可解释性研究 -LRP-for-LSTM


LRP算法也是可解释算法的一种,全称Layer-wise Relevance Propagation,原始LRP算法主要是应用在CV等领域,针对NLP中通过Word2Vec等手段将token转化为分布式词向量并通过RNN向量化文档的可解释手段真不多。LIME虽然可以针对文本数据进行解释,但适用场景是tf-idf或者bag-of-word这种词向量,向量中一个维度代表一个词。

这里参考的论文是Explaining Recurrent Neural Network Predictions in Sentiment Analysis,作者将LRP算法扩展到LSTM中,这里应用的任务是一个5分类情感任务,输入一个词序列,输出这句话属于哪个类别,LRP算法输出序列中哪几个词是重点。





可解释性研究 -LRP-for-LSTM

这里模型每一个时间步的输出为 h t h_t h t ​,从t – 1时刻到t时刻可以用 C t , h t = L S T M C e l l ( C t − 1 , h t − 1 , x t ) C_t, h_t = LSTMCell(C_{t – 1}, h_{t – 1}, x_t)C t ​,h t ​=L S T M C e l l (C t −1 ​,h t −1 ​,x t ​) 表示,x t x_t x t ​ 是输入向量,W f , W i , W o , W g , b f , b i , b o , b g W_f, W_i, W_o, W_g, b_f, b_i, b_o, b_g W f ​,W i ​,W o ​,W g ​,b f ​,b i ​,b o ​,b g ​ 均为模型参数(模型参数写法有很多种,作者代码实现的就有些区别)。

  • x t ∈ R e x_t \in R^e x t ​∈R e
  • h t ∈ R d h_t \in R^d h t ​∈R d
  • C t ∈ R d C_t \in R^d C t ​∈R d
  • W f , W i , W o , W g ∈ R ( d + e ) × d W_f, W_i, W_o, W_g \in R^{(d + e) \times d}W f ​,W i ​,W o ​,W g ​∈R (d +e )×d
  • b f , b i , b o , b g ∈ R d b_f, b_i, b_o, b_g \in R^d b f ​,b i ​,b o ​,b g ​∈R d
  • f t , i t , g t , o t ∈ R d f_t, i_t, g_t, o_t \in R^d f t ​,i t ​,g t ​,o t ​∈R d


  • ∣ ∣ ||∣∣ 表示concat操作,∣ ∣ ( h t − 1 , x t ) = [ h t − 1 ; x t ] ||(h_{t – 1}, x_t) = [h_{t – 1};x_t]∣∣(h t −1 ​,x t ​)=[h t −1 ​;x t ​]
  • σ \sigma σ 表示sigmoid,箭头线带2个参数+sigmoid表示σ ( W . [ h t − 1 ; x t ] + b ) \sigma(W.[h_{t – 1};x_t] + b)σ(W .[h t −1 ​;x t ​]+b )
  • t a n h tanh t a n h 表示tanh激活函数
    • ++ 表示向量加法
  • × \times × 表示向量乘法,这里相乘的元素都是1维向量,计算结果是对应位置的元素相乘,依旧是1维向量,比如[ 1 , 2 , 3 ] × [ 4 , 5 , 6 ] = [ 4 , 10 , 18 ] [1,2,3] \times [4, 5, 6] = [4, 10, 18][1 ,2 ,3 ]×[4 ,5 ,6 ]=[4 ,1 0 ,1 8 ]


  • f t = σ ( W f . [ h t − 1 ; x t ] + b f ) f_t = \sigma(W_f.[h_{t – 1}; x_t] + b_f)f t ​=σ(W f ​.[h t −1 ​;x t ​]+b f ​)
  • i t = σ ( W i . [ h t − 1 ; x t ] + b i ) i_t = \sigma(W_i.[h_{t – 1}; x_t] + b_i)i t ​=σ(W i ​.[h t −1 ​;x t ​]+b i ​)
  • g t = t a n h ( W g . [ h t − 1 ; x t ] + b g ) g_t = tanh(W_g.[h_{t – 1}; x_t] + b_g)g t ​=t a n h (W g ​.[h t −1 ​;x t ​]+b g ​)
  • o t = σ ( W o . [ h t − 1 ; x t ] + b o ) o_t = \sigma(W_o.[h_{t – 1}; x_t] + b_o)o t ​=σ(W o ​.[h t −1 ​;x t ​]+b o ​)
  • C t = C t − 1 × f t + i t × g t C_t = C_{t – 1} \times f_t + i_t \times g_t C t ​=C t −1 ​×f t ​+i t ​×g t ​
  • h t = o t × t a n h ( C t ) h_t = o_t \times tanh(C_t)h t ​=o t ​×t a n h (C t ​)

