
因为最近想总结一下闭包和装饰器,有点细节总是理不顺,于是找了一下B站上播放量大的,其中一个下面评论很多都说讲的很好,但是我听了一下,关于闭包的地方讲解的就有明显错误。与fluent python和effective python上有矛盾,其实python cookbook上也没说一定是函数作为参数,只是说可以。但是B站有些视频讲解时,竟然说闭包一定是传入的参数是函数,其实这个就差远了。所以大家看一些东西时,最好还是看经典教材,毕竟网上一些讲解的视频,没有经过审核,再者讲解者自身水平参差不齐。


fluent python 2nd中关于闭包的说法。

A closure is a function-let’s call it f – with an extend scope that encompasses variables referenced in the body of f that are not global variables nor local variables of f. Such variables must come from the local scope of an outer function which encompasses f. It does not matter whether the function is anonymous or not; what matters is that it can access nonglobal variables that are defined outside of its body.

闭包是一个函数 f +一个/些变量,这些变量在闭包内引用,但是不是global变量也不是f的局部变量。这些变量必须来自包含函数f的外部函数的局部区域。函数是不是匿名函数无所谓,关键是f可以访问那些定义在 f 外部的非全局变量。书中给了一个图例,很清晰,到底什么是闭包。




python;gutter:true; def make_averager(): count = 0 total = 0 def averager(new_value): nonlocal count,total count += 1 total += new_value return total/count return averager # 返回的是函数,带括号返回的函数运行结果</p> <p>avg = make_averager() # an object of function make_averager print(avg.<strong>name</strong>) # the name is averager avg(10) avg(11) res = avg(13) res = avg(14) print(res)</p> <pre><code> 闭包外的函数传入的参数也可以是函数。这种形式是很多装饰器的基本形式。 ;gutter:true;
def f(n):
return n**2

def make_averager(func):
count = 0
total = 0
def averager(new_value):
nonlocal count,total
count += 1
res = func(new_value)
total += res
return total/count
return averager # 返回的是函数,带括号返回的函数运行结果

avg = make_averager(f) # an object of function make_averager
print(avg.__name__) # the name is averager
res = avg(3)
res = avg(4)





python;gutter:true; ''' 虽然这么用不太好,但是也算是可以的。所以装饰器和闭包之间是什么关系呢? 有没有一目了然呢? '''</p> <p>def make_averager(func): count = 0 total = 0 def averager(new_value): nonlocal count,total count += 1 res = func(new_value) total += res return total/count return averager # 返回的是函数,带括号返回的函数运行结果</p> <p>@make_averager def f(n): return n**2</p> <p>''' the decorator can be detailed below: def f(n): return n**2 avg = make_averager(f) # an object of function make_averager</p> <p>''' print(f.<strong>name</strong>) f(10) f(20)</p> <pre><code> 那么下面看看装饰器常常用的情形,就是计时统计和日志记录。 ;gutter:true;
the free vairable is func
here the inner function clocked() can call func and

import time

def clock(func):
def clocked(*args):
t0 = time.perf_counter()
result = func(*args)
elapsed = time.perf_counter() – t0
name = func.__name__
arg_lst = []
if args:
arg_lst.append(‘, ‘.join(repr(arg) for arg in args))
arg_str = ‘, ‘.join(arg_lst)
print(f'[{elapsed:0.8f}s] {name}({arg_str}) -> {result!r}’)
return result
return clocked

def factorial(n):
return 1 if n < 2 else n*factorial(n-1)
def factorial(n):
return 1 if n < 2 else n*factorial(n-1)
factorial = clock(factorial)

if __name__ == ‘__main__’:
print(‘*’ * 20, ‘Calling factorial(6)’)
print(‘6! =’, factorial(6))


python;gutter:true; import time</p> <p>def clock(func): def clocked(<em>args): t0 = time.perf_counter() result = func(</em>args) elapsed = time.perf_counter() - t0 name = func.<strong>name</strong> arg_lst = [] if args: arg_lst.append(', '.join(repr(arg) for arg in args)) arg_str = ', '.join(arg_lst) print(arg_str) print(f'[{elapsed:0.8f}s] {name}({arg_str}) -> {result!r}') return result return clocked</p> <p>''' decorator '''</p> <h1>@clock</h1> <p>def factorial(n): return 1 if n < 2 else n<em>factorial(n-1) ''' def factorial(n): return 1 if n < 2 else n</em>factorial(n-1) factorial = clock(factorial) '''</p> <p>if <strong>name</strong> == '<strong>main</strong>': # print('*' * 20, 'Calling factorial(6)') print('6! =', factorial(6)) # 6! = 720</p> <pre><code> 日志记录例子也差不多,想记录日志就加上装饰器,不想用就注释掉。 ;gutter:true;
from functools import wraps
import logging

def logged(level, name=None, message=None):
Add logging to a function. level is the logging
level, name is the logger name, and message is the
log message. If name and message aren’t specified,
they default to the function’s module and name.

def decorate(func):
logname = name if name else func.__module__
log = logging.getLogger(logname)
logmsg = message if message else func.__name__

def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
log.log(level, logmsg)
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
return decorate

Example use
def add(x, y):
return x + y

def plus(x, y):
return x * y

@logged(logging.CRITICAL, ‘example’)
def spam():
print(‘Spam log test!’)




参考:fluent python 2nd, effective python, python cookbook

Original: https://www.cnblogs.com/jianyingzhou/p/15949968.html
Author: caoeryingzi
Title: 闭包和装饰器的关系





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