【语音增强】基于matlab多维谱自适应小波语音信号去噪【含Matlab源码 1972期】


1 引言


In the process of transmission, the voice signal is easily disturbed by environmental noise and other speech, which reduces the quality of voice communication and affects the work of the speech processing system. Therefore, speech purification technology plays a more and more important role in modern voice communication and digital audio broadcasting system. Wavelet transform has good time-frequency localization analysis characteristics, and it is an effective method to deal with non-stationary time-varying signals such as speech. However, with the increase of the scale, the higher the spatial resolution of the orthogonal wavelet basis function, the lower the frequency resolution. Wavelet packet has the characteristics of further segmentation and thinning of the spectrum window that widens with the increase of scale, which can overcome the shortcomings of orthogonal wavelet transform, further decompose the signal and improve the frequency resolution. it is a more refined decomposition method than multi-resolution analysis. it has better time-frequency characteristics. Therefore, wavelet packet transform is used to remove the noise in the signal to achieve a better speech purification effect.

2 小波包变换理论


The wavelet packet transform is further proposed on the basis of the wavelet transform, which can further decompose the high frequency part of the wavelet transform without subdivision, which provides a more precise analysis method for the signal. For speech signals with rich high frequency components, wavelet packet transform is an ideal analysis tool, which overcomes one of the main defects of orthogonal wavelet basis, that is, with the increase of scale, the higher the time resolution of the corresponding orthogonal wavelet basis function. and the lower the frequency resolution. Through the spatial wavelet packet decomposition, the essence is to make the signal pass through the high-pass and low-pass filter, carry on the interval sampling, and decompose the signal into different frequency bands layer by layer.


【语音增强】基于matlab多维谱自适应小波语音信号去噪【含Matlab源码 1972期】
【语音增强】基于matlab多维谱自适应小波语音信号去噪【含Matlab源码 1972期】
3 自适应阈值法去噪
3.1 阈值法小波去噪

【语音增强】基于matlab多维谱自适应小波语音信号去噪【含Matlab源码 1972期】
图1 阈值法小波去噪处理框图
【语音增强】基于matlab多维谱自适应小波语音信号去噪【含Matlab源码 1972期】
3.2 自适应阈值法
【语音增强】基于matlab多维谱自适应小波语音信号去噪【含Matlab源码 1972期】

In the formula, α is the step size, which can be selected according to the precision.


【语音增强】基于matlab多维谱自适应小波语音信号去噪【含Matlab源码 1972期】
【语音增强】基于matlab多维谱自适应小波语音信号去噪【含Matlab源码 1972期】
【语音增强】基于matlab多维谱自适应小波语音信号去噪【含Matlab源码 1972期】

; ⛄二、部分源代码

clear all; close all; clc;

% Audio acquisition
[file,path] = uigetfile(‘./Databases/*.wav’, ‘Select the speech files’, ‘MultiSelect’, ‘on’);
[audio_signal,fs] = audioread([path,file]);
Fs = fs; N = 1024; seqAxis = 0:1:N-1; step = 0;

audio_signal = audio_signal.’/max(abs(audio_signal));
audio_signal = cat(2,zeros(1,N),audio_signal);

% Additive noise + filtering @8KHz
noise = randn(1,length(audio_signal));
nsVar = 0.05;
noise = nsVar * noise/max(abs(noise));

Hd = mylowpass;
audio_noisy = audio_signal + noise;
audio_noisy = filter(Hd,audio_noisy);

% SNR values
Pa = bandpower(audio_signal);
Ps = bandpower(audio_noisy);
Pn = bandpower(noise);
SNR = 10*log10(Pa/Pn);

% Window choice and preparation
h = hann(N); % Hanning
%h = hamming(N); % Hamming
h = h’; weight = sum(abs(h.^2));

% Wiener Filter parameters
umax = 10; u0 = (1+4*umax/5); z = 25/(umax-1);

%% MTS: Sine Tapers + Noise estimation

m = 0:N-1; L = 5; l = 1:L;
a = sqrt(2/(N+1)).*sin((pi * l’ * (m+1))/(N+1));

figure(1); clf
set(gcf,’Name’,’Sine tapers’)
S_k_n = 0.0;

for currentTaper = 1:L
S_k_n = S_k_n + abs(fft(a(currentTaper,:) .* audio_noisy(1:N))).^2;
hold on


【语音增强】基于matlab多维谱自适应小波语音信号去噪【含Matlab源码 1972期】
【语音增强】基于matlab多维谱自适应小波语音信号去噪【含Matlab源码 1972期】
【语音增强】基于matlab多维谱自适应小波语音信号去噪【含Matlab源码 1972期】
【语音增强】基于matlab多维谱自适应小波语音信号去噪【含Matlab源码 1972期】

; ⛄四、matlab版本及参考文献

1 matlab版本

2 参考文献
[1]张飞.基于小波包变换的自适应阈值语音去噪净化[J].电声技术. 2009,33(10)

3 备注


Brief introduction this part is extracted from the Internet, for reference only, if infringement, contact to delete

Original: https://blog.csdn.net/TIQCmatlab/article/details/125811602
Author: 海神之光
Title: 【语音增强】基于matlab多维谱自适应小波语音信号去噪【含Matlab源码 1972期】





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