think. The answer is simple and applies to small agile teams (the vast majority), where everyone is responsible for the architecture. The practice model and others tell you that you really don’t want to work alone. Frankly, architecture is very important, no matter how smart they are, they can’t stay in the hands of one person, so architecture should be a team effort. In a small project team, such as fifteen or less, I prefer to include all developers because it allows all participants to express their views in the architecture. This increases everyone’s understanding and acceptance of the architecture because they work together as a team. When the architecture proves inadequate, it also increases the opportunity for developers to be willing to change the architecture, and it may not scale as you initially thought, because it is the architecture of the group, not just theirs. When a person develops something, it becomes “their baby” and no one likes to hear that their baby is ugly-when you find something wrong with their architecture, they may resist any criticism. When the whole team develops an architecture, people are usually more willing to reconsider their approach because it is a team problem rather than a personal one.


  • 有时人们会有不同意见。当团队不同意时,该策略可能会急剧崩溃,因此您需要具有架构所有者角色的人来促进协议的达成。

    sometimes people disagree. This strategy can collapse dramatically when the team does not agree, so you need someone with the role of architecture owner to facilitate the agreement.*

  • 它不会扩展。当您的团队规模较大或地理位置分散时,在软件开发上下文框架(SDCF)中调出的八个缩放因子中的两个,您将组织您的团队成为一个子团队。在这种情况下,大规模的架构需要协调机构。


对于任何相当复杂的系统,您需要花一些时间来构建它。您将做一些前期架构设想,让您开始朝着正确的方向前进,然后架构将需要从那里发展。许多敏捷团队发现他们需要扮演”架构所有者”角色的人,有时称为敏捷解决方案架构师。这个人通常是团队中技术最有经验的人,负责促进架构建模和演变工作。就像Scrum的产品所有者角色负责团队的要求一样,架构所有者负责团队的架构。架构所有者是Disciplined Agile(DA)工具包中的主要角色之一。



The traditional role of the architecture owner is different from that of the architect. In the past, architects often became the main creators of the architecture and were one of the few people involved. They often develop the architecture, and then “develop” it, or more accurately force its development team. The architecture owner works with the team to develop and develop the architecture. Although they are the final decision makers in terms of architecture, these decisions should be made in a collaborative manner with the team. Effective architectural owners are developers who are experienced in the technologies being used by the organization and are able to use architectural peaks to explore new strategies. They should also have a good understanding of the business area and have the necessary skills to communicate the architecture to developers and other project stakeholders.




In large agile teams, geographically dispersed agile teams, or enterprise-wide architectural work, you will need an architecture owner team or an enterprise architecture team (in agile modeling, I initially called it the core architecture team. This is a term I never really liked). Large agile teams are usually organized into smaller sub-teams, as shown in figure 3. The architecture owner of each sub-team is a member of the architecture owner team, which helps increase the opportunities for each sub-team to understand and follow the overall architecture. And increase the possibility that the overall architectural strategy meets all the needs of the overall solution. There will be an overall chief architecture owner, which may be a rotating role responsible for promoting the team.





There are four basic strategies for organizing large-scale agile teams:

  • 架构驱动的方法。使用此策略,您可以围绕架构中调出的子系统/组件组织子团队。当您的架构具有高质量(松散耦合且高度内聚)并且在子团队真正开始之前已经识别出子系统的接口时,这种策略很有效(接口会随着时间的推移而发展,但您希望获得良好的开端)在他们最初)。该策略面临的挑战是,它需要以反映架构的方式捕获您的需求。例如,如果您的体系结构基于大型业务域组件,那么一个需求应尽可能专注于单个业务域。如果您的体系结构基于技术层 – 例如具有用户界面(UI),业务和数据层的3层体系结构 – 那么如果可能,需求应该集中在单个层上。
  • 特征驱动的方法。通过此策略,每个子团队一次实现一个功能,这对涉众来说是一个有意义的功能块。我将把这个策略应用到体系结构中,以显示大量的耦合,并且您可以使用复杂的开发实践。这种方法的挑战在于,子团队经常需要访问各种源代码来实现此功能,从而冒着与其他子团队发生冲突的风险。因此,这些团队参与了复杂的变更管理、持续集成,甚至可能是并行的独立测试策略(仅举几例)。

    feature-driven method. Through this strategy, each subteam implements one function at a time, which is a meaningful functional block for stakeholders. I will apply this strategy to the architecture to show a lot of coupling, and you can use complex development practices. The challenge with this approach is that subteams often need to access a variety of source code to implement this functionality, risking conflicts with other subteams. As a result, these teams have engaged in complex change management, continuous integration, and perhaps even parallel independent testing strategies (to name a few).*