针对双向LSTM,假设输入序列长度为 T T T,那么最终输出 c c c
c = W l e f t . h l e f t T + W r i g h t . h r i g h t T c = W_{left} . h_{left}^T + W_{right}. h_{right}^T c =W l e f t ​.h l e f t T ​+W r i g h t ​.h r i g h t T ​

  • c ∈ R C c \in R^C c ∈R C,C C C 为类别数
  • W l e f t , W r i g h t ∈ R C × d W_{left}, W_{right} \in R^{C \times d}W l e f t ​,W r i g h t ​∈R C ×d

; 1.2.作者代码

class LSTM_bidi:
    def __init__(self, model_path='./model/'):
        Load trained model from file.


        f_voc = open(model_path + "vocab", 'rb')
        self.voc  = pickle.load(f_voc)

        self.E    = np.load(model_path + 'embeddings.npy', mmap_mode='r')

        f_model   = open(model_path + 'model', 'rb')
        model     = pickle.load(f_model)

        self.Wxh_Left  = model["Wxh_Left"]
        self.bxh_Left  = model["bxh_Left"]
        self.Whh_Left  = model["Whh_Left"]
        self.bhh_Left  = model["bhh_Left"]

        self.Wxh_Right = model["Wxh_Right"]
        self.bxh_Right = model["bxh_Right"]
        self.Whh_Right = model["Whh_Right"]
        self.bhh_Right = model["bhh_Right"]

        self.Why_Left  = model["Why_Left"]
        self.Why_Right = model["Why_Right"]

这里作者实现的是 双向LSTM,一个left,一个right,我们只关注其中一个,left。可以看到作者这里并没有定义concat操作,而是对参数进行了重组,之前的 W f , W i , W g , W o W_f, W_i, W_g, W_o W f ​,W i ​,W g ​,W o ​ 重组成了 W x h W_{xh}W x h ​ 和 W h h W_{hh}W h h ​,一个用来与 x t x_t x t ​ 运算一个用来与 h t − 1 h_{t – 1}h t −1 ​ 运算。W x h W_{xh}W x h ​ 包括了 W f , W i , W g , W o W_f, W_i, W_g, W_o W f ​,W i ​,W g ​,W o ​ 中与 x t x_t x t ​ 运算的部分而 W h h W_{hh}W h h ​ 包括了与 h t − 1 h_{t – 1}h t −1 ​ 运算的部分。

    def forward(self):
        Standard forward pass.

        Compute the hidden layer values (assuming input x/x_rev was previously set)
        T = len(self.w)
        d = int(self.Wxh_Left.shape[0]/4)

        idx = np.hstack((np.arange(0,d), np.arange(2*d,4*d))).astype(int)
        idx_i, idx_g, idx_f, idx_o = np.arange(0,d), np.arange(d,2*d), np.arange(2*d,3*d), np.arange(3*d,4*d)

        self.gates_xh_Left = np.zeros((T, 4*d))
        self.gates_hh_Left = np.zeros((T, 4*d))
        self.gates_pre_Left = np.zeros((T, 4*d))
        self.gates_Left = np.zeros((T, 4*d))

        self.gates_xh_Right = np.zeros((T, 4*d))
        self.gates_hh_Right = np.zeros((T, 4*d))
        self.gates_pre_Right= np.zeros((T, 4*d))
        self.gates_Right = np.zeros((T, 4*d))

