使用 shell 脚本自动对比两个安装目录并生成差异补丁包


公司各个业务线的安装包小则几十兆、大则几百兆,使用自建的升级系统向全国百万级用户下发新版本时,流量耗费相当惊人。有时新版本仅仅改了几个 dll ,总变更量不过几十 K 而已,也要发布一个完整版本。为了降低流量费用,我们推出了补丁升级的方式:产品组将修改的 dll 单独挑选出来,加上一个配置文件压缩成包,上传到自建的升级后台;在客户端,识别到补丁包类型后,手动解压并替换各个 dll 完成安装(之前是直接启动下载好的安装包)。这种方式一经推出,受到了业务线的追捧。然而在使用过程中,也发现一些问题,就是在修改完一个源文件后,受影响的往往不止一个 dll,如果仅把其中一两个 dll 替换了,没替换的 dll 很可能就会和新的 dll 产生接口不兼容,从而引发崩溃。而有的安装包包含了几十个、上百个 dll,如果一一对比,非常费时费力。特别是一些 dll 仅仅是编译时间不一样,通过普通的文件对比工具,根本无法判断这个 dll 的源码有没有改过,这让开发人员非常头大。


其实这个问题用 c++ 写个程序是可以解决的,但是一想到要遍历目录、构造文件名 map、对比两个目录中的文件名、对比相同文件名的内容、复制文件到目标目录、压缩目标目录…这一系列操作时,我觉得还是算了 —— 都得从头开始写,工作量不小。而 msys2 或 windows 中就有不少现成的命令可以用,例如对比目录可以用 diff -r 命令、对比 win32 可执行文件可以用 dumpbin /disasm 命令反编译然后再用 diff 命令对比、压缩文件夹可以使用 7z 命令等等,完全不用重复造轮子,直接用 shell 将它们粘合起来就完事了!下面就来看看我是怎么用 shell 脚本来写这个小工具吧。



1 # return code:
  2 # 0 : success
  3 # 1 : no difference
  4 # 2 : compress failure
  5 # 3 : create file/dir failure (privilege ?)
  6 # 126 : file/dir existent
  7 # 127 : invalid arguments
  9 function usage ()
 10 {
 11     echo "Usage: diffpacker.sh -o oldversionfolder -n newversionfolder -r relativepath -x exportfolder -v version [-s sp] [-t (verbose)] [-e (exactmode)]"
 13     exit 127
 14 }
 16 srcdir=
 17 dstdir=
 18 reldir=
 19 outdir=
 20 version=
 21 sp=0
 22 verbose=0
 23 exactmode=0
 24 setupdir="setup"
 25 # pure windows utilities subdir
 26 win32="win32"
 28 if [ "${$*/-t//}" != "$*" ]; then
 29     # dump parameters when verbose on
 30     echo "total $# param(s):"
 31     for var in $*; do
 32         echo "$var"
 33     done
 34 fi
 37 while getopts "o:n:r:x:v:s:te" arg
 38 do
 39     case $arg in
 40         o)
 41             srcdir=$OPTARG
 42             ;;
 43         n)
 44             dstdir=$OPTARG
 45             ;;
 46         r)
 47             reldir=$OPTARG
 48             ;;
 49         x)
 50             outdir=$OPTARG
 51             ;;
 52         v)
 53             version=$OPTARG
 54             ;;
 55         s)
 56             sp=$OPTARG
 57             ;;
 58         t)
 59             verbose=1
 60             ;;
 61         e)
 62             exactmode=1
 63             ;;
 64         ?)
 65             echo "unkonw argument: $arg"
 66             usage
 67             exit 127
 68             ;;
 69     esac
 70 done
 72 # reldir can be empty
 73 if [ -z "$srcdir" -o -z "$dstdir" -o -z "$outdir" -o -z "$version" ]; then
 74     echo "empty parameter found: $srcdir, $dstdir, $outdir, $version"
 75     usage
 76     exit 127
 77 fi
 79 #replace all \ to / to avoid shell string choked on \
 80 srcdir=${srcdir//\\/\/}
 81 dstdir=${dstdir//\\/\/}
 82 reldir=${reldir//\\/\/}
 83 outdir=${outdir//\\/\/}
 85 echo "srcdir=$srcdir"
 86 echo "dstdir=$dstdir"
 87 echo "reldir=$reldir"
 88 echo "outdir=$outdir"
 89 echo "version=$version"
 90 echo "sp=$sp"
 91 echo "verbose=$verbose"
 92 echo "exactmode=$exactmode"
 93 echo ""
 95 if [ ! -d "$srcdir" ]; then
 96     echo "not a directory : $srcdir"
 97     exit 126
 98 fi
100 if [ ! -d "$dstdir" ]; then
101     echo "not a directory : $dstdir"
102     exit 126
103 fi
105 #if [ -e "$outdir" ]; then
106 resp=$(ls -A "$outdir")
107 if [ "$resp" != "" ]; then
108     echo "out directory not empty: $outdir, fatal error!"
109     exit 126
110 fi
112 if [ "${outdir:$((${#outdir}-1))}" == "/" ]; then
113     # remove tailing /
114     outdir=${outdir%?}
115 fi
117 if [ ! -z "$reldir" ] && [ "${reldir:$((${#reldir}-1))}" == "/" ]; then
118     # remove tailing /
119     reldir=${reldir%?}
120 fi
122 srcasm="src.asm"
123 dstasm="dst.asm"
124 dirdiff="dir.diff"
125 patdiff="diffpattern.txt"
126 itemcnt=0
127 jsonhead=\
128 "{\n"\
129 "  \"version\": \"$version\",\n"\
130 "  \"sp\": \"$sp\",\n"\
131 "  \"actions\": \n"\
132 "  [\n"
134 json=
135 jsontail=\
136 "\n  ]\n"\
137 "}\n"
139 echo "exclude patterns: "
140 while read line
141 do
142     echo $line
143 done < "$patdiff"
145 # to avoid user not end file with \n
146 if [ ! -z "$line" ]; then
147     echo "$line"
148 fi
149 echo ""


