JETSON NANO 2G 安装 TensorFlow 2.6 & Jupyter Server

1.格式化SD卡 (大于等于32G)

2.balenaEtcher-Setup-1.7.0.exe 写卡

3.连接HDMI , 进行初始设置(选择语言,时区,用户名,密码,登录方式,选择X windows 管理器)

4.连接ssh (putty,Xshell或者 electerm)

****不知道IP的 局域网扫描一下,或者路由查看一下。 最好记下mac地址,下次方便找到,当然也可以设置固定IP



After logging in, first set up the proxy server, of course, you can also set the domestic source (domestic source self-search setting)

  #vi The file:  ~/.bashrc
  source ~/.bashrc

#Adding following line to /etc/apt/apt.conf has solved the problem: 
#if file does not exist, create it. Do not confuse it with apt.conf.d directory.

vi /etc/apt/apt.conf
#Acquire::http::proxy "<http:>";
Acquire::http::proxy "socks5h://";

#The reason your manual export failed to affect apt-get is because sudo ignores
that environment variable by default (i.e. it doesn't pass it on to the command).

#For one-off runs, you could do
#sudo env http_proxy= apt-get update
#Otherwise, you could configure sudo to allow http_proxy to fall through.

#also if proxy using authentication then provide the details as
#sudo env http_proxy=http://<userid>:<password>@ apt-get update



1). Open a terminal window (putty,Xshell或者 electerm)

2). Update the list of available software



If you do not set up a proxy, use the proxy format on the command line as follows

sudo apt -o Acquire::http::proxy="socks5h://" update
#&#x628A;  -o Acquire::http::proxy="socks5h://"  &#x53BB;&#x6389;
sudo apt update
sudo apt-get update

3). 安装2个

 1-  VNC SERVER  &#x7CFB;&#x7EDF;&#x81EA;&#x5E26;VINO&#xFF08;&#x6BD4;&#x8F83;&#x5361;&#xFF09;&#xFF0C;&#x7AEF;&#x53E3;5900

 2 -  TightVNCServer  &#x7AEF;&#x53E3; 5901 &#x6BD4;&#x8F83;&#x5FEB;

a. 设置系统自带Vino Server

#Enable the VNC server to start each time you log inIf you have a Jetson Nano 2GB Developer Kit (running LXDE)
#FOR LXDE&#x684C;&#x9762;&#x73AF;&#x5883;
mkdir -p ~/.config/autostart
cp /usr/share/applications/vino-server.desktop ~/.config/autostart/.

#For all other Jetson developer kits (running GNOME)
#FOR GNOME &#x684C;&#x9762;&#x73AF;&#x5883;
cd /usr/lib/systemd/user/
sudo ln -s ../vino-server.service ./.

#Configure the VNC server
gsettings set org.gnome.Vino prompt-enabled false
gsettings set org.gnome.Vino require-encryption false
#Set a password to access the VNC server# Replace thepassword with your desired password
gsettings set org.gnome.Vino authentication-methods "['vnc']"
gsettings set org.gnome.Vino vnc-password $(echo -n 'yourpassword'|base64)
#Reboot the system so that the settings take effect
sudo reboot



sudo apt-get -o Acquire::http::proxy="socks5h://" install tightvncserver

#&#x66F4;&#x6539; .vnc/xstartup &#x811A;&#x672C;&#xFF08;&#x4E0D;&#x786E;&#x5B9A;&#x662F;&#x5426;&#x662F;&#x8FD9;&#x4E2A;&#x8D77;&#x4F5C;&#x7528;&#xFF09;&#x3002; &#x7B49;&#x4E0B;&#x6B21;&#x91CD;&#x88C5;&#x9A8C;&#x8BC1;

/usr/bin/tightvncserver -geometry 1920x1080 -depth 24
#&#x6CE8;&#x610F;depth &#x653E;24
#Edit crontab&#xA0;via a Terminal to start tightvncserver on boot

sudo crontab -e

Add this line to the bottom of crontab.

