Espnet ASR Demo & Quantization Document

  • This is a document of how to run Espnet (v1) ASR Demo and its model quantization
  • Test enviroment:


Note: Please follow the original installation guide provided by Espnet. Only some notes below should be paid attention to.


soxsndfileffmpegflacinstalledinstallednot installednot installed

Install Kaldi

  • The Kaldi installation includes two parts: 1. tools installation 2. src installation. Make sure install them all in order
  • Once installed, many .o binary files can be found in directories such as: <kaldi-root>\{featbin,fgmmbin,fstbin,etc.}</kaldi-root>

Install Espnet

  • Kaldi should be linked into <espnet>/tools</espnet> (check guide)
  • Option A) Setup Anaconda environment is choosen in this document, so a virtual enviroment espnet is created with python==3.8
  • Since the current CUDA version is 11.6, which is not compatible with pytorch 1.10.1, so espnet should be installed by $ make TH_VERSION=1.10.1 CUDA_VERSION=11.3, which specifies the version pytorch and CUDA
  • Custom tools in [Optional] Custom tool installation are not installed
  • install chainer in the espnet conda enviroment by pip install chainer==6.0.0 (cupy is not installed due to some errors)

This demo is to decode (translate) .wav audio file into words

Notes: some

To quantize the model from FP32 to INT8

Espnet provides dynamic quantization method through pytorch API.

To enable dynamic quantization, add the following codes in espnet/utils/ file line 248-249

        --quantize-asr-model True \
        --quantize-dtype "qint8" \

Now we can perform decoding as described in the last section

Author: GLinttsd
Title: Espnet ASR Demo & Quantization Document





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