  • 16-26:声明用到的变量;
  • 28-34:如果命令行中含有 -t (verbose) 选项,则打印命令行各个参数;
  • 37-70:使用 getopts 命令解析命令行,这个脚本接收以下选项:
  • -o (old) 用于对比的旧目录;
  • -n (new) 用于对比的新目录;
  • -r (relative) 补丁包根目录相对于安装目录的位置,有时可能只针对安装目录的某个子目录进行 patch;
  • -x (output) 输出补丁包的目录;
  • -v (version) 补丁包版本号,写入配置文件用;
  • -s (serial pack) 补丁号,写入配置文件用;
  • -t (verbose) 详细输出;
  • -e (exact mode) 配置文件中增加和替换文件项将按每项对应一段 json 的方式精确设置,否则按整个目录递归覆盖设置。
  • 72-77:空路径校验;
  • 79-83:替换路径中的反斜杠为斜杠,因 shell 会将反斜杠识别为转义字符的开始;
  • 85-93:打印识别后的各选项,方便出问题时排错;
  • 95-120:路径校验,包括:
  • 对比目录不得为普通文件;
  • 输出目录不得含有文件(防止将中间对比结果和上一次或其它对比结果放在一起打包);
  • 剔除输出目录与相对目录的结尾斜杠(方便后续处理)。
  • 122-137:中间变量的定义,包含反编译中间文件、目录对比中间文件、忽略文件模式的中间文件以及生成配置文件的 json 头和尾;
  • 139-149:在对比目录时,用户可以提供一个要忽略的文件模式(pattern)列表,例如不对比 [Dd]ebug、[Ss]ymbol、*.pdb 这些编译中间目录或文件,可以使用正则表达式,每行一个。这里打印这些 pattern 用于排错。



1 if [ -f "$patdiff" ]; then
 2     diff -qr "$srcdir" "$dstdir" -X "$patdiff" > "$dirdiff"
 3 else
 4     diff -qr "$srcdir" "$dstdir" > "$dirdiff"
 5 fi
 7 while read line
 8 do
 9     if [ $verbose != 0 ]; then
10         echo $line
11     fi
13     tmp=$(echo $line | sed -n 's/Files \(.*\) and \(.*\) differ$/\1\\n\2/p')
14     if [ ! -z "$tmp" ]; then
15         left=$(echo -e $tmp | sed -n 1p)
16         right=$(echo -e $tmp | sed -n 2p)
17         if [ $verbose != 0 ]; then
18             echo -e "left =$left, \nright=$right"
19         fi
20         ......

21     else
22         tmp=$(echo $line | sed -n 's/Only in \(.*\): \(.*\)/\1\\n\2/p')
23         if [ ! -z "$tmp" ]; then
24             isdir=0
25             dir=$(echo -e $tmp | sed -n 1p)
26             file=$(echo -e $tmp | sed -n 2p)
27             if [ -d "$dir/$file" ]; then
28                 isdir=1
29             fi
31             if [ $verbose != 0 ]; then
32                 echo "dir=$dir, file=$file, isdir=$isdir"
33             fi
34             ......

35         else
36             echo "unrecognized diff output: $line"
37         fi
38     fi
39     echo ""
40 done < "$dirdiff"


  • 1-5:根据是否有忽略模式文件来调用 diff,当存在这种文件时(上文中的 139-149),增加 -X 选项来添加忽略模式文件到对比目录过程(diff);否则使用简单输出模式(-q)递归(-r)对比目录及其子目录,输出内容保存在 dir.diff 文件中;
  • 7,8,40:遍历 dir.diff 文件内容,根据输出格式的不同,细分为以下几类场景:
  • 两侧都有但文件内容不一致:”Files C:/compare/BIMMAKE.old/BmIGMS/TypeRule4Bimface.json and C:/compare/BIMMAKE/BmIGMS/TypeRule4Bimface.json differ”,通过 sed 匹配例子中高亮部分关键字,就可以分别提取出旧文件与新文件的完整路径(分别为 sed 输出的第一二行,line 13-16);
  • 仅有旧目录有的内容:”Only in C:/compare/BIMMAKE.old/sdk : ViewerConfig.ini”;
  • 仅有新目录有的内容:”Only in C:/compare/BIMMAKE/sdk : Mesh.dll”, 以上两种场景相似,通过 sed 匹配例子中高亮部分关键字,就可以分别提取出目录与文件了(line 22-26),至于是新目录还是旧目录,与新旧根目录做个对比就晓得了,这个后面再说;
  • 两边文件一致:不会有任何输出(这里必需为 diff 命令使用 -q 选项,不然会将文件内容差异也展示出来,那就非常乱了)。下面是一段完整的对比输出(内容超长、展开慎重):

