InteractE: Improving Convolution-Based Knowledge Graph Embeddings by Increasing Feature Interactions

ConvR:Adaptive Convolution for Multi-Relational Learning
ConvE:Convolutional 2D Knowledge Graph Embeddings
ConvKB代码:A Novel Embedding Model for Knowledge Base Completion Based on Convolutional Neural Network

1 介绍

1.1 引言


1.2 提高交互方法

  • feature permutation(特征进行全排类)
  • a novel feature reshaping(新型的reshape方式)
  • circular convolution(循环神经网络)

2 模型

2.1 Feature Permutation

生成e s e_s e s ​和e r e_r e r ​的t-random排列,P t = [ ( e s 1 , e r 1 ) , . . . . , ( e s t , e r t ) ] \mathcal P_{t} = [(e_s^1, e_r^1), ….,(e_s^t, e_r^t)]P t ​=[(e s 1 ​,e r 1 ​),….,(e s t ​,e r t ​)]作为一组,进行随机打乱,进行t次,每次随机打乱产生一组数据,产生t次数据,其作为输入数据的int_channel则为t,但由于所有的数据本质上是一样的,对每层进行卷积的卷积核应该一致,应该在初始时是一致的,在具体实现时采用分组卷积的形式。

2.2 Reshaping Function

InteractE: Improving Convolution-Based Knowledge Graph Embeddings by Increasing Feature Interactions
  • Stack


  • Alternate


  • Chequer


; 2.3 循环卷积

常规的卷积,在使用时,边界与边界之间没有任何关系,因此提出循环卷积,在卷积的时候,使其边界之间的内容进行交互。其交互的方式是使边界⌊ k / 2 ⌋ \lfloor {k/2} \rfloor ⌊k /2 ⌋,其中k为kernal_size。在实现时,将⌊ k / 2 ⌋ \lfloor {k/2} \rfloor ⌊k /2 ⌋左侧内容放到右侧边界,⌊ k / 2 ⌋ \lfloor {k/2} \rfloor ⌊k /2 ⌋右侧内容放到左侧;同理下侧放到上侧,上侧放到下侧。

InteractE: Improving Convolution-Based Knowledge Graph Embeddings by Increasing Feature Interactions
InteractE: Improving Convolution-Based Knowledge Graph Embeddings by Increasing Feature Interactions

2.4 整体模型图

InteractE: Improving Convolution-Based Knowledge Graph Embeddings by Increasing Feature Interactions
  • 将头实体e s 和 e r e_s和e_r e s ​和e r ​进行全排列,进行t次全排列,产生t个通道
  • 进行reshape,采用Chequer方式进行reshape
  • 进行卷积,采用循环卷积
  • 进行全连接,映射维度为e s e_s e s ​的维度一致
  • 进行1-N评分,进行rank评分

; 2.5 评分函数

InteractE: Improving Convolution-Based Knowledge Graph Embeddings by Increasing Feature Interactions

3 总结

InteractE: Improving Convolution-Based Knowledge Graph Embeddings by Increasing Feature Interactions
InteractE: Improving Convolution-Based Knowledge Graph Embeddings by Increasing Feature Interactions

; 4 代码


from helper import *

class InteractE(torch.nn.Module):
    Proposed method in the paper. Refer Section 6 of the paper for mode details

    params:         Hyperparameters of the model
    chequer_perm:   Reshaping to be used by the model

    The InteractE model instance

    def __init__(self, params, chequer_perm):
        super(InteractE, self).__init__()

        self.p                  = params
        self.ent_embed      = torch.nn.Embedding(self.p.num_ent,   self.p.embed_dim, padding_idx=None); xavier_normal_(self.ent_embed.weight)
        self.rel_embed      = torch.nn.Embedding(self.p.num_rel*2, self.p.embed_dim, padding_idx=None); xavier_normal_(self.rel_embed.weight)
        self.bceloss        = torch.nn.BCELoss()

        self.inp_drop       = torch.nn.Dropout(self.p.inp_drop)
        self.hidden_drop    = torch.nn.Dropout(self.p.hid_drop)
        self.feature_map_drop   = torch.nn.Dropout2d(self.p.feat_drop)
        self.bn0        = torch.nn.BatchNorm2d(self.p.perm)

        flat_sz_h       = self.p.k_h
        flat_sz_w       = 2*self.p.k_w
        self.padding        = 0

        self.bn1        = torch.nn.BatchNorm2d(self.p.num_filt*self.p.perm)
        self.flat_sz        = flat_sz_h * flat_sz_w * self.p.num_filt*self.p.perm

        self.bn2        = torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(self.p.embed_dim)
        self.fc         = torch.nn.Linear(self.flat_sz, self.p.embed_dim)
        self.chequer_perm   = chequer_perm

        self.register_parameter('bias', Parameter(torch.zeros(self.p.num_ent)))
        self.register_parameter('conv_filt', Parameter(torch.zeros(self.p.num_filt, 1, self.p.ker_sz,  self.p.ker_sz))); xavier_normal_(self.conv_filt)

    def loss(self, pred, true_label=None, sub_samp=None):
        label_pos   = true_label[0];
        label_neg   = true_label[1:]
        loss        = self.bceloss(pred, true_label)
        return loss

    def circular_padding_chw(self, batch, padding):
        upper_pad   = batch[..., -padding:, :]
        lower_pad   = batch[..., :padding, :]
        temp        =[upper_pad, batch, lower_pad], dim=2)

        left_pad    = temp[..., -padding:]
        right_pad   = temp[..., :padding]
        padded      =[left_pad, temp, right_pad], dim=3)
        return padded

    def forward(self, sub, rel, neg_ents, strategy='one_to_x'):
        sub_emb     = self.ent_embed(sub)
        rel_emb     = self.rel_embed(rel)
        comb_emb    =[sub_emb, rel_emb], dim=1)
        chequer_perm    = comb_emb[:, self.chequer_perm]
        stack_inp   = chequer_perm.reshape((-1, self.p.perm, 2*self.p.k_w, self.p.k_h))
        stack_inp   = self.bn0(stack_inp)
        x       = self.inp_drop(stack_inp)
        x       = self.circular_padding_chw(x, self.p.ker_sz//2)
        x       = F.conv2d(x, self.conv_filt.repeat(self.p.perm, 1, 1, 1), padding=self.padding, groups=self.p.perm)
        x       = self.bn1(x)
        x       = F.relu(x)
        x       = self.feature_map_drop(x)
        x       = x.view(-1, self.flat_sz)
        x       = self.fc(x)
        x       = self.hidden_drop(x)
        x       = self.bn2(x)
        x       = F.relu(x)

        if strategy == 'one_to_n':
            x =, self.ent_embed.weight.transpose(1,0))
            x += self.bias.expand_as(x)
            x = torch.mul(x.unsqueeze(1), self.ent_embed(neg_ents)).sum(dim=-1)
            x += self.bias[neg_ents]

        pred    = torch.sigmoid(x)

        return pred

Author: Re:fused
Title: InteractE: Improving Convolution-Based Knowledge Graph Embeddings by Increasing Feature Interactions





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