  • 开源方法。使用该策略,一个或多个子系统/组件被开发为开源的,即使它是针对单个组织的(这称为内部开源)。该策略通常用于被许多团队广泛重用的子系统/组件,例如安全框架,并且必须快速发展以满足访问/使用它们的其他系统不断变化的需求。该策略要求您采用支持开放源码方法的工具和流程。

    Open source method. Using this strategy, one or more subsystems / components are developed as open source, even if it is targeted at a single organization (this is called internal open source). This strategy is often used for subsystems / components that are widely reused by many teams, such as security frameworks, and must evolve rapidly to meet the changing needs of other systems that access / use them. This strategy requires you to adopt tools and processes that support open source methods.*

  • 其组合。大多数敏捷团队会适当地结合前三种策略。

    its combination. Most agile teams will combine the first three strategies appropriately.*


  • 想象一下最初的架构。最小的架构所有者团队负责最初的架构愿景,然后将其提交给子团队进行反馈和后续发展。对于大型项目/项目,通常有其他敏捷团队成员参与这个初始建模工作,包括产品所有者,甚至关键的项目干系人。这项工作的架构预计将持续几天,对于非常大型或复杂的项目,将持续数周。对于企业体系结构工作,企业体系结构团队通常在初始项目建模工作中包括项目级应用程序/解决方案架构师,并且通常包括高管兴趣

    imagine the initial architecture. The smallest team of architectural owners is responsible for the initial architectural vision and then brings it to the sub-team for feedback and subsequent evolution. For large projects / projects, there are usually other Agile team members involved in this initial modeling effort, including product owners and even key project stakeholders. The architecture of the work is expected to last for several days and for very large or complex projects for weeks. For enterprise architecture work, enterprise architecture teams usually include project-level application / solution architects in the initial project modeling work, and usually include executive interests*

  • 与开发团队合作。在大型项目/程序中,如图3所示,体系结构所有者团队的成员将在项目的每个子团队中扮演积极的角色,将体系结构传递给子团队,并与他们一起以特定的方式演示一些体系结构实验。对于企业架构工作,企业架构师至少会担任顾问,他们的专长是企业架构,但更好的是,他们将成为关键项目团队的活跃成员,并在这些团队中承担架构所有者的角色。由于敏捷开发的协作性,架构所有者简单地制定最初的架构愿景,或者通过偶尔回顾他们的工作来“支持”项目团队,但他们必须“卷起袖子”,成为项目团队的积极成员。这将帮助他们避免创建“象牙塔结构”,这在理论上听起来不错,但在现实世界中却不切实际。它还有助于增加项目团队实际利用体系结构的机会。

    work with the development team. In large projects / programs, as shown in figure 3, members of the architecture owner team will play an active role in each sub-team of the project, passing the architecture to the sub-teams and working with them to demonstrate some of the architecture experiments in a specific way. For enterprise architecture work, enterprise architects will at least act as consultants, and their expertise is enterprise architecture, but even better, they will become active members of key project teams and assume the role of architecture owners in these teams. Because of the collaborative nature of agile development, architecture owners simply make the initial architectural vision, or “support” the project team by occasionally reviewing their work, but they must “roll up their sleeves” and become active members of the project team. This will help them avoid creating “ivory tower structures”, which sounds good on paper but turns out to be impractical in the real world. It also helps to increase the opportunities for project teams to actually take advantage of the architecture.*

  • 将架构传达给架构利益相关者。对于项目团队,架构利益相关者包括与敏捷交付团队一起工作的产品所有者、关键项目利益相关者,以及开发团队的其他成员。这些人需要了解体系结构的愿景、已经做出的权衡以及实现体系结构的当前状态。

    communicate the architecture to architecture stakeholders. For project teams, architectural stakeholders include product owners who work with agile delivery teams, key project stakeholders, and other members of the development team. These people need to understand the vision of the architecture, the tradeoffs that have been made, and the current state of the implementation architecture.*