bash;gutter:false;collapse:true Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /AppBimmake .exe and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/AppBimmake .exe differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /AppBimmakeImpl .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/AppBimmakeImpl .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /AppComponentEditor .exe and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/AppComponentEditor .exe differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /AppComponentEditorImpl .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/AppComponentEditorImpl .dll differ Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE : AppSocketPortConfig.exe Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE : AppSocketPortConfigImpl.dll Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BIMMAKE/Templates/bmDefaultTemplate .gbp and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BIMMAKE/Templates/bmDefaultTemplate .gbp differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmAnimation .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmAnimation .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmAnimationScript .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmAnimationScript .dll differ Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE : BmAppSetting.xml Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmCommonDraw .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmCommonDraw .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmCommonEdit .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmCommonEdit .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmDataExchange .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmDataExchange .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmDrawingExport .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmDrawingExport .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmFalcon .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmFalcon .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmFamilyBridge .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmFamilyBridge .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmGbmpModel .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmGbmpModel .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmGbmpUiPlatform .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmGbmpUiPlatform .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmGgpUtility .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmGgpUtility .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmGuxActionConfig .json and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmGuxActionConfig .json differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmHotKeyConfig .xml and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmHotKeyConfig .xml differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmIGMS/TypeRule .json and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmIGMS/TypeRule .json differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmIGMS/TypeRule4Bimface .json and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmIGMS/TypeRule4Bimface .json differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmIGMSExport .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmIGMSExport .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmImportGfc .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmImportGfc .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmImportIfc .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmImportIfc .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmInterOpRevitProject .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmInterOpRevitProject .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmInteraction .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmInteraction .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmLicense .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmLicense .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmModel .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmModel .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmMultiThreadNetwork .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmMultiThreadNetwork .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmPositioningElements .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmPositioningElements .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmRebar .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmRebar .dll differ Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old: BmRecentDocumentPathRecord.xml Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmSiteLayout .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmSiteLayout .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmSiteLayoutFamily .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmSiteLayoutFamily .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmSiteLayoutUi .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmSiteLayoutUi .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmStructure .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmStructure .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmStructureFamily .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmStructureFamily .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmSurfaceSystem .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmSurfaceSystem .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmTeighaUtility .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmTeighaUtility .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmTest .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmTest .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmThirdPartyUpdate .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmThirdPartyUpdate .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmUiAnimation .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmUiAnimation .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmUiAnimationWidget .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmUiAnimationWidget .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmUiCommonComponent .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmUiCommonComponent .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmUiDataExchange .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmUiDataExchange .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmUiInplaceEdit .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmUiInplaceEdit .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmUiPlatform .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmUiPlatform .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmUiReBar .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmUiReBar .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmUiStructure .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmUiStructure .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmUiVisual .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmUiVisual .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmVisualModel .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmVisualModel .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmWelcomeTemplateFile/MjTemplateFile .xml and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmWelcomeTemplateFile/MjTemplateFile .xml differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmWelcomeTemplateFile/ 二次结构砌体.gbp and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmWelcomeTemplateFile/ 二次结构砌体.gbp differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmWelcomeTemplateFile/ 二次结构砌体.png and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmWelcomeTemplateFile/ 二次结构砌体.png differ Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmWelcomeTemplateFile : 小别墅.gbp Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmWelcomeTemplateFile : 小别墅.png Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmWelcomeTemplateFile/ 施工场地布置.gbp and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmWelcomeTemplateFile/ 施工场地布置.gbp differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmWelcomeTemplateFile/ 施工场地布置.png and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmWelcomeTemplateFile/ 施工场地布置.png differ Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmWelcomeTemplateFile : 木模板配模.gbp Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmWelcomeTemplateFile : 木模板配模.png Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmWelcomeTemplateFile : 老虎窗屋顶.gbp Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /BmWelcomeTemplateFile : 老虎窗屋顶.png Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmWelcomeTemplateFile : 钢筋节点深化.gbp Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE/BmWelcomeTemplateFile : 钢筋节点深化.png Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/ArchiAlgo .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/ArchiAlgo .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/BarInfo .GDB and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/BarInfo .GDB differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/BarInfo .GDB.back and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/BarInfo .GDB.back differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/CadIdentifier2018 .exe and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/CadIdentifier2018 .exe differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/CmdCore .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/CmdCore .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/Common .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/Common .dll differ Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier : DBErrorReport.txt Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/DBOperations .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/DBOperations .dll differ Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier : Fonts Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GCADIdentification .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GCADIdentification .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GCADModel .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GCADModel .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GCLDataService .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GCLDataService .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GCLProjectDataHelper .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GCLProjectDataHelper .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GCPPMProjDataHelper .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GCPPMProjDataHelper .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GEPEngine .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GEPEngine .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GFCCommon .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GFCCommon .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GGDB .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GGDB .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GGDBDataAwareCtrl .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GGDBDataAwareCtrl .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GGJProjectDataHelper .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GGJProjectDataHelper .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GGJSectionBarEditor .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GGJSectionBarEditor .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GGPViewerProxy .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GGPViewerProxy .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GLDCommon .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GLDCommon .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GLDCrypt .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GLDCrypt .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GLDPrivateCalledPlatform .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GLDPrivateCalledPlatform .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GLDStyles .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GLDStyles .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GLDTableView .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GLDTableView .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GLDThemeEngine .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GLDThemeEngine .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GLDWidget .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GLDWidget .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GLDXML .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GLDXML .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GLDZip .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GLDZip .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GMCommon .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GMCommon .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GMJ .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GMJ .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GMModel .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GMModel .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GMPControls .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GMPControls .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GMPCore .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GMPCore .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GMPRibbonStyle .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GMPRibbonStyle .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GMPUIExtends .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GMPUIExtends .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GMath .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GMath .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GP .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GP .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GRPCommon .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GRPCommon .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GRPEngine .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GRPEngine .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GSP .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GSP .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GSPEngine .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GSPEngine .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GTCADImporter .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GTCADImporter .dll 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.dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GTJModelExtension .