


Electrical signals can be converted into sound signals, and of course sound signals can also be converted into electrical signals. Sound needs to be transmitted through a medium, such as air, wood, water, metal, and so on. There is no way for sound to spread in a vacuum. If we go to the moon to play, we won’t be able to communicate even if we cut our throats. However, the propagation of electromagnetic waves does not need a medium, and it can also travel very far. If the sound is converted into electrical signals and then transmitted through electromagnetic waves, even if we are on earth, we can also talk to astronauts in space.





Electret microphone is a kind of acoustoelectric conversion element, which is composed of acousto-electric conversion, impedance transformation and signal amplifier. there is an electret diaphragm inside it. When the sound vibrates, the capacitance at both ends of the electret will cause the electric field change, and then amplified by the built-in field effect tube, the sound will be converted into a weak voltage signal.





Loudspeakers can convert changing electrical signals into sound signals, have you seen them before? It consists of a diaphragm, a coil and a magnet. In fact, the horn can also convert the sound signal into an electrical signal. When the horn encounters sound vibration, the horn diaphragm will drive the coil to move in the magnetic field. According to the electromagnetic conversion principle of “magnetoelectricity”, the movement of the coil in the magnetic field is actually equal to the change of the magnetic field, and the changing magnetic field will make the coil produce a weak electrical signal.





The electrical signal converted by electret microphone or horn is actually very weak, and it needs to be amplified by amplifying circuit.

  1. 声音转化来的微弱的电信号经过放大后可以驱动喇叭放出声音,这就是常见的扩音器了。
  2. 声音转化来的微弱的电信号经过放大后可以通过通讯网络传递到其它地方后再变回声音,这就是语音通话了。
  3. 声音转化来的微弱的电信号经过放大后还可以控制其它电路的工作,这就是我们常用的声控开关了。
  4. 声音转化来的微弱的电信号经过放大后再通过AI智能算法进行语音识别,就可以实现我们常用的智能语音控制了。
  5. 声音转化来的微弱的电信号经过放大后,再转化为数字格式的数据储存起来,就是我们常用的录音了。



Original: https://blog.csdn.net/ALakers/article/details/113130671
Author: Time-Traveler
Title: 声音信号如何转化为电信号





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