        for t in range(T):
            self.gates_xh_Left[t] = np.dot(self.Wxh_Left, self.x[t])
            self.gates_hh_Left[t] = np.dot(self.Whh_Left, self.h_Left[t-1])
            self.gates_pre_Left[t] = self.gates_xh_Left[t] + self.gates_hh_Left[t] + self.bxh_Left + self.bhh_Left
            self.gates_Left[t,idx] = 1.0/(1.0 + np.exp(- self.gates_pre_Left[t,idx]))
            self.gates_Left[t,idx_g] = np.tanh(self.gates_pre_Left[t,idx_g])
            self.c_Left[t] = self.gates_Left[t,idx_f]*self.c_Left[t-1] + self.gates_Left[t,idx_i]*self.gates_Left[t,idx_g]
            self.h_Left[t] = self.gates_Left[t,idx_o]*np.tanh(self.c_Left[t])

            self.gates_xh_Right[t] = np.dot(self.Wxh_Right, self.x_rev[t])
            self.gates_hh_Right[t] = np.dot(self.Whh_Right, self.h_Right[t-1])
            self.gates_pre_Right[t] = self.gates_xh_Right[t] + self.gates_hh_Right[t] + self.bxh_Right + self.bhh_Right
            self.gates_Right[t,idx] = 1.0/(1.0 + np.exp(- self.gates_pre_Right[t,idx]))
            self.gates_Right[t,idx_g] = np.tanh(self.gates_pre_Right[t,idx_g])
            self.c_Right[t] = self.gates_Right[t,idx_f]*self.c_Right[t-1] + self.gates_Right[t,idx_i]*self.gates_Right[t,idx_g]
            self.h_Right[t] = self.gates_Right[t,idx_o]*np.tanh(self.c_Right[t])

        self.y_Left  = np.dot(self.Why_Left,  self.h_Left[T-1])
        self.y_Right = np.dot(self.Why_Right, self.h_Right[T-1])
        self.s = self.y_Left + self.y_Right

        return self.s.copy()

这里重点看 for循环,并且只关注left结尾的变量。

  • for循环第4句 self.gates_Left[t,idx] = 1.0/(1.0 + np.exp(- self.gates_pre_Left[t,idx])) 对应f t = σ ( W f . [ h t − 1 ; x t ] + b f ) f_t = \sigma(W_f.[h_{t – 1}; x_t] + b_f)f t ​=σ(W f ​.[h t −1 ​;x t ​]+b f ​) ,i t = σ ( W i . [ h t − 1 ; x t ] + b i ) i_t = \sigma(W_i.[h_{t – 1}; x_t] + b_i)i t ​=σ(W i ​.[h t −1 ​;x t ​]+b i ​) 和o t = σ ( W o . [ h t − 1 ; x t ] + b o ) o_t = \sigma(W_o.[h_{t – 1}; x_t] + b_o)o t ​=σ(W o ​.[h t −1 ​;x t ​]+b o ​)。
  • 第5句 self.gates_Left[t,idx_g] = np.tanh( self.gates_pre_Left[t,idx_g] ) 对应g t = t a n h ( W g . [ h t − 1 ; x t ] + b g ) g_t = tanh(W_g.[h_{t – 1}; x_t] + b_g)g t ​=t a n h (W g ​.[h t −1 ​;x t ​]+b g ​)。



在NLP任务中,每个词会首先用分布式词向量向量化,因此传统的给每个特征分配权值的方式在这里不太适用,作者这里针对每个词分配权重,计算方式就是将词向量的每个维度的权值相加,比如输入序列shape [ 8 , 60 ] [8 , 60][8 ,6 0 ],8个词,每个词向量60维。LRP算法计算结果shape = [ 8 , 60 ] [8, 60][8 ,6 0 ],经过一个sum之后成了 [8,],即为每个词分配权值。