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GTJModelPlugin .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GTJModelPlugin .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GTJProjectDataHelper .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GTJProjectDataHelper .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GTJUIModule .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GTJUIModule .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GTTchEntity_4 .00_10.tx and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GTTchEntity_4 .00_10.tx differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GUC .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GUC .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/Geometry .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/Geometry .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/GfcClasses .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/GfcClasses .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/Layout and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/Layout differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/MDCache .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/MDCache .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/MDCmdLog .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/MDCmdLog .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/MDCommon .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/MDCommon .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/MDScript .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/MDScript .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/MaterialCore .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/MaterialCore .dll differ Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier : Microsoft.DTfW.DHL.manifest Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/RenderSystemAngle .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/CadIdentifier/RenderSystemAngle .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /CadIdentifier/RenderSystemGL .dll and C: 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: CrxGe.dll Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE : CrxSpt.dll Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE : DbAnnotate.dll Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE : DbBase.dll Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE : DbBom.dll Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE : DbCurve.dll Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE : DbEntity.dll Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE : DbStandard.dll Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE : DbStyle.dll Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE : DbText.dll Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE : Debug.ini Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE : DeleteLibraries.bat Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE : DftConfig.dll Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE : DftDb.dll Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /FamilyCategories .xml and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/FamilyCategories .xml differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /FamilyDialogLauout .xml and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/FamilyDialogLauout .xml differ Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE : FillPatternFileApiTestData Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /GGPMaterialService .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/GGPMaterialService .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /GGPMaterialUI 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/GcmpSkpInterface .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/GcmpSkpInterface .dll differ Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE : GcmpSocketPortConfigData.dll Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /GcmpTestFamily .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/GcmpTestFamily .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /GcmpThirdPartyUpdate .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/GcmpThirdPartyUpdate .dll differ Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE : GcmpUiCommandAction.dll Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /GcmpUiDrawingExportFamily .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/GcmpUiDrawingExportFamily .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /GcmpUiPlatform .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/GcmpUiPlatform .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /GcmpUiPlatformFamily .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/GcmpUiPlatformFamily .dll differ Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE : GcmpUiView.dll Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE : GcmpUiViewInterface.dll Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /GcmpViewCommands .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/GcmpViewCommands .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /GmAPITest 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Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old: MjRichTextEditor.dll Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /MjScaffoldModel .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/MjScaffoldModel .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /MjShoringScaffoldModel .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/MjShoringScaffoldModel .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /MjStructureComponent .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/MjStructureComponent .dll differ Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old: MjUIArchitecture.dll Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /MjUIPlatform .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/MjUIPlatform .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /MjUIScaffoldArrangement .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/MjUIScaffoldArrangement .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /MjUITool .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/MjUITool .dll differ Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old: Packing4Rendering.dll Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE : Peimo.exe Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /QCefView .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/QCefView .dll differ Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old: QProfile.txt Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /QtCommonWidget .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/QtCommonWidget .dll differ Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old: RecentDocumentPathRecord.xml Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /RecordInstall .bat and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/RecordInstall .bat differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /RecordUninstall .bat and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/RecordUninstall .bat differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /RemoveFiles .bat and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/RemoveFiles .bat differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /Revision .txt and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/Revision .txt differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /ServiceView .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/ServiceView .dll differ Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE/Share/ViewCoreResources/MaterialLibrary/textures : rainTextures Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE/Share/ViewCoreResources/MaterialLibrary/textures : rainTexturesAmbient Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE/Share/ViewCoreResources/Shaders : DoubleSideShader Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE/Share/ViewCoreResources/Shaders : Particle Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE/Share/ViewCoreResources/Shaders : Rain Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE : SptCx.dll Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE : SptCxGe.dll Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE : SptCxMath.dll Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE : SptGe.dll Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE : SptGi.dll Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE : SptMath.dll Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE : SptNLS.dll Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE : SysFactory.dll Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /Teigha/ACCAMERA_20 .8src_14.tx and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/Teigha/ACCAMERA_20 .8src_14.tx differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /Teigha/ATEXT_20 .8src_14.tx and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/Teigha/ATEXT_20 .8src_14.tx differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /Teigha/AcMPolygonObj15_20 .8src_14.tx and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/Teigha/AcMPolygonObj15_20 .8src_14.tx differ Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE/Teigha : GripPoints_20.8src_14.tx Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /Teigha/ISM_20 .8src_14.tx and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/Teigha/ISM_20 .8src_14.tx differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /Teigha/PDFiumModule_20 .8src_14.tx and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/Teigha/PDFiumModule_20 .8src_14.tx differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /Teigha/RText_20 .8src_14.tx and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/Teigha/RText_20 .8src_14.tx differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /Teigha/RxRasterServices_20 .8src_14.tx and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/Teigha/RxRasterServices_20 .8src_14.tx differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /Teigha/SCENEOE_20 .8src_14.tx and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/Teigha/SCENEOE_20 .8src_14.tx differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /Teigha/TD_Alloc_20 .8src_14.dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/Teigha/TD_Alloc_20 .8src_14.dll differ Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE/Teigha : TD_Ave_20.8src_14.tx Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /Teigha/TD_DbCore_20 .8src_14.dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/Teigha/TD_DbCore_20 .8src_14.dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /Teigha/TD_DbEntities_20 .8src_14.tx and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/Teigha/TD_DbEntities_20 .8src_14.tx differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /Teigha/TD_DbIO_20 .8src_14.tx and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/Teigha/TD_DbIO_20 .8src_14.tx differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /Teigha/TD_DbRoot_20 .8src_14.dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/Teigha/TD_DbRoot_20 .8src_14.dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /Teigha/TD_Db_20 .8src_14.dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/Teigha/TD_Db_20 .8src_14.dll differ Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE/Teigha : TD_DynBlocks_20.8src_14.tx Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /Teigha/TD_Ge_20 .8src_14.dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/Teigha/TD_Ge_20 .8src_14.dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /Teigha/TD_Gi_20 .8src_14.dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/Teigha/TD_Gi_20 .8src_14.dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /Teigha/TD_Gs_20 .8src_14.dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/Teigha/TD_Gs_20 .8src_14.dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /Teigha/TD_PdfImport_20 .8src_14.tx and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/Teigha/TD_PdfImport_20 .8src_14.tx differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /Teigha/TD_Pdfium .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/Teigha/TD_Pdfium .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /Teigha/TD_Root_20 .8src_14.dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/Teigha/TD_Root_20 .8src_14.dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /Teigha/TD_SpatialIndex_20 .8src_14.dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/Teigha/TD_SpatialIndex_20 .8src_14.dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /Teigha/TD_Zlib .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/Teigha/TD_Zlib .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /Teigha/WipeOut_20 .8src_14.tx and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/Teigha/WipeOut_20 .8src_14.tx differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /TeighaUtility .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/TeighaUtility .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /UE4JsonExporter .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/UE4JsonExporter .dll differ Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old: ViewerConfig.ini Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /ViewerTileMerger .exe and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/ViewerTileMerger .exe differ Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old: algorithmLog.ini Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /bimmake_ver .txt and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/bimmake_ver .txt differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /bm_category_and_style_config/BIMMAKECategories .xml and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/bm_category_and_style_config/BIMMAKECategories .xml differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /bm_category_and_style_config/SiteLayoutCategories .xml and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/bm_category_and_style_config/SiteLayoutCategories .xml differ Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE/bm_plugin_config/DB : MjOperationScaffoldModel.addin Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE/bm_plugin_config : MjUIPlatform.addin Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE : en-US Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /gbmp_gcmp_behavior_config .xml and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/gbmp_gcmp_behavior_config .xml differ Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE/gbmp_plugin_config : GcmpInternalTest.addin Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE/gbmp_plugin_config : GcmpTest.addin Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old: gdpcore.1.txt Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old: gdpcore.txt Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /journal_config .json and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/journal_config .json differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /qtcefwing .exe and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/qtcefwing .exe differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/AppFamilyServiceProvider .exe and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/AppFamilyServiceProvider .exe differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/AppFamilyServiceProviderImpl .