Codeforces Round #691 (Div. 1) B. Glass Half Spilled 背包DP

B. Glass Half Spilled

There are 𝑛 glasses on the table numbered 1,…,𝑛. The glass 𝑖 can hold up to 𝑎𝑖 units of water, and currently contains 𝑏𝑖 units of water.

You would like to choose 𝑘 glasses and collect as much water in them as possible. To that effect you can pour water from one glass to another as many times as you like. However, because of the glasses’ awkward shape (and totally unrelated to your natural clumsiness), each time you try to transfer any amount of water, half of the amount is spilled on the floor.

Formally, suppose a glass 𝑖 currently contains 𝑐𝑖 units of water, and a glass 𝑗 contains 𝑐𝑗 units of water. Suppose you try to transfer 𝑥 units from glass 𝑖 to glass 𝑗 (naturally, 𝑥 can not exceed 𝑐𝑖). Then, 𝑥/2 units is spilled on the floor. After the transfer is done, the glass 𝑖 will contain 𝑐𝑖−𝑥 units, and the glass 𝑗 will contain min(𝑎𝑗,𝑐𝑗+𝑥/2) units (excess water that doesn’t fit in the glass is also spilled).

Each time you transfer water, you can arbitrarlly choose from which glass 𝑖 to which glass 𝑗 to pour, and also the amount 𝑥 transferred can be any positive real number.

For each 𝑘=1,…,𝑛, determine the largest possible total amount of water that can be collected in arbitrarily chosen 𝑘 glasses after transferring water between glasses zero or more times.


The first line contains a single integer 𝑛 (1≤𝑛≤100) — the number of glasses.

The following 𝑛 lines describe the glasses. The 𝑖-th of these lines contains two integers 𝑎𝑖 and 𝑏𝑖 (0≤𝑏𝑖≤𝑎𝑖≤100, 𝑎𝑖>0) — capacity, and water amount currently contained for the glass 𝑖, respectively.


Print 𝑛 real numbers — the largest amount of water that can be collected in 1,…,𝑛 glasses respectively. Your answer will be accepted if each number is within 10−9 absolute or relative tolerance of the precise answer.


6 5
6 5
10 2

7.0000000000 11.0000000000 12.0000000000


In the sample case, you can act as follows:

for 𝑘=1, transfer water from the first two glasses to the third one, spilling (5+5)/2=5 units and securing 2+(5+5)/2=7 units;
for 𝑘=2, transfer water from the third glass to any of the first two, spilling 2/2=1 unit and securing 5+5+2/2=11 units;
for 𝑘=3, do nothing. All 5+5+2=12 units are secured.






别的杯子最多给这k杯倒 (S1-S2)/2

那么答案就是 min(S3, S2 + (S1-S2)/2) = min(S3,(S2+S1)/2)





#include<bits stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

const int maxn = 1e4+7;
int dp[105][maxn]; // &#x524D;i&#x4E2A;&#x6211;&#x9009;&#x62E9;j&#x4E2A;&#xFF0C;&#x5BB9;&#x91CF;&#x4E3A;k&#x7684;&#x65F6;&#x5019;&#xFF0C;&#x6700;&#x591A;&#x80FD;&#x88C5;&#x591A;&#x5C11;
int a[105],b[105],n,suma,sumb;
int main() {
    for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) { cin>>a[i]>>b[i];
    for (int i=0;i<=n;i++) { for (int j="0;j<=10000;j++)" dp[i][j]="-1e9;" } dp[0][0]="0;" i="1;i<=n;i++)">=1;j--) {
            for (int c=suma;c>=a[i];c--) {

    for (int j=1;j<=n;j++) 2 { double ans="0.0;" for (int c="0;c<=suma;c++)" dp[j][c]+(sumb-dp[j][c]) min(1.0*dp[j][c]+sumb, 2.0*c)); } printf("%.10f ", 2.0); < code></=n;j++)></=n;i++)></=n;i++)></bits>

Author: qscqesze
Title: Codeforces Round #691 (Div. 1) B. Glass Half Spilled 背包DP





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