  • 更新建筑工作。架构所有者团队会发现他们需要偶尔聚在一起,随着项目的进展改进架构,协商架构更改,并根据需要更新架构模型(如果有的话)。这些会议将在项目开始时频繁举行,随着架构的整合,需求将会越来越少。可能不是核心体系结构团队成员的开发子团队成员出席会议提供信息,或参与一些技术原型并分享结果,这将是很常见的。最好的会议很短,通常不超过一个小时,经常站在白板周围–每个人都应该为会议做好准备,愿意参加并讨论自己的问题,并像团队一样工作。很快就做出了决定。

    update the architectural work. The architecture owner team will find that they need to get together occasionally, improve the architecture as the project progresses, negotiate schema changes, and update the schema model as needed, if any. These meetings will be held frequently at the beginning of the project, and as the architecture is consolidated, there will be less and less need. It will be common for development sub-team members who may not be members of the core architecture team to attend meetings to provide information, or to participate in some technical prototyping and share the findings. The best meetings are short, usually no more than an hour, and often stand around the whiteboard-everyone should be ready for the meeting, willing to attend and discuss their problems, and work as a team. A decision was made quickly.*






Your architecture must be based on requirements, or you will be a hacker attack, as simple as that. When identifying architectural requirements, practices involving active stakeholders are critical to your success-keep in mind that requirements come from project stakeholders, not developers. Good sources of technical architecture requirements will include your users and their direct management, because they usually have some understanding of technical requirements and constraints. Operators will certainly have requirements for your deployment architecture. The best source of business-oriented demand is what you expect-your users, their managers. Senior managers in your organization will gain insights that may lead to potential changes to the system.



As you would expect, the practice of applying the right artifacts and creating multiple models in parallel is appropriate for your architectural requirements. When you deal with the technical aspects of the architecture, you will want to be based on technical requirements, constraints, and possible change cases. Similarly, when you deal with business aspects of the architecture and may identify software subsystems or business components, you may need to focus on basic use cases or user stories that describe key usage requirements, as well as key business rules that may apply to your system.



A common mistake that architecture teams (or small projects of architecture owners) will make is to ignore existing and related artifacts, such as network or deployment diagrams that describe an organization’s existing technical infrastructure, enterprise business models (use case models, process) diagrams, workflow diagrams, company business rules, etc.), or the corporate deployment standards that your system should meet (for workstations, branch offices, etc.). Yes, existing artifacts may be outdated or not applicable to your work at all, but you should at least try to check them and make use of existing work as much as possible. Doing some reading or discussion with the right person may save you a lot of energy. In other words, don’t forget to reuse existing artifacts as much as possible.



An important concept for understanding architectural modeling is that although it usually occurs early in a project, it never comes first. Basically, you always take the time to identify some requirements. Everything else is a hacker attack, and the hacker must not be agile.


架构建模的主要目标应该是就您打算如何构建系统达成共识或理解。换句话说,你将建模以理解。我的经验是,99.999%的软件项目团队需要花一些时间来建模他们系统的架构,即使是依赖于隐喻来指导他们的开发工作的Scrum / XP团队也是如此。虽然你的XP团队正在识别你的系统的比喻,你和你的队友在开发你的初始版本时会想到好几周,但你经常会画出你认为你的系统如何工作的草图。在AM的练习放弃临时模型之后,您可能不会保留这些草图,这通常是因为它们是无法解决的想法,或者仅仅是因为您正在建模以了解问题,所以一旦您这样做,图表就不再对您有价值了。话虽如此,XP团队开发架构模型并没有错。这些模型可能就像你在公众可见的白板上留下的草图一样简单,因为虽然隐喻可以是非常有效的东西,但架构模型通常会提供团队所需的更多细节。正如您所期望的,Disciplined Agile Delivery(DAD)团队也将进行一些架构建模。


