
数据库是应用及计算机的核心元素,负责存储运行软件应用所需的一切重要数据。为了保障应用正常运行,总有一个甚至多个数据库在默默运作。我们可以把数据库视为信息仓库,以结构化的方式存储了大量的相关信息,并合理分类,方便搜索及使用(java项目 fhadmin.cn)。



Therefore, database design has become an important part of software development, and it is very important for developers to design an efficient database. So why is database design important, and what are the criteria for “good”? This article will introduce.




Take the website of the online mall where we order shirts as an example. Today, the process of ordering shirts from a website seems simple, but it involves a lot of information exchange. For example, when you browse the web for the first time, the system will show you a series of information, including product classification, all available goods, corresponding prices, available sizes, colors and other relevant information.



The website retrieves from the database where the data is stored, and when the user selects the desired item and continues to purchase, the site asks for personal details, shipping address, payment details, and confirms the order. New data currently generated in this process, such as user details, order details, purchases and payments, will be added and updated in the same database.



Database design is important because it is critical to building software applications that are scalable and can run under high workloads. To design a database, first of all, it is critical to choose database software. At present, there are hundreds of database software available for building applications, we can choose from some of the best free database software, and then it is time to design databases that meet the requirements. The 10 best database design practices are listed below.




In order to design a good database, the views of all stakeholders must be taken into account. Before building the database, collect information to understand their expectations of the database and their proficiency in the operation of the database. In this way, we can get the technical level that the database should adopt, and whether the user should be trained on the function of the database.




The second classification is based on the data model. There are four types of classification: relational database, hierarchical database, network database, and object-oriented database.



It is a necessary initial step to study the different types of databases and make choices based on application requirements.


应当避免使用复数名(如CustomerNames)、缩写(如CN),并且名称中不得使用空格(如Customer Name)。如果坚持遵守这些规则,则将来的用户在使用数据库时会更容易。



Database normalization refers to organizing all the information in the database to avoid data duplication and redundancy. To put it simply, normalization is to divide the data into several smaller related tables, rather than keeping them all in one large table.



Standardizing data is a good database design practice and helps to improve efficiency. But make sure you don’t over-normalize, or you’ll spread the data into too many small tables and cause confusion.




In many cases, the information stored in the database is encrypted, so privacy has become an issue of concern. For maximum security, we should encrypt the password, use authentication to restrict access to the database, and use another server to store the database instead of the server where the application is located. This will ensure that your data is not threatened by attacks and privacy violations.



Good database design should be scalable, that is, in the case of increased usage, it can still withstand a high workload and ensure the operation of the application. For companies whose workload is likely to change, it is important to keep this in mind when designing databases. For example, if an e-commerce site expects visitors to increase rapidly within a month as sales grow, this should be taken into account when designing the database so that the database can respond to the rapid growth of visitors. and keep operating under high workloads.




Writing a large number of stored programs is a laborious task, but if you take the time to complete and document it, it is easier for the end user to use the database.



One of the professional skills of excellent database design is to invest time and energy in database modeling and design. A common mistake for developers is to ignore this step to save time and focus on other more important aspects of software development. However, database design is very important to ensure the function of the application. If you just want to save time without thinking carefully about the design, you will need to spend more time maintaining the database or even redesigning it in the future.


Original: https://www.cnblogs.com/m170981362621/p/15607192.html
Author: m17098136262_1
Title: 数据库设计的十个最佳实践





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