作者认为LSTM和GRU中存在2种运算,Weighted Connections和Multiplicative Interactions

2.2.1.Weighted Connections

下图红框展现上面LSTM图中的Weighted Connections部分

可解释性研究 -LRP-for-LSTM

Weighted Connections中基础运算依旧是 y = σ ( W . x + b ) y = \sigma(W.x + b)y =σ(W .x +b ),这里作者避免显式引入非线性激活函数,所以在论文中很多公式没有带激活函数,但是, 如果有激活函数,那么激活值采用激活函数之后的。假设前向计算有 z j = ∑ i z i . ω i j + b j z_j = \sum_i z_i. \omega_{ij} + b_j z j ​=∑i ​z i ​.ωi j ​+b j ​,这里如果引入激活函数,z j z_j z j ​ 就是被激活函数激活后的值,i i i 是 j j j 的前置神经元,LRP针对 j j j 的relevance计算结果为 R j R_j R j ​,那么 j → i j \rightarrow i j →i 的relevance 。

R i ← j = z i . ω i j + ϵ . s i g n ( z i ) + δ . b j N z j + ϵ . s i g n ( z j ) . R j R_{i \leftarrow j} = \frac{z_i.\omega_{ij} + \frac{\epsilon . sign(z_i) + \delta.b_j}{N}}{z_j + \epsilon.sign(z_j)}.R_j R i ←j ​=z j ​+ϵ.s i g n (z j ​)z i ​.ωi j ​+N ϵ.s i g n (z i ​)+δ.b j ​​​.R j ​

R i = ∑ j R i ← j R_i = \sum_j R_{i \leftarrow j}R i ​=j ∑​R i ←j ​

这里作者设置 ϵ = 0.001 , δ = 1.0 , N \epsilon = 0.001, \delta = 1.0, N ϵ=0 .0 0 1 ,δ=1 .0 ,N 是对应神经网络层拥有的神经元数量,s i g n sign s i g n 函数就是非负转1,负转-1的函数。

这里记 R j → R i R_j \rightarrow R_i R j ​→R i ​ 为 L L LL L L (LRP_Linear)

; 2.2.2.Multiplicative Interactions

Multiplicative Interactions这个概念要和RNN中门的概念结合起来,下面红框框出的是Multiplicative Interactions部分。

可解释性研究 -LRP-for-LSTM
LSTM和GRU中还有一种计算: z j = z g . z s z_j = z_g . z_s z j ​=z g ​.z s ​。通常称为门,上图红框框出的部分,通常一个操作数值在 [ 0 , 1 ] [0, 1][0 ,1 ] 之间(连接sigmoid),起到一个门的作用,作者称之为 gate neuron z g z_g z g ​,另一个称为 source neuron z s z_s z s ​。
  • 在C t − 1 × f t C_{t – 1} \times f_t C t −1 ​×f t ​ 中,f t f_t f t ​ 为z g z_g z g ​,C t − 1 C_{t – 1}C t −1 ​ 为z s z_s z s ​。
  • 在i t × g t i_t \times g_t i t ​×g t ​ 中,i t i_t i t ​ 为z g z_g z g ​,g t g_t g t ​ 为z s z_s z s ​。
  • 在o t × t a n h ( C t ) o_t \times tanh(C_t)o t ​×t a n h (C t ​) 中,o t o_t o t ​ 为z g z_g z g ​,t a n h ( C t ) tanh(C_t)t a n h (C t ​) 为z s z_s z s ​。


  • R s = R j R_s = R_j R s ​=R j ​
  • R g = 0 R_g = 0 R g ​=0

等于说在反向运算的时候,绿线标出部分直接清零,计算流图就不包括绿线部分了。Weighted Connections部分只有tanh激活函数参与反向计算。

所以对于上述计算过程可以总结成(无视激活函数,给定 R C t , R h t R_{C_t}, R_{h_t}R C t ​​,R h t ​​):