组织将犯的一个常见错误是将其架构工作建立在其组织结构上。例如,具有强大数据组的组织可能希望将数据模型作为其体系结构的主要工件,而不管系统的实际性质如何。当你有锤子专家时,每个问题看起来都像钉子一样。当您使用新技术或尝试开发组织几乎没有经验的新系统时,这个问题非常普遍 – 过去运行良好的组织结构在您的新环境中可能不再适合您。有关架构和组织结构的含义的更多信息,请参阅Conway定律的组织模式。

要创建导航图,建模工作的主要驱动力应该是假设简单。创建简单内容的做法表明您应该努力识别可能的最简单的体系结构方法 – 您的体系结构越复杂,个体开发人员不会理解它的可能性就越大,错误和崩溃的机会就越大。此外,您的架构模型应包含正确级别的信息,显示系统的各个方面如何协同工作,而不是细节(这就是设计的全部内容)遵循实践描述模型简单。您还应该使用最简单的工具来完成这项工作,很多时候,您需要使用白板草图来模拟架构的关键方面。绘图工具可以使用CASE工具。普通旧白板(POW)可以使用绘图工具。当纸张和便利贴可以使用时,请勿使用POW。



The important point is that when all your communications are face-to-face, the navigation map is usually sufficient to describe your architecture. If this is not the case, when your schema owner cannot work closely with developers (some of whom may be located remotely), you need to use documentation to supplement the diagrams.

当您进行架构建模时,您应该考虑利用可用的丰富架构模式,但您应该以有效的方式进行。”模式系统:面向模式的软件体系结构”这本书是开始学习常见体系结构模式的好地方,例如图层,管道和过滤器,代理,模型 – 视图 – 控制器和Blackboard。与分析和设计模式一样,应该按照惯例轻轻地应用模式 – 只有在明确需要时才将它们引入您的架构中。在此之前,如果您怀疑架构模式可能是合适的,那么您可能认为您将拥有需要代理的多个关键服务来源,然后对您的架构进行建模,以便在实际情况出现时应用此模式。请记住,您正在逐步开发系统,遵循小增量中的练习模型,并且您不需要在第一天就建立正确的体系结构(即使您愿意,也无法实现此目标)。




How should you organize architectural modeling? At the beginning of the project, I will typically gather the architecture team in a separate room for preliminary ideas. Ideally, this meeting will last no more than a few hours, but on some larger projects, it may last for days or even weeks (I will seriously question any effort of more than two weeks). As always, the longer the modeling session, the more likely it is to deviate from the course due to lack of feedback. The goal of this modeling meeting is to reach a preliminary agreement on the pattern of the system we are building, perhaps not consensus, but enough agreement, so that we can begin to move forward as a team.






With the exception of the latest organizations, all organizations have existing technical infrastructure. More mature organizations may include:

  • 他们试图实现的技术基础设施的“未来”愿景

    the “future” vision of the technology infrastructure they are trying to achieve*

  • 企业级标准和指南 – 用于开发,数据,用户界面,安全性等 – 项目团队应遵循的标准和指南
  • 战略重用战略,以降低整体开发和运营成本

    Strategic reuse strategy to reduce overall development and operational costs*

  • 企业架构,战略重用和/或类似的团队,负责发展和推广这些事物
  • 运营和支持组织,有时称为系统管理组织,负责在生产中运行组织的系统

    Operations and support organizations, sometimes referred to as systems management organizations, are responsible for running the organization’s systems in production*



The key is that these enterprise-level considerations provide challenges and opportunities for the development team. While it’s great to start with a clean architectural board every time you build a new system, the reality is that in most cases the strategy is inappropriate. Over the years I have seen several agile project teams because they chose to start over, claiming that their architecture emerged over time, that they had the courage to worry about tomorrow’s problems, and that they had made potential deliverable software. Regularly, and basically mocking any other Agile remarks, they think they prove their mockery. Trained teams build systems whose architecture appears in the organizational environment in which they work. They modestly realize that they cannot make all the technical decisions they want, but are limited by existing infrastructure and vision. In addition, they produce consumable solutions that can be used in organizational ecosystems.

