
9月24日,在2021中关村论坛之”人工智能与多学科协同创新”平行论坛上,北京智源人工智能研究院学术副院长、清华大学教授唐杰发布了”冬奥手语播报数字人系统”成果 图片来源/中国科学报 郑金武摄影



According to domestic statistics, there are more than 27 million people with hearing impairment in China, and there is a huge demand for education, social interaction, entertainment and access to information. If we take into account the relatives, friends and colleagues who need to communicate with them, hundreds of millions of people will be involved.




Digital sign language anchors need not only a real digital human image, but also a digital brain that can understand and translate speech and sign language. Sign language broadcast digital man is an “intelligent man”. It not only has vivid expression and rich body language, but also has a “brain”-a digital two-wheel drive virtual digital brain that can understand and translate speech and sign language. It is equipped with mouth shape, expression, posture, hand movements and other materials for “expression management”.

2021年9月23日,北京,2021年中关村论坛上手语播报数字人 图片来源/视觉中国




Sign language digital broadcasting is realized because it is supported by the super-large-scale artificial intelligence model of “Wudao 2.0”. Combined with the relevant information of the Winter Olympic Games, the big model of enlightenment can realize the automatic conversion from text to gesture. When the announcer broadcasts, the digital man can convert the text into sign language, making it convenient for the hearing impaired to watch the special reports of the event, which is the first practical application of the super-large-scale pre-training model of “Wudao 2.0”. Relying on “data” and “knowledge”, real-time sign language translation and broadcasting of event news during the Winter Olympic Games has been realized, which fills the gap in this field.

2021年6月3日,观众在2021北京智源大会上参观智能模型”悟道2.0″的资料介绍。”悟道2.0″模型的参数规模达到1.75万亿,是目前中国首个、全球最大的万亿级模型 图片来源/视觉中国




The future of digital man is not just sign language broadcasting, with the continuous evolution of artificial intelligence technology, digital man has also entered other fields, such as the digital journalist Xiaowei who introduced the situation of the space station to everyone, all kinds of virtual characters emerging in the game live broadcast industry, and so on.



Nowadays, with the vigorous development of technology, digital people have not only reached the realistic level of portraits, but also have a certain ability of communication. The expansion of virtual interactive technology allows digital people to enter fine or dangerous fields such as medicine, mineralogy and astronautics. In the future, digital people will have the ability of seeing, listening, speaking and knowledge logic similar to others, and artificial intelligence will be further developed. Let’s look forward to it.

Original: https://blog.csdn.net/dmwh368/article/details/122471689
Author: 大漠无痕368
Title: “数字主播”上线:冬奥手语播报AI数字人





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