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/AppFamilyServiceProviderImpl .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/ArchiAlgo .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/ArchiAlgo .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/BmFamilyCustomData .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/BmFamilyCustomData .dll differ Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk : CGBase.dll Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/CategoryAndStyleDataDataBase/GCMPCategories .xml and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/CategoryAndStyleDataDataBase/GCMPCategories .xml differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/CmdCore .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/CmdCore .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/Common .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/Common .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/ExprEngine .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/ExprEngine .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GMath .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GMath .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GSolver .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GSolver .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GcmpActionInterface .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GcmpActionInterface .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GcmpAddin .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GcmpAddin .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GcmpCollaborationInterface .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GcmpCollaborationInterface .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GcmpCommandInterface .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GcmpCommandInterface .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GcmpDatabase .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GcmpDatabase .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GcmpDatabaseInterface .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GcmpDatabaseInterface .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GcmpDbCommonEdit .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GcmpDbCommonEdit .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GcmpDevService .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GcmpDevService .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GcmpDwgDxfInterface .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GcmpDwgDxfInterface .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GcmpFoundation .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GcmpFoundation .dll differ Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk : GcmpGUiBaseImpl.dll Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk : GcmpGUiBaseInterface.dll Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GcmpGdcModel .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GcmpGdcModel .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GcmpGeometryACIS .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GcmpGeometryACIS .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GcmpGeometryGGP .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GcmpGeometryGGP .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GcmpGeometryInterface .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GcmpGeometryInterface .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GcmpGraphicsNode .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GcmpGraphicsNode .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GcmpGraphicsNodeInterface .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GcmpGraphicsNodeInterface .dll differ Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk : GcmpGuiMainFrameInterface.dll Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GcmpGuiResourceQt .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GcmpGuiResourceQt .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GcmpJournalInterface .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GcmpJournalInterface .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GcmpMathInterface .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GcmpMathInterface .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GcmpModel .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GcmpModel .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GcmpModelInterface .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GcmpModelInterface .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GcmpPick .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GcmpPick .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GcmpPickInterface .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GcmpPickInterface .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GcmpRenderingGGP .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GcmpRenderingGGP .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GcmpRenderingInterface .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GcmpRenderingInterface .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GcmpSnap .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GcmpSnap .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GcmpSnapInterface .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GcmpSnapInterface .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GcmpTypeCastGGP .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GcmpTypeCastGGP .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GcmpUiInterface .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GcmpUiInterface .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GcmpUiQtImpl .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GcmpUiQtImpl .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GdcCommon .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GdcCommon .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GdcCore .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GdcCore .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GdcDataStandard .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GdcDataStandard .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GdcEngine .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GdcEngine .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GdcJsonSerializer .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GdcJsonSerializer .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GdcLocalDatabase .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GdcLocalDatabase .dll differ Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk : GdcLogging.dll Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GdcNetwork .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GdcNetwork .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GdcProjectManager .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GdcProjectManager .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GdcUserManager .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GdcUserManager .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/Geometry .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/Geometry .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GmArchitectureFamily .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GmArchitectureFamily .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GmCompress .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GmCompress .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GmCrossDomainMessager .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GmCrossDomainMessager .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GmFamilyCustomData .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GmFamilyCustomData .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GmFamilyService .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GmFamilyService .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GmFamilyServiceInterface .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GmFamilyServiceInterface .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GmFamilyUpdate .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GmFamilyUpdate .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GmModelFamily .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GmModelFamily .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GmProcess .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GmProcess .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/GmValueValidator .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/GmValueValidator .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/Hatch .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/Hatch .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/LineType .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/LineType .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/MaterialCore .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/MaterialCore .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/MemoryChunkPager .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/MemoryChunkPager .dll differ Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk : Mesh.dll Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk : QProfile.txt Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/RegenCore .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/RegenCore .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/RenderSystemAngle .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/RenderSystemAngle .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/RenderSystemGL .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/RenderSystemGL .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/RichText .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/RichText .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/TopoEncoding .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/TopoEncoding .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/ViewCore .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/ViewCore .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/ViewManager .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/ViewManager .dll differ Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk : ViewerConfig.ini Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk : algorithmLog.ini Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk : boost_date_time-vc140-mt-x64-1_72.dll Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/bson .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/bson .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/common_utilities .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/common_utilities .dll differ Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk : cpprest140_2_10.dll Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk : datacodes.json Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk : enumcodes.json Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/gdc_config .xml and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/gdc_config .xml differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/jsoncpp .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/jsoncpp .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/libcrypto-1_1-x64 .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/libcrypto-1_1-x64 .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/libssl-1_1-x64 .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/libssl-1_1-x64 .dll differ Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk : propertycodes.json Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/pugixml .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/pugixml .dll differ Files C: /compare/BIMMAKE .old /sdk/zlib1 .dll and C: /compare/BIMMAKE/sdk/zlib1 .dll differ Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE : sky_image Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE : zh-CN Only in C: /compare/BIMMAKE : zh-TW</p> <pre><code> ## 文件内容对比 在上面目录对比过程中,如果两边文件都存在而只是内容不同,进入文件内容对比逻辑: </code></pre> <p>1 # for windows command, parameter seperator is / 2 # and bash will autoexpand to DRIVE:/ 3 # here use // to avoid expanding.</p> <p>4 $win32/dumpbin //disasm "$left" | sed '5d' > "$srcasm" 5 6 # use sed '5d' to remove a line like : 7 # Dump of file Bin1334\Release\GSUPService.exe 8 # which disturb the diff result by writing dir name 9 # remove it !!</p> <p>10 $win32/dumpbin //disasm "$right" | sed '5d' > "$dstasm" 11 12 if [ $(cat "$srcasm" | wc -l) -gt 10 ] && [ $(cat "$dstasm" | wc -l) -gt 10 ]; then 13 # left & right are all valid PE format 14 resp=$(diff -q "$srcasm" "$dstasm") 15 if [ $verbose != 0 ]; then 16 echo "resp=$resp" 17 fi 18 else 19 resp="non PE format differs" 20 echo "$resp" 21 fi 22 23 if [ -z "$resp" ]; then 24 echo -e " $left \n== $right in asm, skip" 25 else 26 # need to replace 27 echo -e " $left \n!= $right" 28 relpath=$(get_relative_path "$srcdir" "$left") 29 if [ -z "$relpath" ]; then 30 echo "find relative path by source dir failed, try dest" 31 relpath=$(get_relative_path "$dstdir" "$right") 32 if [ -z "$relpath" ]; then 33 echo "find relative path by dest dir failed, skip" 34 continue; 35 fi 36 fi 37 38 if [ $verbose != 0 ]; then 39 echo "relpath: $relpath" 40 fi 41 42 tarpath="$outdir/$setupdir$relpath" 43 copy_file "$right" "$tarpath" 44 itemcnt=$(($itemcnt+1)) 45 if [ $exactmode != 0 ]; then 46 # 1st argument represent zip folder 47 # 2nd argument represent install folder 48 # differs with copy order ! 49 replace_item "$setupdir$relpath" "$relpath" 50 fi 51 fi</p> <pre><code> 这里需要考虑二进制可执行文件不能直接对比(同样的代码编译两次得到的可执行文件也不一样,这是因为 PE 文件中包含了生成时间、唯一 ID 等与代码无关的内容),因此需要将其先反编译为汇编文本,再对汇编语句进行对比。这里没有通过文件后缀(dll / exe)来判断是否为可执行文件,这是因为产品中总有一些 dll 有奇奇怪怪的后缀。这里统一采用 dumpbin 进行反汇编,如果成功就是可执行文件;反之就是普通的文本或二进制文件。 * 1-10:尝试使用 dumpbin 进行反汇编(注意使用 //disasm 来传递 win32 命令选项,因为 msys2 会将单独的 / 认为是根目录从而自动进行扩展、是我们不想要的)。下面是反汇编成功后的输出: ;gutter:true;collapse:false
Microsoft (R) COFF /PE Dumper Version 12.00.40629.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