幸运的是,企业关注的焦点也很多。通过利用现有的基础架构团队,可以更快地提供,因为他们的构建更少。通过使用现有技术,或者至少通过使用企业愿景中提到的新技术(对您的组织来说是新的),他们通过帮助最小化运营成本来降低系统的总体拥有成本(TCO)。通过遵循公司发展准则,它们有助于提高工作的一致性和质量,增加其可维护性,以便将来负责发展和维护工作。顺便说一句,软件开发上下文框架(SDCF)的企业规程扩展因子是八个中唯一的扩展因子,这使得开发团队可能更容易实现,因为这个因素远离项目级别的重点( “容易”的情况)到企业层面的焦点(”硬”情况)。



So what did you do? At a minimum, enterprise groups such as enterprise architects and operations teams are important stakeholders and should be represented by your product owners. For your enterprise architecture group, one or more of them may become active members of your development team and have the role of architecture owner. For other groups, product owners can choose to join your team as domain or technical experts as needed and on an appropriate impromptu basis.





Not sure how to create a document? It’s wrong because you can go back to the whiteboard at any time, but the time you wasted creating artifacts you don’t need or adding unnecessary details to the artifacts is gone forever. Your goal should be to consider the key issues facing the project team (or the organization or even the industry, depending on your scope), and should not create a large number of documents. The principle of maximizing shareholders’ return on investment tells you to focus on high-value activities, such as solving difficult problems as a team and achieving a common vision. Again, it tells you to avoid low-value activities, such as writing detailed documentation or developing charts with good scores. These activities are often reassuring because they provide the illusion of progress, and if you try to avoid dealing with thorny problems, they will provide you with a source of digression, but in fact they are rarely as effective as you think. because other people rarely see more than the author. Principled software is your primary goal, which means that you should model your architecture until you think you have a viable strategy, at which point you should continue to develop software rather than documentation.



When do you want to document the architecture? In my opinion, there are two examples that make it “agile”. First, documentation is an option when you have a distributed development team and can’t find a more effective way to communicate, such as face-to-face conversation. Second, at the end of the project, you want to leave enough documentation so that others can learn about your method later. The reality is that it is very difficult, if not impossible, to record everything in the code for a fairly complex system. Sometimes the best place to describe your architecture is a brief overview document. This document should focus on explaining key aspects of your architecture, which may be captured by your navigation map, which may include a summary of key architectural requirements and an explanation of the key decisions behind the “suspicious” aspects you have made. As always, if you are creating a schema document, it should be incremented by a positive value and ideally executed in the most efficient way.










There are two main audiences, and the communication of your architecture is important: your development team and project stakeholders. To facilitate communication between your development teams, I firmly believe that you should follow all the architecture diagrams of the publicly displayed model, because a tightly confidential architecture is not an architecture, it is just a futile self-exercise. I have been involved in several projects, and we have successfully maintained a whiteboard dedicated to architectural diagrams that are publicly displayed to every developer in the project and anyone else who happens to walk by. We also allow anyone who wants to add comments or suggestions to the chart in accordance with the principles of open and honest communication and the practice of collective ownership, because we want them to give feedback on our work. We have nothing to hide and trust, and others are willing to help us (they do).



At the beginning of the project, which is less frequent throughout the project, you often find that you need to make the diagrams “look beautiful” so that you can present them to your project stakeholders. Your stakeholders want to know what is and what approach you intend to take to determine whether you are investing resources wisely, which means that you need to build models to communicate and locate some of your models so that others can understand them. This may mean that you need to take the time to clean up the models so that they can be rendered and to document an overview of them. To remain as flexible as possible, purposeful model principles tell you that you should know exactly who you are developing models for and for whom they will use them so that you can focus on the minimum effort you need. Demonstrating to key project stakeholders often annoys and distracts developers, which is critical to the success of the project because they provide you with the opportunity to get project support and the resources you need. In addition, you can increase the importance of stakeholders that allow you to actively participate in the project (if you do not have available stakeholders, you cannot follow the practice of active stakeholder participation).



Be prepared to communicate your architecture in your presentation, and there is no reason why you can’t keep your presentation agile.



