语音合成论文优选:Parallel Tacotron 2: A Non-Autoregressive Neural TTS Model with Differentiable Duration Mod



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Parallel Tacotron 2: A Non-Autoregressive Neural TTS Model with Differentiable Duration Modeling

本文是google在2021.04.13更新的文章,主要解决Parallel Tacotron的对齐问题,本系统不需要额外的对齐信息,具体的文章链接



Parallel Tacotron: Non-Autoregressive and Controllable TTS



1 研究背景

tacotron系列以合成高质量语音和闻名,但其自回归模式限制其速度,因此本文提出了非自回归parallel tacotron,当然其合成质量是接近taoctron2。但parallel tacotron需要额外的对齐信息来训练duration decoder,因此本文在parallel tacotron基础上提出了parallel tacotron2,该模型使用一种新颖的attention机制来进行对齐。(对齐矩阵)

2 详细架构

先来看一下图1展示了parallel tacotron系统架构,主要由input encoder, residual encoder, duration decoder, spectrogram decoder构成。当然该系统也需要借助外部的对齐信息来训练duration decoder 。

语音合成论文优选:Parallel Tacotron 2: A Non-Autoregressive Neural TTS Model with Differentiable Duration Mod

接下来的parallel tacotron2主要使用下图的结构进行时长估算。首先duration predictor估算每个token的时长,然后learning upsampling模块根据时长信息来学习attention matrix w和auxiliary attention context C。当然这样预测出来的特征跟真实的特征帧数不一样,无法求loss,因此使用soft-DTW来进行求值。最后的loss为公式7。

语音合成论文优选:Parallel Tacotron 2: A Non-Autoregressive Neural TTS Model with Differentiable Duration Mod

语音合成论文优选:Parallel Tacotron 2: A Non-Autoregressive Neural TTS Model with Differentiable Duration Mod

语音合成论文优选:Parallel Tacotron 2: A Non-Autoregressive Neural TTS Model with Differentiable Duration Mod

语音合成论文优选:Parallel Tacotron 2: A Non-Autoregressive Neural TTS Model with Differentiable Duration Mod

语音合成论文优选:Parallel Tacotron 2: A Non-Autoregressive Neural TTS Model with Differentiable Duration Mod

3 实验结果

table 1,table 2和table 3显示本文的parallel tacotron2在preference好于parallel tacotron和tacotron2 。图3展示了使用本文进行调速。

语音合成论文优选:Parallel Tacotron 2: A Non-Autoregressive Neural TTS Model with Differentiable Duration Mod

语音合成论文优选:Parallel Tacotron 2: A Non-Autoregressive Neural TTS Model with Differentiable Duration Mod

语音合成论文优选:Parallel Tacotron 2: A Non-Autoregressive Neural TTS Model with Differentiable Duration Mod

4 总结

本文主要解决Parallel Tacotron的对齐问题,本系统不需要额外的对齐信息。

Original: https://blog.csdn.net/liyongqiang2420/article/details/116154164
Author: 我叫永强
Title: 语音合成论文优选:Parallel Tacotron 2: A Non-Autoregressive Neural TTS Model with Differentiable Duration Mod





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