网易云信的音频共享技术 | 体验共享专题

导读:随着现代社会生活方式变化,社交娱乐的方式也在逐渐改变。传统面对面的社交娱乐活动正在逐步变革,越来越多的交互行为逐渐转移到网络上。RTC 技术的进步也推动了网络娱乐形式的变化,单方向信息传递方式如电影、听歌、看视频为主的娱乐方式占比在下降,互动性更强的方式如互动直播、语音通话、在线 KTV 歌等却在逐步崛起。




As one of the most important ways of human communication, the processing of sound is very important. On the one hand, because human beings are extremely sensitive to sound, the transmission of sound is affected by the physiological structure of the human body. Because vision is limited by light and orientation, it is not a source of information that can be relied on all the time. In many cases, hearing has become the most important channel for human beings to perceive environmental information. On the other hand, the communication mode in which the sound exists separately from the picture also has the scene of independent application.

RTC 互动交流功能作为极其重要的功能,对音频通话的处理提出了以下要求:

  • 超低延时。实时互动零距离
  • 超高的通话质量。回声、噪声等影响听感的因素需妥善处理,使通话过程无干扰



The characteristics of social entertainment put forward new requirements for audio processing. For example, users want to get * high-quality music, good presence, interesting audio effects, high-quality audio content sharing and so on. Therefore, this requires us to optimize audio from different aspects in order to achieve the best effect. What we share today is audio sharing.*




Audio sharing generally refers to sharing the audio sound in the device with other participants, so that both parties can hear the same sound, such as listening to music together.



Users on the phone hear the same voice, which is important for users to improve their sense of presence in some cases. There is a direct way to * let the user on the other side hear the local voice from the microphone channel * , but in many cases this effect is not very good. The distortion of the acquisition and playback link and the specific processing of the microphone channel for human voice may destroy the effect of high-quality audio.

提供一个 绕过前端处理环节并且灵活方便应对各种场景的音频共享功能就变成了现实需求。




In order to meet the needs of users for audio sharing in multiple scenarios, * Yiyunxin has implemented a flexible audio sharing scheme. *

网易云信的音频共享技术 | 体验共享专题



A variety of shared sound sources are provided here. You can use * source files * , including * network audio sources * .

通过内置解码器解码后混音,可以兼容常见的 Mp3,AAC 等多种格式数据文件,这是最简单常见的一种方式。



What do you do when users like the sounds played by third-party software? We * provide the capture and processing of playback data based on the system interface * , so that users do not have to suffer from being unable to obtain data sources, and make the sources of audio sharing more diversified.

这里的架构和常见的 RTC 架构似乎有些许不同之处,不光增加了一个 回声消除模块,参考信号的来源似乎也有变化。这就是这个架构特殊的地方,下面一个回声消除模块用于基本通话 ,由于共享的声音同时要被自己和对方听到,麦克风采集到的声音里也可能会包含这部分信号,需要消除的部分不仅要包括对端的声音,还要包括本端播放的声音。



Here, the actual broadcast signal is used as the reference input to ensure that the local human voice input is cleaner. Another additional echo cancellation is used to eliminate the human voice at the opposite end. * when using a third-party playback sound as a sharing source, the signal we get contains all the content of the playback. This processing can eliminate the peer-to-peer sound in the shared source, so that high-quality audio calls can still be guaranteed during the sharing process. *


上述音频共享方案是一个统一架构,可以用于 游戏开黑、音频分享、线上 KTV 等场景。涵盖了娱乐办公的多个场景。



With this basic processing framework, various functions can be achieved by flexibly setting up internal processes and * with appropriate external logic. * the following figure is an example:

网易云信的音频共享技术 | 体验共享专题



By replacing the above third-party audio content with games, music players or browsers, you can achieve audio sharing scenes such as games ganging up, listening to songs together, meetings and so on.

如果觉得这个例子有些简单,那么以下是一个在线 KTV 合唱实现的例子。

左侧是主唱端,提供伴奏音乐,在本地的人声加入后,通过 RTC 音频流传给副唱。

右侧的演唱者的声音会通过 RTC 流传给主唱,以供两人合唱同步,同时将副唱的人声和主唱侧传过来的包含主唱人声的歌曲混合,形成完整的合唱,推送给直播观众。

网易云信的音频共享技术 | 体验共享专题

以上是一个在线 KTV 的场景实现。当然,在线 KTV 场景的实现涉及多个方面,遇到的问题远远不止音频共享这部分。 歌词的传递、各端的同步、音频端到端的延时等问题都是需要克服的障碍,解决好这些问题才能提供更好的体验


网易云信的 SDK 产品提供完整的音频共享解决方案,支持双声道全频道,可以覆盖包括游戏开黑、一起听歌,在线 KTV 等一系列场景。如有兴趣可以登录网易云信官网下载 Demo 进行体验。

Original: https://blog.csdn.net/netease_im/article/details/120865979
Author: 网易云信
Title: 网易云信的音频共享技术 | 体验共享专题





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