  • R C t − 1 = R C t − 1 × f t = L L ( C t − 1 × f t , R C t + R h t ) ∈ R d R_{C_{t – 1}} = R_{C_{t – 1} \times f_t} = LL(C_{t – 1} \times f_t, R_{C_t} + R_{h_t}) \in R^d R C t −1 ​​=R C t −1 ​×f t ​​=L L (C t −1 ​×f t ​,R C t ​​+R h t ​​)∈R d
  • R g t = R g t × i t = L L ( g t × i t , R C t + R h t ) ∈ R d R_{g_t} = R_{g_t \times i_t} = LL(g_t \times i_t, R_{C_t} + R_{h_t}) \in R^d R g t ​​=R g t ​×i t ​​=L L (g t ​×i t ​,R C t ​​+R h t ​​)∈R d
  • R h t − 1 = L L ( h t − 1 , R g t ) ∈ R d R_{h_{t – 1}} = LL(h_{t – 1}, R_{g_t}) \in R^d R h t −1 ​​=L L (h t −1 ​,R g t ​​)∈R d
  • R x t = L L ( x t , R g t ) ∈ R d R_{x_t} = LL(x_t, R_{g_t}) \in R^d R x t ​​=L L (x t ​,R g t ​​)∈R d

在 R R R 向量初始化上,模型最终输出向量 c = W l e f t . h l e f t T + W r i g h t . h r i g h t T c = W_{left} . h_{left}^T + W_{right}. h_{right}^T c =W l e f t ​.h l e f t T ​+W r i g h t ​.h r i g h t T ​,这是个5分类任务,如果目标类别是2,那么 R c = [ 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 ] R^c = [0, 0, 1, 0, 0]R c =[0 ,0 ,1 ,0 ,0 ] ,其余均初始化0。



    def lrp(self, w, LRP_class, eps=0.001, bias_factor=0.0):
        Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) backward pass.

        Compute the hidden layer relevances by performing LRP for the target class LRP_class
        (according to the papers:
            - https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0130140
            - https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/W17-5221 )


        T      = len(self.w)
        d      = int(self.Wxh_Left.shape[0]/4)
        e      = self.E.shape[1]
        C      = self.Why_Left.shape[0]
        idx    = np.hstack((np.arange(0,d), np.arange(2*d,4*d))).astype(int)
        idx_i, idx_g, idx_f, idx_o = np.arange(0,d), np.arange(d,2*d), np.arange(2*d,3*d), np.arange(3*d,4*d)

        Rx       = np.zeros(self.x.shape)
        Rx_rev   = np.zeros(self.x.shape)

        Rh_Left  = np.zeros((T+1, d))
        Rc_Left  = np.zeros((T+1, d))
        Rg_Left  = np.zeros((T,   d))
        Rh_Right = np.zeros((T+1, d))
        Rc_Right = np.zeros((T+1, d))
        Rg_Right = np.zeros((T,   d))

        Rout_mask            = np.zeros((C))
        Rout_mask[LRP_class] = 1.0

        Rh_Left[T-1]  = lrp_linear(self.h_Left[T-1],  self.Why_Left.T , np.zeros((C)), self.s, self.s*Rout_mask, 2*d, eps, bias_factor, debug=False)
        Rh_Right[T-1] = lrp_linear(self.h_Right[T-1], self.Why_Right.T, np.zeros((C)), self.s, self.s*Rout_mask, 2*d, eps, bias_factor, debug=False)

        for t in reversed(range(T)):
            Rc_Left[t]   += Rh_Left[t]
            Rc_Left[t-1]  = lrp_linear(self.gates_Left[t,idx_f]*self.c_Left[t-1],         np.identity(d), np.zeros((d)), self.c_Left[t], Rc_Left[t], 2*d, eps, bias_factor, debug=False)
            Rg_Left[t]    = lrp_linear(self.gates_Left[t,idx_i]*self.gates_Left[t,idx_g], np.identity(d), np.zeros((d)), self.c_Left[t], Rc_Left[t], 2*d, eps, bias_factor, debug=False)
            Rx[t]         = lrp_linear(self.x[t],        self.Wxh_Left[idx_g].T, self.bxh_Left[idx_g]+self.bhh_Left[idx_g], self.gates_pre_Left[t,idx_g], Rg_Left[t], d+e, eps, bias_factor, debug=False)
            Rh_Left[t-1]  = lrp_linear(self.h_Left[t-1], self.Whh_Left[idx_g].T, self.bxh_Left[idx_g]+self.bhh_Left[idx_g], self.gates_pre_Left[t,idx_g], Rg_Left[t], d+e, eps, bias_factor, debug=False)