  • 很难估计你正在生产的东西的实际价值。你没有专注于满足今天的需求,所以你不会给你的用户带来直接的价值。我参与了几个项目,在过去的几个月里,在前几个季度的几个案例中,我们专注于开发一个通用的基础设施(持久性框架、消息传递框架等)。构建技术上有趣的东西当然很有趣,但它们对我们的用户毫无价值。

    it is difficult to estimate the actual value of what you are producing. You are not focused on meeting today’s needs, so that you will not bring direct value to your users. I’ve been involved in several projects, and in the last few months, in a few cases, in the first few quarters, we focused on developing a common infrastructure (persistence framework, messaging framework, etc.). We certainly have a lot of fun building things that are technically interesting, but they are of no value to our users.*

  • 你是在猜测。你真的不知道你是否需要你正在建造的东西–当一辆大众就足够的时候,你可能正在建造一辆保时捷。

    you’re guessing. You really don’t know if you even need anything you’re building-you may be building a Porsche when a Volkswagen is enough.*

  • 你增加了维护负担。您今天过度建造的任何东西都需要在项目的整个生命周期中进行测试和维护,这违反了Travel Light的原则。
  • 尚不清楚在多大程度上需要测试当你过度建造一些东西时,唯一准确验证它的方法是通过虚构的反馈–没有人要求你过度建造任何东西,所以没有人可以验证你的工作。此外,大多数开发团队测试风险,但如果您猜测需求,您也会猜测风险级别。

    it is not clear to what extent it needs to be tested. When you overbuild something, the only way to accurately verify it is through fictional feedback-no one asks you to overbuild anything, so no one can verify your work. In addition, most development teams test the risk, but if you guess the requirements, you also guess the risk level.*



So how can you be smart about all this? Although you don’t want to overbuild the system based on future / mythological requirements, there is no problem thinking about the future. This is a two-phase strategy:

  • 初始建模。做一些初步的架构,设想思考问题,探索关键概念,从而让你朝着正确的方向前进。这并不意味着您需要创建大量的架构文档,尽管您可能会进行一些建模,是的,egads!,甚至可以创建足够的架构文档来满足您的需求。
  • 推迟设计决定。精益软件开发的原则之一是将承诺推迟到决策的最后时刻,从而增加您的灵活性和成功的机会。

    postpone design decisions. One of the principles of lean software development is to postpone the commitment to the last possible moment of your decision, thereby increasing your flexibility and your chances of success.*

一个有趣的策略是变更案例建模。变更案例用于描述系统的新潜在要求或对现有要求的修改。变更案例是您未来可能需要或可能不需要支持的要求,但您今天绝对不需要支持。变更案例通常是与项目利益相关者进行头脑风暴的结果,其中诸如”业务如何变化?”等问题。”什么立法可以改变?” “你的竞争对手在做什么?”和”还有谁可能会使用该系统以及如何使用?”在技术方面,开发人员经常会提出诸如”什么技术可以改变?”等基本问题。和”我们需要与哪些系统进行交互?”这将导致识别变更案例。变更案例应该是现实的,例如”我们为银行进入保险业务”或”我们需要支持我们系统中的[INSERT FLASHY NEW TECHNOLOGY]”是合理的变更案例,但”我们的销售人员被不明飞行物绑架” “T。此外,变更案例通常描述的要求与您当前正在处理的要求相当不同,这些要求可能会导致重大的返工。通过识别变更案例,您现在可以智能地选择看起来与架构或设计决策相同的内容。当您的当前要求不足以帮助您在备选方案之间进行选择时,您应该只将相关的变更案例纳入决策过程。另一个优点是你现在可以向你的项目利益相关者解释为什么你选择一种方法而不是另一种方法,因为我想说你有一个故事要讲。但是,我不能强调改变案例不应该被用作为你的系统镀金的借口。保持敏捷,不要过度构建系统。那么当你认为你有一个你真正相信现在需要实施的变革案例时,你会怎么做?简单 – 与项目利益相关者讨论。询问他们是否立即要求变更案例,如果是,则相应地采取行动。如果这不是一个直接的要求,那么接受这个事实并继续前进。永远不要忘记项目利益相关者有责任确定需求的优先级,而不是您的需求。



Will future modeling be compromised? This is a landslide because I suspect that if you model it then you are more likely to build it. I believe that this requires strict discipline and do not overbuild, because once you capture it as a series of bubbles and lines, it is easy to convince yourself that there is no harm in overbuilding once. As has been said, there is nothing wrong with making discarded sketches when discussing a change case, just don’t over-model any model you intend to keep.


