WPF 切换主题使用 luna 复古版本

本文告诉大家如何在 WPF 里面使用 luna 等复古主题

今天在 lsj 说他准备优化 WPF 的程序集时,准备删除 luna 等程序集时,找到了一段有趣的注释,发现在 WPF 里面可以通过一些有趣的反射的方法修改主题,让应用使用 luna 的主题,实现复古的界面

使用方法非常简单,在 App.xaml.cs 的构造函数里面,添加如下代码即可

        public App()
            SetTheme("luna", "normalcolor");

        /// Sets the WPF system theme.

        /// The name of the theme. (ie "aero")
        /// The name of the color. (ie "normalcolor")
        /// Copy https://github.com/danielmoore/SystemThemeChange/blob/master/App.xaml.cs
        public static void SetTheme(string themeName, string themeColor)
            const BindingFlags staticNonPublic = BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic;

            var presentationFrameworkAsm = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Window));

            var themeWrapper = presentationFrameworkAsm.GetType("MS.Win32.UxThemeWrapper");

            var isActiveField = themeWrapper.GetField("_isActive", staticNonPublic);
            var themeColorField = themeWrapper.GetField("_themeColor", staticNonPublic);
            var themeNameField = themeWrapper.GetField("_themeName", staticNonPublic);

            // Set this to true so WPF doesn't default to classic.

            isActiveField.SetValue(null, true);

            themeColorField.SetValue(null, themeColor);
            themeNameField.SetValue(null, themeName);



WPF 切换主题使用 luna 复古版本

再换成 Aero 效果,修改代码如下

        public App()
            SetTheme("areo", "normalcolor");


WPF 切换主题使用 luna 复古版本

以上方法实际上在很久之前就有大佬写了,详细请看 danielmoore/SystemThemeChange: A demonstration of a theme change helper for WPF

在 WPF 里面,可以看到 UxThemeWrapper 有如下注释

    internal static class UxThemeWrapper
        // There are apps that override the system theme with one of their own
        // choosing, and intercept (and discard) WM_THEMECHANGED messages to
        // keep their theme in place even when the end-user selects a different
        // theme.   They do this using private reflection to assign values to
        // the three state variables.

        // This state (i.e. where the three variables have values that differ from
        // the ones we choose) is unsupported.  So is the technique for getting
        // into that state (i.e. private reflection).  Nevertheless, .Net wants
        // to preserve some level of compatibility - at the very least, avoid
        // crashing.  [The apps use the result of GetField("_isActive") without
        // checking for null.]
        // We do this in three steps:
        // 1) preserve the three fields;  this fixes the crashes.

        // 2) if the app overrides the values, use the overridden values
        //      in preference to ours.

        // 3) during WM_THEMECHANGED, restore the preference for our values.

        //      If the app overrides them again, step (2) will kick in.

        // Note that step (3) will never happen if the app is intercepting

        private static bool    _isActive;
        private static string  _themeName;
        private static string  _themeColor;


本文以上的测试代码放在githubgitee 欢迎访问

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Original: https://www.cnblogs.com/lindexi/p/16733238.html
Author: lindexi
Title: WPF 切换主题使用 luna 复古版本





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