








I have written an article called “Smart Home Imagination” before, which should be in 2016. At that time, there was another article that was not released, that is, after watching “out of Control”, I combed some ideas about smart home combined with artificial intelligence. When it comes back to smart home today, on the one hand, I really don’t see any new changes in smart home that interest me. I feel that they are just “outdated” toys of players who are interested in technology. But I think smart home can’t go on like this, it should play its due role. Especially under the general trend of aging in China, smart home can and should be an important part of the transformation of home pension facilities, and shoulder part of the important task of taking care of the elderly. It should not stay in a state where I do not feel very creative, which is just a toy for trendy young people.




I don’t know what you think about smart home. In my opinion, smart home must not be controlled by mobile phone or voice. The core word of my sentence is “control”. By “control”, I mean that people operate through their own body parts to achieve the specific performance of something. I think this kind of operation is just a helpless move by human beings in the process of changing the environment. If I can not control it, I don’t want to do it or even talk at all.



Every night, when it is dark, do I really like to press the light switch myself in order to light up the room lamp? Will this on and off control really give me a sense of satisfaction? Definitely not. Even if the action I’m talking about is replaced by a button on the phone, or a word, it won’t bring me pleasure. I think it can be avoided. Because what I really need is the right light, not “control” itself.



Just like when we were young, when we were reading in the evening, it was dark, and our parents gently turned on the lights for us. Sometimes we realized that the lights were on, and sometimes we were too absorbed in them to realize the changes in the light. But we would never be unhappy because we didn’t turn on the lights with our own hands, would we? What I want to say is that all we really need is comfort, and it would be better if we were taken care of.



Based on the above logic, I also mentioned in my article that all we want is an invisible housekeeper to adjust everything in our home environment for us. And this “housekeeper” should also be considerate, through the process of “living” with us for many years, we know our living habits very well. Occasionally the adjustment is inappropriate, and as long as we whisper, it will be adjusted in place immediately.











In the past few years, I have been involved in the research and development of smart home, but I am really not involved in practical application, but I think I still have some understanding and opinions about smart home. So here I try to analyze the plan I’m thinking about. I am not saying that it is easy to do the following, nor am I saying that it is necessarily the right thing to do, but I want to write it down to see if I have the opportunity to use it as a starting point for further exploration. I also hope that through my analysis, we can see that although it will not be too easy, it may not be as difficult as you think.




Going back to the solution, in the series of scenarios we mentioned in the previous section, the core design idea, I think, has two points:

  • 每个居住空间(如房间)应将内部的一切作为一个独立的单元进行调整,但要能够根据周围环境进行相应的调整。

    each living space (such as a room) should adjust everything inside as an independent unit, but be able to adjust accordingly according to the surrounding environment.*

  • 这位”管家”的行为不是预设的,它是不断在学习着你和家人的习惯。


  • 对于中央设备的性能要求大大降低,将性能需求分摊到各个模块的硬件上,总体成本可能会降低。(目前价值几十块的开发板都能完成AI推理的工作,也就是TinyML,所以可以预见这种运行AI的硬件环境成本将会降低。)甚至中央设备也许可以变成是性能要求最低的那一台。
  • 整个家居不会因中央设备崩溃而瘫痪,各个子模块的硬件将各自处理各自的责任领域我们可以在没有压力的情况下重新启动故障模块甚至中央设备。(在我看来,这是最重要的一点。)

    the whole home will not be paralyzed by the collapse of the central equipment, and the hardware of the sub-modules will deal with their respective areas of responsibility. We can restart the faulty module or even the central device without pressure. (in my opinion, this is the most important point.)*



For example, divide a room into the following 10 living spaces:

  1. 客厅
  2. 餐厅
  3. 厨房
  4. 洗手间
  5. 主卧室
  6. 主卧洗手间
  7. 书房
  8. 孩子房
  9. 阳台
  10. 杂物间

我以” 晚上8点“的场景为例,它涉及到总管家、餐厅和书房。

  • 餐厅大灯
  • 空调系统(风扇或空调)
  • 光线传感器(多个)
  • 人体红外传感器(多个)
  • 温度传感器(多个)


  • 房间大灯
  • 书桌灯
  • 空调系统
  • 书房智能音箱
  • 窗帘
  • 光线传感器(多个)
  • 人体红外传感器(多个)
  • 温度传感器(多个)