            Rc_Right[t]  += Rh_Right[t]
            Rc_Right[t-1] = lrp_linear(self.gates_Right[t,idx_f]*self.c_Right[t-1],         np.identity(d), np.zeros((d)), self.c_Right[t], Rc_Right[t], 2*d, eps, bias_factor, debug=False)
            Rg_Right[t]   = lrp_linear(self.gates_Right[t,idx_i]*self.gates_Right[t,idx_g], np.identity(d), np.zeros((d)), self.c_Right[t], Rc_Right[t], 2*d, eps, bias_factor, debug=False)
            Rx_rev[t]     = lrp_linear(self.x_rev[t],     self.Wxh_Right[idx_g].T, self.bxh_Right[idx_g]+self.bhh_Right[idx_g], self.gates_pre_Right[t,idx_g], Rg_Right[t], d+e, eps, bias_factor, debug=False)
            Rh_Right[t-1] = lrp_linear(self.h_Right[t-1], self.Whh_Right[idx_g].T, self.bxh_Right[idx_g]+self.bhh_Right[idx_g], self.gates_pre_Right[t,idx_g], Rg_Right[t], d+e, eps, bias_factor, debug=False)

        return Rx, Rx_rev[::-1,:], Rh_Left[-1].sum()+Rc_Left[-1].sum()+Rh_Right[-1].sum()+Rc_Right[-1].sum()


def lrp_linear(hin, w, b, hout, Rout, bias_nb_units, eps, bias_factor=0.0, debug=False):
    LRP for a linear layer with input dim D and output dim M.

    - hin: forward pass input, of shape (D,)
    - w: connection weights, of shape (D, M)
    - b: biases, of shape (M,)
    - hout: forward pass output, of shape (M,) (unequal to np.dot(w.T,hin)+b if more than one incoming layer!)
    - Rout:           relevance at layer output, of shape (M,)
    - bias_nb_units:  total number of connected lower-layer units (onto which the bias/stabilizer contribution is redistributed for sanity check)
    - eps:            stabilizer (small positive number)
    - bias_factor:    set to 1.0 to check global relevance conservation, otherwise use 0.0 to ignore bias/stabilizer redistribution (recommended)
    - Rin:            relevance at layer input, of shape (D,)
    sign_out = np.where(hout[na,:]>=0, 1., -1.)
    numer = (w * hin[:,na]) + ( bias_factor * (b[na,:]*1. + eps*sign_out*1.) / bias_nb_units )

    denom = hout[na,:] + (eps*sign_out*1.)
    message = (numer/denom) * Rout[na,:]
    Rin = message.sum(axis=1)
    if debug:
        print("local diff: ", Rout.sum() - Rin.sum())

    return Rin

lrp_linear针对神经网络中每一个线性操作 y = W . x + b y = W.x + b y =W .x +b,给定 y y y 处relevance R y R_y R y ​,计算 x x x 处值 R x R_x R x ​, numer对应 z i . ω i j + ϵ . s i g n ( z i ) + δ . b j N z_i.\omega_{ij} + \frac{\epsilon . sign(z_i) + \delta.b_j}{N}z i ​.ωi j ​+N ϵ.s i g n (z i ​)+δ.b j ​​, denom对应 z j + ϵ . s i g n ( z j ) z_j + \epsilon.sign(z_j)z j ​+ϵ.s i g n (z j ​)。

回到 LRP函数,针对 C t , h t = L S T M C e l l ( C t − 1 , h t − 1 , x t ) C_t, h_t = LSTMCell(C_{t – 1}, h_{t – 1}, x_t)C t ​,h t ​=L S T M C e l l (C t −1 ​,h t −1 ​,x t ​),,给定 C t C_t C t ​ 的relevance值 R C t R_{C_t}R C t ​​ 和 h t h_t h t ​ 的relevance值 R h t R_{h_t}R h t ​​ ,需要计算 R x t , R h t − 1 , R C t − 1 R_{x_t}, R_{h_{t – 1}}, R_{C_{t – 1}}R x t ​​,R h t −1 ​​,R C t −1 ​​。相应计算如下:

Rc_Left[t]   += Rh_Left[t]
Rc_Left[t-1]  = lrp_linear(self.gates_Left[t,idx_f]*self.c_Left[t-1],         np.identity(d), np.zeros((d)), self.c_Left[t], Rc_Left[t], 2*d, eps, bias_factor, debug=False)
Rg_Left[t]    = lrp_linear(self.gates_Left[t,idx_i]*self.gates_Left[t,idx_g], np.identity(d), np.zeros((d)), self.c_Left[t], Rc_Left[t], 2*d, eps, bias_factor, debug=False)
Rx[t]         = lrp_linear(self.x[t],        self.Wxh_Left[idx_g].T, self.bxh_Left[idx_g]+self.bhh_Left[idx_g], self.gates_pre_Left[t,idx_g], Rg_Left[t], d+e, eps, bias_factor, debug=False)
Rh_Left[t-1]  = lrp_linear(self.h_Left[t-1], self.Whh_Left[idx_g].T, self.bxh_Left[idx_g]+self.bhh_Left[idx_g], self.gates_pre_Left[t,idx_g], Rg_Left[t], d+e, eps, bias_factor, debug=False)


可解释性研究 -LRP-for-LSTM

红色线条表示 R C t − 1 R_{C_{t – 1}}R C t −1 ​​ 和 R g t R_{g_t}R g t ​​ 的计算流程,绿色线条表示 R x t R_{x_t}R x t ​​ 和 R h t − 1 R_{h_{t – 1}}R h t −1 ​​ 的计算流程。




可解释性研究 -LRP-for-LSTM
  • x t ∈ R e x_t \in R^e x t ​∈R e
  • h t ∈ R d h_t \in R^d h t ​∈R d
  • W r , W z , W h ∈ R ( d + e ) × d W_r, W_z, W_h \in R^{(d + e) \times d}W r ​,W z ​,W h ​∈R (d +e )×d
  • b r , b z , b h ∈ R d b_r, b_z, b_h \in R^d b r ​,b z ​,b h ​∈R d
  • r t , z t , h ~ t ∈ R d r_t, z_t, \widetilde h_t \in R^d r t ​,z t ​,h t ​∈R d


  • r t = σ ( W r . [ h t − 1 ; x t ] + b r ) r_t = \sigma(W_r.[h_{t – 1}; x_t] + b_r)r t ​=σ(W r ​.[h t −1 ​;x t ​]+b r ​)
  • z t = σ ( W z . [ h t − 1 ; x t ] + b z ) z_t = \sigma(W_z.[h_{t – 1}; x_t] + b_z)z t ​=σ(W z ​.[h t −1 ​;x t ​]+b z ​)
  • h ~ t = t a n h ( W h . [ r t × h t − 1 ; x t ] + b h ) \widetilde h_t = tanh(W_h.[r_t \times h_{t-1}; x_t] + b_h)h t ​=t a n h (W h ​.[r t ​×h t −1 ​;x t ​]+b h ​)
  • h t = ( 1 − z t ) × h t − 1 + z t × h ~ t h_t = (1 – z_t) \times h_{t – 1} + z_t \times \widetilde h_t h t ​=(1 −z t ​)×h t −1 ​+z t ​×h t ​

; 3.2.GRU的Relevance计算部分

可解释性研究 -LRP-for-LSTM

按照前面的理论,R x t R_{x_t}R x t ​​ 和 R h t − 1 R_{h_{t-1}}R h t −1 ​​ 的计算过程按绿线所示反向进行,因为红框乘法部分 z g z_g z g ​ 会被忽略掉,所以指挥按一个流程进行。


[1] Arras, L. , et al. “Explaining Recurrent Neural Network
Predictions in Sentiment Analysis.” EMNLP’17 Workshop on Computational
Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment & Social Media Analysis 2017.

Original: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_44370676/article/details/121490050
Author: I still …
Title: 可解释性研究 -LRP-for-LSTM





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