


[TencentCloudSDKException] code:FailedOperation.ServiceIsolate message:service is stopped due to arrears, please recharge your account in Tencent Cloud requestId:2c2fd13d-0146-4bee-9148-86489e260f25


[TencentCloudSDKException] code:FailedOperation.ServiceIsolate message:service is stopped due to arrears, please recharge your account in Tencent Cloud requestId:f79f540d-a8b9-48e6-8416-24ae0b334ec0

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
even_numbers = [number for number in numbers if number % 2 == 0]



[TencentCloudSDKException] code:FailedOperation.ServiceIsolate message:service is stopped due to arrears, please recharge your account in Tencent Cloud requestId:23811d9c-2666-4769-ab4d-cabd18f2c85f


[TencentCloudSDKException] code:FailedOperation.ServiceIsolate message:service is stopped due to arrears, please recharge your account in Tencent Cloud requestId:1b1bd4e4-9688-4a10-8cc8-9042fb94b4f6

dictionary = {'first_num': 1, 'second_num': 2,
              'third_num': 3, 'fourth_num': 4}
oddvalues = {key: value for (key, value) in dictionary.items() if value % 2 != 0}
print(oddvalues)Output: {'first_num': 1, 'third_num': 3}

[TencentCloudSDKException] code:FailedOperation.ServiceIsolate message:service is stopped due to arrears, please recharge your account in Tencent Cloud requestId:44fc9e47-7cc2-4478-a0e0-81c54c853224


[TencentCloudSDKException] code:FailedOperation.ServiceIsolate message:service is stopped due to arrears, please recharge your account in Tencent Cloud requestId:12460ca9-0f55-4c0f-a985-6d76c5b363dc

sentence = 'Just do It'
length = len(sentence)
for index, element in enumerate(sentence):
    print('{}: {}'.format(index, element))
     if index == 0:
        print('The first element!')
    elif index == length - 1:
        print('The last element!')

[TencentCloudSDKException] code:FailedOperation.ServiceIsolate message:service is stopped due to arrears, please recharge your account in Tencent Cloud requestId:0d3fd722-38dc-4c7b-9f3e-eceb5cddc5ba


[TencentCloudSDKException] code:FailedOperation.ServiceIsolate message:service is stopped due to arrears, please recharge your account in Tencent Cloud requestId:728244ab-8f96-4574-b3bd-822c380f768c


get_student 函数,它根据员工的ID号以元组形式返回员工的名字和姓氏。

returning a tuple.

def get_student(id_num):
    if id_num == 0:
        return 'Taha', 'Nate'
    elif id_num == 1:
        return 'Jakub', 'Abdal'
        raise Exception('No Student with this id: {}'.format(id_num))

Student = get_student(0)
print('first_name: {}, last_name: {}'.format(Student[0], Student[1]))

[TencentCloudSDKException] code:FailedOperation.ServiceIsolate message:service is stopped due to arrears, please recharge your account in Tencent Cloud requestId:6b0d6346-98a9-4abb-ac95-128cd2a4334c


[TencentCloudSDKException] code:FailedOperation.ServiceIsolate message:service is stopped due to arrears, please recharge your account in Tencent Cloud requestId:2b3b3680-52b8-46c1-9e41-297cb55f0736

returning a dictionary
def get_data(id_num):
    if id_num == 0:
        return {'first_name': 'Muhammad', 'last_name': 'Taha', 'title': 'Data Scientist', 'department': 'A', 'date_joined': '20200807'}
    elif id_num == 1:
        return {'first_name': 'Ryan', 'last_name': 'Gosling', 'title': 'Data Engineer', 'department': 'B', 'date_joined': '20200809'}
        raise Exception('No employee with this id: {}'.format(id_num))
employee = get_data(0)
print('first_name: {},nlast_name: {},ntitle: {},ndepartment: {},ndate_joined: {}'.format(
    employee['first_name'], employee['last_name'], employee['title'], employee['department'], employee['date_joined']))

[TencentCloudSDKException] code:FailedOperation.ServiceIsolate message:service is stopped due to arrears, please recharge your account in Tencent Cloud requestId:a461682b-01de-415b-ba17-4f9698e13647


[TencentCloudSDKException] code:FailedOperation.ServiceIsolate message:service is stopped due to arrears, please recharge your account in Tencent Cloud requestId:8be20173-d3e2-4535-901f-72d561493c0b

Original: https://www.cnblogs.com/cxyxz/p/16517511.html
Author: 算法推荐管
Title: 30个python操作小技巧





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