1. 🙋‍♀️餐厅检测到有人进入餐厅,并开始停留约有10分钟左右。

  • 给🤴管家发一条消息,通知“主人可能正在用餐”。


    send a message to the 🤴 butler informing “the host may be having dinner”.*

  • 🤴总管家

  • 收到”主人可能正在晚餐”的信息

  • 向所有空间发送消息,通知“主人正在用餐”。

    send a message to all spaces informing “the host is having dinner”.*

1. 🙋‍♂️书房根据主人的惯常习惯,就餐时间估计还有15分钟左右。

  • 检查当前房间温度,发现是30度,因此打开空调并将其设置为28度。

    check the current room temperature and find that it is 30 degrees, so turn on the air conditioner and set it to 28 degrees.*

1. 🙋‍♀️餐厅检测到有人离开餐厅

  • 向🤴管家发送消息,通知“有人要离开餐厅”

    send a message to the 🤴 butler informing “someone is leaving the restaurant”*

  • 检测是否还有人在餐厅,
  • 如果有人则继续保持当前状态,
  • 如果没有人了,就将灯熄灭,并调整空气系统至无人时的惯常状态

  • 🤴总管家

  • 收到”有人离开餐厅”的信息

  • 向所有空间发送信息,通知“有人要离开餐厅”


    send a message to all spaces informing “someone is leaving the restaurant”*

  • 🙋‍♂️书房

  • 收到”有人离开餐厅”的信息,根据主人的习惯,认为主人要看书,这时需要将书房大灯点亮,但亮度为最低

  • ⏳,直到门口的传感器检测到有人进入

    ⏳until the sensor at the door senses someone entering*

  • 再根据当前房间的亮度,将灯动态调整使房间到达主人习惯的亮度

    In the northwest of 🌇, there may still be sunlight, which is projected into the room.



    💡, of course, the aisle lights will also be taken into account.

  • 同时发送”主人进入书房”的信息给🤴总管家
  • ⏳一直等到主人走近办公桌,台灯慢慢亮起,还会根据主人的习惯动态调整桌面亮度。


    ⏳waits until the master approaches the desk, and the desk lamp lights up slowly, and also dynamically adjusts the desktop to the brightness of the owner’s habit.*

  • 🤴总管家

  • 收到”主人进入书房”的信息

  • 向所有空间发送信息,通知“主人进入书房”。

    send a message to all spaces informing “the host enters the study”.*



Did you find out? All spaces do their own things, but they work together through “butler’s information” and “various sensors”. This design will not be too complicated, and there are fewer parameters to be considered in the training model, which should reduce the time cost of training.

1️⃣ “空间管家”收集用户习惯及环境数据,发送给”总管家”


  • 在新家,我们将有一个标准而简单的智能管家“团队”(“首席管家”和“空间管家”),从一开始就有:

    in a new home, we will have a standard and simple smart butler “team” (“chief butler” and “space butler”), which are available from the beginning:*

🧙‍♀️ 语音助手功能
👷‍♂️ 操作所有家里设备的能力
👨‍🔬 数据收集能力

  • 我的想法是根据用户的要求在两者中选择一种:

    my idea is to choose one of the two according to the user’s requirements:*

🔲 学习周期内不做任何行动,待学习期结束,使用学习期所训练的模型作为初始模型
🔲 通过众多用户的使用,管家们其实已经有普遍适合大部分人的服务行为,所以先使用这些基础模型作为初始模型



When you are sitting in the study and feel a little hot, say directly: “I feel hot.” The “space butler” in the study will adjust the temperature down a bit. This operation will be recorded with various parameters at that time, such as geographical location, date, time, indoor temperature, indoor humidity, outdoor temperature, outdoor humidity and so on.

2️⃣ 不变
3️⃣ 没反应

** 需要注意的是,根据机器学习的机制,这种一两次的操作是不会马上很明显地影响未来的模型。但如果这种情况多了之后,模型就会体现出调整后的变化。



Well, that’s my analysis of the overall plan. It’s just that I just extracted it from my mind. It must have a lot of problems, a lot of defects caused by my blind spots. But as I said, I just want to use this as a starting point for exploration, and I also want to throw a big brick to attract beautiful jade. So if you have any good ideas, you can write them in the comment area, welcome wonderful ideas!



Next, if conditions permit, I will try to complete a prototype with a simple development board and some sensors to see if it is feasible. Of course, this will be an annualized attempt.




See here, with regard to the example of the above plan, it is estimated that you still have some questions. I will write what I think of here for your reference and discussion. If you have any questions, you can also put it in the comments section. I will sort it out and put it here.

1. Q:为什么不用人脸识别,那些人体红外传感器不能分辨出是谁进入了哪个区域,也不知道人数。

2. Q:关于隐私,这个方案有什么好处?

Original: https://blog.csdn.net/fengcan/article/details/124151006
Author: 长风Eric(fengcan)
Title: 智能家居的新想法(2022)





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