@reboot su - fox -c '/usr/bin/tightvncserver -geometry 1920x1080 -depth 24'

#&#x6709;&#x95EE;&#x9898;&#x81EA;&#x5DF1;&#x67E5;&#x770B;log  &#x5728;&#x5BB6;&#x76EE;&#x5F55; .vnc &#x76EE;&#x5F55;&#x4E0B;&#xFF0C; &#x81EA;&#x5DF1;&#x641C;&#x7D22;&#x89E3;&#x51B3;

#&#x4EE5;&#x4E0A;&#xFF0C;&#x91CD;&#x542F;&#x4E00;&#x4E0B;&#x770B;&#x770B;&#x7AEF;&#x53E3;5900   5901 &#x662F;&#x5426;&#x90FD;&#x6253;&#x5F00;&#xFF0C;&#x5982;&#x679C;&#x90FD;&#x5F00;&#x90A3;&#x5C31;&#x62D4;&#x663E;&#x793A;&#x5668;&#xFF0C;&#x952E;&#x76D8;&#xFF0C;&#x9F20;&#x6807;&#xFF0C; &#x4EE5;&#x540E;&#x7528;NVC&#x548C;&#x7EC8;&#x7AEF;&#x767B;&#x5F55;&#x5C31;&#x53EF;&#x4EE5;&#x4E86;&#x3002;

netstat -an | grep 590

6.接VNC server, 这里使用VNC Viewer

7.VNC下更新软件 (preferences – software updater)

  1. 终端下安装python3-dev pip3 pip setuptools testresources
sudo apt-get install python3-pip python3-dev
#&#x5148;&#x5B89;&#x88C5;socks support &#x8981;&#x4E0D;&#x7136;&#x4EE3;&#x7406;&#x5B89;&#x88C5;&#x8981;&#x51FA;&#x9519;
git clone  <https: anorov pysocks>
cd PySocks/
sudo python3 install

sudo apt-get install libhdf5-serial-dev hdf5-tools libhdf5-dev zlib1g-dev zip libjpeg8-dev liblapack-dev libblas-dev gfortran

sudo pip3 install -U pip testresources setuptools==49.6.0  --proxy=socks5:// (&#x53C2;&#x7167;Nvidia &#x5B89;&#x88C5;tensorflow&#x6587;&#x6863;&#xFF09;
#sudo pip3 install -U pip testresources setuptools  --proxy=socks5://

#&#x5B89;&#x88C5;jetson-stats &#x67E5;&#x770B;&#x4FE1;&#x606F;
sudo pip3 install jetson-stats --proxy=socks5://
sudo reboot
sudo jetson_release



(1)比如安装库numpy,pip3 install numpy或者pip install numpy:只是当一台电脑同时有多个版本的Python的时候,用pip3就可以自动区分用Python3来安装库。是为了避免和Python2发生冲突的。



(1)使用pip install XXX :


(2)使用pip3 install XXX :


(3)如果使用python3执行程序,那么就不能import python2.7/site-packages中的库。

9.Install the Python package dependencies.

$ sudo pip3 install -U --no-deps numpy==1.19.4 future==0.18.2 mock==3.0.5 keras_preprocessing==1.1.2 keras_applications==1.0.8 gast==0.4.0 futures protobuf pybind11 cython pkgconfig    --proxy=socks5://
$ sudo env H5PY_SETUP_REQUIRES=0 pip3 install -U --no-build-isolation h5py==3.1.0  --proxy=socks5://

#Successfully installed cached-property-1.5.2 h5py-3.1.0  &#x771F;&#x4E0D;&#x5BB9;&#x6613;


Note: As of the 20.02 TensorFlow release, the package name has changed from tensorflow-gpu to tensorflow. See the section on Upgrading TensorFlow for more information.

Install TensorFlow using the pip3 command. This command will install the latest version of TensorFlow compatible with JetPack 4.6.

sudo pip3 install --pre --extra-index-url <https: compute redist jp v46> tensorflow   --proxy=socks5://

#Successfully installed absl-py-0.12.0 astunparse-1.6.3 cachetools-4.2.4 charset-normalizer-2.0.7 clang-5.0 dataclasses-0.8 flatbuffers-1.12 google-auth-2.3.3 google-auth-oauthlib-0.4.6 google-pasta-0.2.0 grpcio-1.42.0 importlib-metadata-4.8.2 keras-2.7.0 markdown-3.3.6 oauthlib-3.1.1 opt-einsum-3.3.0 pyasn1-0.4.8 pyasn1-modules-0.2.8 requests-2.26.0 requests-oauthlib-1.3.0 rsa-4.7.2 six-1.15.0 tensorboard-2.7.0 tensorboard-data-server-0.6.1 tensorboard-plugin-wit-1.8.0 tensorflow-2.6.0+nv21.11 tensorflow-estimator-2.7.0 termcolor-1.1.0 typing-extensions- werkzeug-2.0.2 wheel-0.37.0 wrapt-1.12.1 zipp-3.6.0



import tensorflow

#If TensorFlow was installed correctly, this command should execute without error.