File Type: DLL

0000000180001000: 45 8B C0           mov         r8d,r8d

000000018000E202: CC                 int         3


1000 .data
1000 .pdata
7000 .rdata
1000 .reloc
1000 .rsrc
E000 .text

可见 dumpbin 会输出一个占 5 行的头部信息,为了防止这个信息干扰后续的对比,这里使用 sed 删除前 5 行;

  • 12-21:如果旧文件与新文件反汇编结果行数都大于10,说明两者都是可执行文件,去除前 5 行后进行反汇编内容的对比;否则是普通文件,不再进行对比(diff 已告诉我们它们不同)。下面是反汇编失败时的输出:

bash;gutter:true;collapse:false $ win32 /dumpbin //disasm C: /compare/BIMMAKE/FillPatternFileApiTestData/right .pat Microsoft (R) COFF /PE Dumper Version 12.00.40629.0 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.</p> <p>Dump of file C: /compare/BIMMAKE/FillPatternFileApiTestData/right .pat C: /compare/BIMMAKE/FillPatternFileApiTestData/right .pat : warning LNK4048: Invalid format file ; ignored</p> <p>Summary</p> <pre><code> 可以看到一共只有 9 行输出,而一般成功的反汇编输出少则上百行、多则上万行,再少也不可能少于 10 行输出; * 23-36:如果文件内容一样,跳过此文件;否则需要确定当前文件在对比目录中的相对路径。先尝试使用旧目录去获取,如果失败再尝试使用新目录去获取。这里获取相对目录的工作交由 get_relative_path 这个函数来完成,出于对整体的把握,这里不对这些细节展开介绍了; * 42-50:通过上面获得的相对路径,就可以在输出目录构建目标文件全路径啦。复制文件的工作交由 copy_file 函数来完成,在内部它先创建对应的目录,然后调用 cp 完成文件复制。如果用户选择了 exact 模式,则将为每项在配置文件中添加一条 json 格式的替换记录 (通过 replace_item 函数),格式类似于下面这样: ;gutter:true;collapse:false
"type" : "replace" ,
"target" : "/Teigha/ACCAMERA_20.8src_14.tx" ,
"source" : "setup/Teigha/ACCAMERA_20.8src_14.tx"

