Sublime text 4 + Anaconda3 + conda配置Python开发环境(记录)

一、下载安装sublime text 4

下载地址为 :Sublime Text – Text Editing, Done Right Sublime text 4 + Anaconda3 + conda配置Python开发环境(记录); 安装过程不在赘述。



Anaconda | The World’s Most Popular Data Science Platform Sublime text 4 + Anaconda3 + conda配置Python开发环境(记录);

Sublime text 4 + Anaconda3 + conda配置Python开发环境(记录)

Sublime text 4 + Anaconda3 + conda配置Python开发环境(记录)


在Sublime Text 4中安装Anaconda插件并配置自己的环境


Sublime text 4 + Anaconda3 + conda配置Python开发环境(记录)
    "python_interpreter":"d:\\anaconda3\\python.exe",     //实际安装路径


Sublime text 4 + Anaconda3 + conda配置Python开发环境(记录)
// Default Windows settings for sublime-text-conda:
    // executable is the path to anaconda's python
    // this python executable is used in order to find conda
    "executable": "D:\\anaconda3\\python.exe",

    // Directory in which the conda envs are stored
    // Default location is the user's home directory
    "environment_directory": "D:\\anaconda3\\envs",

    // System architecture for Python installation
    // options: 32 or 64 bit
    "architecture": "64",

    // configuration is the path to conda's configuration file
    "configuration": "C:\\Users\\ChenGuang\\.condarc",

    // when true, the scripts will be run through the shell
    // If your code has a GUI (e.g. a matplotlib plot),
    // this needs to be true, otherwise Windows suppresses it.

    "run_through_shell": true,

    // when true, the script execution will be handed over to
    // the pythonw executable, instead of python
    "use_pythonw": false,

    // open repl in second row tab below current file,
    // closing any existing tabs in that area
    // assumes files are kept in group 0 (typical)
    "repl_open_row": false,

    // when opening a repl using repl_open_row, close any
    // existing conda repls in the second row first
    "repl_row_close_existing": false,

    // save the current file (if dirty) when opening repl
    "repl_save_dirty": true,

    // syntax highlighting for Open REPL command
    // choice between 'python' and 'plaintext'
    "repl_syntax": "python"

注:配置文件.condarc 是第一次运行conda config时,自动创建在用户目录下的隐藏文件

Sublime text 4 + Anaconda3 + conda配置Python开发环境(记录)


Sublime text 4 + Anaconda3 + conda配置Python开发环境(记录)

Sublime text 4 + Anaconda3 + conda配置Python开发环境(记录)

Author: Chen_陈某人
Title: Sublime text 4 + Anaconda3 + conda配置Python开发环境(记录)





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