  1. 设置CUda库路径

etson Nano官方镜像安装后,系统自带JetPack,cuda,cudaa,OpenCV等组件,但是需要修改下环境变量才可以使用。

利用nano打开 ~ 路径下.bashrc文件

sudo nano ~/.bashrc



Add the following three lines at the end of the file

export CUBA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

export PATH=/usr/local/cuda/bin:$PATH


source ~/.bashrc

输入nvcc -V命令进行查看版本并测试

  1. 检查cuDNN

sudo apt-get install libfreeimage3 libfreeimage-dev

cd /usr/src/cudnn_samples_v8/mnistCUDNN/

sudo make clean

sudo make


  1. 检查openCV
pkg-config opencv4 --modversion

#version 4.1.1
  1. 远程登录jupyter notebook

Jetson Nano上安装jupyter notebook ,然后再开启远程登录。

wget <https: dist v12.13.0 node-v12.13.0-linux-arm64.tar.xz>
tar -xJf node-v12.13.0-linux-arm64.tar.xz
cd node-v12.13.0-linux-arm64
sudo cp -R * /usr/local/
node -v

sudo apt install  npm
npm -v

sudo pip3 install jupyter jupyterlab --proxy=socks5://

#sudo npm cache clean --force

sudo jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager
#sudo jupyter labextension install @jupyterlab/statusbar



jupyter notebook --generate-config

#jupyter server --generate-config  &#x6CA1;&#x6D4B;&#x8BD5;



Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

>>> from notebook.auth import passwd
>>> passwd()
Enter password:
Verify password:

from notebook.auth import passwd


此时会让你两次输入密码(该密码作为客户端登录jupyter用),然后就会生成秘钥 (秘钥作为配置文件用)

3)编辑配置文件 (好像server和notebook配置分开了,整天瞎折腾)

vim ~/.jupyter/

c.NotebookApp.open_browser = False    # &#x7981;&#x6B62;&#x81EA;&#x52A8;&#x6253;&#x5F00;&#x6D4F;&#x89C8;&#x5668;
 cp ~/.jupyter/  ~/.jupyter/

vim ~/.jupyter/

c.ServerApp.ip = ''     # &#x5C31;&#x662F;&#x8BBE;&#x7F6E;&#x6240;&#x6709;ip&#x7686;&#x53EF;&#x8BBF;&#x95EE;&#x3002;&#xFF08;&#x8FD9;&#x53E5;&#x662F;&#x5173;&#x952E;&#xFF09;
c.ServerApp.password = u'argon2:$argon2i$v=19$m=10240,t=10,p=8$S9CG7OsSurSChOcHorxCgA$f6SDSnwcmXfQbGWLH7A+YA'  # &#x521A;&#x624D;&#x590D;&#x5236;&#x7684;&#x90A3;&#x4E2A;&#x5BC6;&#x6587;
c.ServerApp.root_dir = u'/home/fox'  #&#x914D;&#x7F6E;&#x9ED8;&#x8BA4;&#x76EE;&#x5F55;
c.ServerApp.port = 8888    #&#x6307;&#x5B9A;&#x7AEF;&#x53E3;

4) 在服务器端启动 jupyter server

JETSON NANO 2G 安装 TensorFlow 2.6 & Jupyter Server

JETSON NANO 2G 安装 TensorFlow 2.6 & Jupyter Server

四、pycharm远程连接 Jetson Nano


JETSON NANO 2G 安装 TensorFlow 2.6 & Jupyter Server

新建sftp远程连接到 Jetson Nano,输入用户名密码测试一下。

JETSON NANO 2G 安装 TensorFlow 2.6 & Jupyter Server


JETSON NANO 2G 安装 TensorFlow 2.6 & Jupyter Server

File -> Setting -> Project Interpreter 点击齿轮添加解析器

JETSON NANO 2G 安装 TensorFlow 2.6 & Jupyter Server


pip3 –version 就会输出路径位置

pip 21.3.1 from /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pip (python 3.6)


which python3

将路径设置成 /usr/bin/python3 。

JETSON NANO 2G 安装 TensorFlow 2.6 & Jupyter Server


JETSON NANO 2G 安装 TensorFlow 2.6 & Jupyter Server

直接运行示例代码,文件会自动上传到Jeson Nano 里指定的目录,并直接运行。

Author: chengweifox
Title: JETSON NANO 2G 安装 TensorFlow 2.6 & Jupyter Server





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