对于非 exact 模式可以直接将整个目录递归覆盖到目标区域,因而不需要一条条的添加 json 配置。



1 relpath=$(get_relative_path "$srcdir" "$dir")
 2 if [ ! -z "$relpath" ]; then
 3     # need to remove
 4     echo -e "only in  $srcdir: (old)\n         $dir/$file, \nrelpath: $relpath/$file"
 5     itemcnt=$(($itemcnt+1))
 6     # 1st argument represent install folder
 7     # differs with copy order !
 8     delete_item "$relpath/$file" $isdir
 9 else
10     relpath=$(get_relative_path "$dstdir" "$dir")
11     if [ ! -z "$relpath" ]; then
12         # need to add
13         echo -e "only in  $dstdir: (new)\n         $dir/$file, \nrelpath: $relpath/$file"
14         copy_file "$dir/$file" "$outdir/$setupdir$relpath/$file"
15         itemcnt=$(($itemcnt+1))
16         if [ $exactmode != 0 ]; then
17             # 1st argument represent zip folder
18             # 2nd argument represent install folder
19             # differs with copy order !
20             add_item "$setupdir$relpath/$file" "$relpath/$file" $isdir
21         fi
22     else
23         echo "unknown single file: $dir/$file"
24     fi
25 fi


  • 1-8:计算单个文件项在旧目录的相对路径,如果结果不为空,表示文件项位于旧目录,否则位于新目录。删除文件的工作交由 delete_item 函数完成,其实就是在配置文件中加入一条删除记录:

bash;gutter:true;collapse:false { "type" : "delete" , "target" : "/sdk/QProfile.txt" },</p> <pre><code> 如果是单独的目录,则递归删除整个目录: ;gutter:true;collapse:false
"type" : "delete_dir" ,
"target" : "/Share/ViewCoreResources/MaterialLibrary/textures/rainTextures"

删除项是否添加是和 exact 模式无关的,因为目录的递归覆盖只能添加或替换文件,不能删除。

  • 10-21:计算单个文件项在新目录的相对路径,此时结果一般是不为空的,调用 copy_file 函数复制新文件项到输出目录。当用户选择 exact 模式时,在配置文件中加入一条增加记录 (通过 add_item):

bash;gutter:true;collapse:false { "type" : "add" , "target" : "/Teigha/GripPoints_20.8src_14.tx" , "source" : "setup/Teigha/GripPoints_20.8src_14.tx" },</p> <pre><code> 如果是单独的目录,则递归增加整个目录: ;gutter:true;collapse:false
"type" : "add_dir" ,
"target" : "//Libraries" ,
"source" : "setup//Libraries"

copy_file 通过给 cp 传递 -r 选项,可以很好的支持目录的递归拷贝。



1 # remove temporary files
 2 if [ $verbose -eq 0 ]; then
 3     # only remove temporary files
 4     # when not in verbose mode
 5     rm "$srcasm"
 6     rm "$dstasm"
 7     rm "$dirdiff"
 8 fi
10 if [ $itemcnt -eq 0 ]; then
11     echo "no item add/replace/delete found, stop generating..."
12     exit 1
13 fi
15 if [ $exactmode -eq 0 ]; then
16     # not exact mode
17     # add setup dir totally
18     if [ -z "$reldir" ]; then
19         jsonitem=$(echo "     {\n"\
20         "      \"type\": \"add_dir\",\n"\
21         "      \"target\": \".\",\n"\
22         "      \"source\": \"$setupdir\"\n"\
23         "    }")
24     else
25         jsonitem=$(echo "     {\n"\
26         "      \"type\": \"add_dir\",\n"\
27         "      \"target\": \"$reldir\",\n"\
28         "      \"source\": \"$setupdir\"\n"\
29         "    }")
30     fi
32     if [ $verbose != 0 ]; then
33         echo -e "$jsonitem"
34     fi
36     if [ -z "$json" ]; then
37         json="$jsonitem"
38     else
39         json="$json,\n$jsonitem"
40     fi
41 fi
43 json="$jsonhead$json$jsontail"
44 echo -e "$json" > "$outdir/upgrade.json"
45 echo "upgrade.json created, $itemcnt items generated"
46 echo -e "$json"


  • 2-8:如果指定 verbose 选项,则保留中间文件用于排错,否则删除;
  • 10-13:如果经过对比,没有任何差异,或两个目录都是空的,导致输出内容为空,则中止并退出整个打包脚本;
  • 15-41:非 exact 模式下,需要添加一条 add_dir 配置来将输出目录中的所有文件递归覆盖到安装目录。如果用户指定了只替换安装目录中的某个子目录,这里需要调整一下目标路径(line 24-30);
  • 43-46:将各个 json 组装成完整内容并生成到输出目录,名称固定为 “upgrade.json”。



1 tarpath="$outdir/*"
 2 if [ "${tarpath/:/}" == "$tarpath" ]; then
 3     # not contain ':', a relative path
 4     # prefix ./ to avoid generate root dir in 7z
 5     tarpath="./$tarpath"
 6 fi
 8 $win32/7z a "$setupdir.7z" "$tarpath"
 9 resp=$?

10 if [ -z "$setupdir.7z" ]; then
11     echo "compressing failed: $resp"
12     exit 2
13 fi
15 mv "$setupdir.7z" "$outdir/$setupdir-$version-$sp.7z"
16 #echo "create 7zip compress packet OK"
17 exit 0

这里没有使用 tar cvzf 来生成 setup.tar.gz 文件,因为升级客户端只能接收 7z 格式的压缩包,这里使用 win32 版本的 7z 命令执行压缩过程。从另外的角度来讲,7z 压缩算法也是目前压缩率最高的算法,可以有效的降低网络传输的流量(7z 压缩率亲测高于 zip 及 gz)。这段代码比较简单,就不展开讲解了,最后会生成下面这样的文件结构:

bash;gutter:false;collapse:false $ ls -lhrt total 348M drwxr-xr-x 1 yunh 1049089    0 11月 17 19:18 setup/ -rw-r--r-- 1 yunh 1049089 147K 11月 17 19:19 upgrade.json -rw-r--r-- 1 yunh 1049089 348M 11月 17 19:19 setup-</p> <pre><code> 所有需要添加和替换的文件都会被放在 setup 目录下,这样在递归替换时就可以避免将无关文件(例如 upgrade.json)替换到安装目录。生成的压缩包命名方式为:setup-version-sp.7z。非 exact 模式生成的配置文件内容如下: ;gutter:true;collapse:false
"version" : "" ,
"sp" : "0" ,
"actions" :
"type" : "delete" ,
"target" : "//BmRecentDocumentPathRecord.xml"
"type" : "delete" ,
"target" : "/BmWelcomeTemplateFile/小别墅.gbp"
"type" : "delete" ,
"target" : "/BmWelcomeTemplateFile/小别墅.png"
"type" : "delete" ,
"target" : "/BmWelcomeTemplateFile/老虎窗屋顶.gbp"
"type" : "delete" ,
"target" : "/BmWelcomeTemplateFile/老虎窗屋顶.png"
"type" : "delete" ,
"target" : "/CadIdentifier/DBErrorReport.txt"
"type" : "delete" ,
"target" : "//GPUDriverConfig.ini"
"type" : "delete" ,
"target" : "//MjLicense.dll"
"type" : "delete" ,
"target" : "//MjRichTextEditor.dll"
"type" : "delete" ,
"target" : "//MjUIArchitecture.dll"
"type" : "delete" ,
"target" : "//Packing4Rendering.dll"
"type" : "delete" ,
"target" : "//QProfile.txt"
"type" : "delete" ,
"target" : "//RecentDocumentPathRecord.xml"
"type" : "delete" ,
"target" : "//ViewerConfig.ini"
"type" : "delete" ,
"target" : "//algorithmLog.ini"
"type" : "delete" ,
"target" : "//gdpcore.1.txt"
"type" : "delete" ,
"target" : "//gdpcore.txt"
"type" : "delete" ,
"target" : "/sdk/QProfile.txt"
"type" : "delete" ,
"target" : "/sdk/ViewerConfig.ini"
"type" : "delete" ,
"target" : "/sdk/algorithmLog.ini"
"type" : "add_dir" ,
"target" : "." ,
"source" : "setup"

所有新增及替换操作,全在最后一条 add_dir 配置项了。如果是 exact 模式的话,配置文件就会大很多了,它会针对每个新增、替换项生成一个类似上面删除项的条目,这里就不多做演示了。


上面的脚本只能通过命令行界面 (CUI) 调用,那能不能将它嵌入到用户图形界面 (GUI) 呢?答案是可以的。

使用 shell 脚本自动对比两个安装目录并生成差异补丁包

上面这个程序是 真的只做了界面。在获取用户完整输入后,它创建了一个匿名管道 (CreatePipe),并将管道的一端作为新进程的标准输出 (stdout)、同时用参数构造新进程的命令行 (上面的脚本 diffpacker.sh 作为第一参数) 来启动 bash.exe 进程。当脚本在运行中产生输出时,程序通过匿名管道读取这些输出,并将它们重定向到 UI 底部的输出框,达到实时查看脚本输出的效果。



有类似需求的同学,改改脚本就可以用啦。其中用到了 msys2,它是一个运行在 windows 上的 bash,我们常用的 git 就使用它作为 git bash 的技术支撑。之前我的不少文章也都涉及过它:

查看博客园积分与排名趋势图的工具》、《用 shell 脚本做 restful api 接口监控》、《用 shell 脚本做日志清洗》,感兴趣的可以参考一下。

下面是 msys2 的主页,可以从这里获取 Windows 上的安装包:https://www.msys2.org/



产品组有两个 dll 分别封装了基类 (base.dll) 和派生类 (derived.dll);有一次产品组为基类添加了两个成员作为补丁版本,在 diff 过程中成功的识别出了 base.dll 被修改,但是没有将 derived.dll 识别出来,然后就这样没有经由本地验证就向外发布了;结果导致打过补丁的版本一启动就崩溃了,原因是 derived.dll 中旧的派生类和 base.dll 中新的基类二进制不兼容了。

后来他们通过紧急补丁修复了上述问题,在后面复盘问题的过程中,我手动检查了脚本的运行日志,发现确实没有识别出新旧 derived.dll —— 脚本认为它们是二进制相同的。后来查询了一些相关资料,了解到我的 dumpbin /disasm 只是反编译了可执行文件中的代码段,而其它一些段 (例如数据段) 则被遗漏了。上面这个例子中,父类的成员变化后,肯定会有相应的 section 会做出调整,但是我通过调整 dumpbin 的选项也没有对比出这个段在哪里。后来尝试使用 msys2 自带的 objdump 命令去反编译,它确实可以得到更丰富的内容,从而判断出新旧 derived.dll 是不同的,但验证同一段相同代码编译两次生成的 dll 进行对比时,它仍然会告诉我两个 dll 不同!所以我不能简单的使用 objdump 替换 dumpbin,因为如果它报告所有 dll 都不同的话,这实际上就没有意义了。最后,这段代码还是带着 bug 继续”上岗”了,产品组现在多了一个心眼儿,每次生成 patch 后都会亲自做一下验证。

这个故事从侧面说明之前产品组对我的工具的信任程度 —— 那是毫无保留信任啊,哈哈。然而我做这个小工具花了多长时间呢?其实也就一周左右,而且有很多时间是花费在调试 windows 与 shell 的一些不兼容之处,真正写业务代码也就不到一周。如果换作用 c++ 来写呢,我恐怕没有一个月是搞不定的了,这就是使用现成组件”搭积木”带来的效率优势。而 shell 作为各个命令之间的粘合剂,为实现这种装配式的开发提供了必要的支撑。现在回头来看 linux 的设计哲学 —— “有众多单一目的的小程序,一个程序只实现一个功能,多个程序组合完成复杂任务” —— 的的确确是一个法宝啊。

Original: https://www.cnblogs.com/goodcitizen/p/compare_two_dir_and_generate_patch_package_by_shell_scripts.html
Author: goodcitizen
Title: 使用 shell 脚本自动对比两个安装目录并生成差异补丁包





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