敏捷建模的多模型原则建议您认识到,因为现代系统很复杂,您需要考虑架构中的一系列视图。虽然它们采用不同的方法,但多视图策略是现代架构框架中的基本概念,例如Zachman框架,TOGAF,4 + 1等。这些框架中的每一个都有很好的理由来选择视图,它们在实践中似乎都运行良好,它们都可以灵活地进行处理,所以我的建议是检查您的选项并选择最能反映出来的架构框架。您组织的文化。我的目标不是提出另一个架构框架,而是让您了解它们及其基本概念。图6概述了软件/系统架构师需要关注的视图和关注点(通常称为服务质量要求)。




  • 用法/业务流程
  • 用户界面
  • 系统界面
  • 网络
  • 部署
  • 硬件
  • 数据存储
  • 数据传输
  • 活动
  • 代码/组件分发
  • 功能/逻辑/服务


  • 分层/分区
  • 重用
  • 质量和验证
  • 准确性和及时性
  • 可靠性、可用性、可维护性和性能

    Reliability, availability, maintainability and performance*

  • 环境(绿色计算问题)
  • 定制点
  • 可消耗性(包括(de)安装的简易性,支持级别,可用性,……)
  • 并发
  • 安全
  • 国际化
  • 条例
  • 维护,操作和支持问题



This means that anyone in the role of an architect needs to have a wide range of skills to work, and they need to get rid of the traditional philosophy of over-specialization and be more of a generalized expert. At a minimum, they should change from simple data architects, security architects, or network architects to architects. Just being an architect can be too professional, but it depends on the situation. Real professionals strive to have a wide range of skills and one or more majors.






Architects are highly respected and are often placed on the pedestal, or even worse, on the pedestal





Agile architects will humbly admit that they are not walking on water.



The architect is too busy to develop it himself.



Agile architects are active members of the development team, developing software in the right place and acting as architectural consultants for the team



The architecture model is robust and can meet future needs.



Agile architects should humbly admit that they cannot predict the future, but should have the courage to believe that they can solve tomorrow’s problems.



The goal is to develop a comprehensive architecture early in the project.



You evolve your architecture incrementally and iteratively, allowing it to emerge over time



A well-documented architectural model is required



Travel light, focus on a navigation map that outlines the architecture, and record enough information to communicate with the target audience




Architectural models are publicly displayed, even if they are ongoing work to facilitate feedback from others



Conduct an architecture review to validate the model before putting the model into use



The structure is verified by concrete test.




I want to end this article by solving some common myths that I still encounter when working with organizations around the world.

  • 敏捷的人不做架构。我的希望是,这篇文章将坚定地把这个神话放在一边。

    Agile people do not do architecture. My hope is that this article will put this myth firmly aside.*

  • 您需要进行详细的前期架构建模。您应该进行一些前期架构建模,以确定您的一般技术策略,识别您可能遇到的潜在技术挑战,并帮助您在团队中围绕技术方向达成共识。关键是你不需要很多细节来实现这些目标。采用”大型模型预测(BMUF)”方法是一种选择,这种方法在理论上听起来很棒,特别是如果你是一名专业建模师,但在实践中通常被证明是一个相当差的人。BMUF战略导致糟糕的决策和解决方案不太可能满足利益相关者的实际需求,降低您支持不断变化的需求的能力,并导致士气低落。
  • 建筑师对建筑负责。尽管许多组织选择支持主要负责建筑活动的专业建筑师,但这在实践中被证明是一个相当糟糕的选择,因为开发人员可能会将建筑师视为“象牙塔”,并经常选择忽视他们。正如您在本文中看到的,有效的架构策略本质上是协作的,而不是专制的。

    the architect is responsible for the architecture. Although many organizations choose to support professional architects who are primarily responsible for architectural activities, this turns out to be a pretty bad choice in practice, because developers may regard architects as “ivory towers” and often choose to ignore them. As you can see in this article, effective architectural strategies are collaborative rather than autocratic in nature.*



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Original: https://blog.51cto.com/jiagoushipro/5560366
Author: 超级架构师
Title: 「敏捷模型」敏捷架构:规模化敏捷开发的策略





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