


Are you ready to start? I don’t think you’re ready, which means you have to do ten standard push-ups, then calm down, have a sip of water, and I drink coffee, which helps to improve your concentration. To know that this part of the content is a little boring, such preparation is necessary.


  • 数据是信息的载体,是计算机能够识别、存储和处理的所有符号的总称。

    data is the carrier of information, the general name of all symbols that can be recognized, stored and processed by a computer.*

  • 数据项是具有独立含义的识别单位,是数据不可分割的最小单位。

    A data item is an identification unit with an independent meaning and the smallest unit in which data is indivisible.*

  • 数据元素是数据的基本单位。

    data elements are the basic units of data.*

  • 数据对象是具有相同属性的数据元素的集合。

    A data object is a collection of data elements with the same properties.*

  • 数据结构是彼此具有一个或多个关系的数据元素的集合。

    A data structure is a collection of data elements that have one or more relationships with each other.*

  • 逻辑结构:数据元素之间的关系称为逻辑结构
  • 存储结构:最常用的是顺序存储和链式存储
  • 数据的运算:运算是对数据的处理



Space complexity refers to the amount of storage required for the algorithm to run from start to finish.



Space complexity refers to the time consumption of the algorithm.



Data structure is a subject that studies the operating objects of computers and the calculation methods and operations between them in non-numerical programming.



The algorithm must be feasible, finite and deterministic.



It’s very painful whether it’s right, but don’t worry, the first chapter is over. If there are other unselected questions in the HKCEE, it depends on luck.




To tell you the truth, you don’t have to read it.




Recursion is a method in which a procedure or function calls itself directly or indirectly.



The recursive method only needs a small amount of code to describe the repeated calculations needed in the process of solving the problem, which greatly reduces the amount of code of the program. The ability of recursion lies in defining an infinite set of objects with finite statements.



When the data definition form involved in the recursive algorithm is recursive, the recursive algorithm can usually be transformed into a recursive algorithm, and the recursive boundary condition can be used as the recursive boundary condition.

public class HanoiY {
    void Move(char chSour, char chDest) {
        System.out.println("Move the top plate of" + chSour + " to " + chDest);

    void Hanoi(int n, char a, char b, char c) {
        if (n == 1) {
            Move(a, c);
        } else {
            Hanoi(n - 1, a, c, b);
            this.Move(a, c);
            Hanoi(n - 1, b, a, c);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        HanoiY hanoi = new HanoiY();
        hanoi.Hanoi(n, 'a', 'b', 'c');



The advantages of recursion: clear structure, strong readability, and easy to use mathematical induction to prove the correctness of the algorithm.



The disadvantage of recursion: the running efficiency of recursive algorithm is low, it takes a long time and takes up a lot of storage space.



A recursive algorithm is a process that calls its own algorithm directly or indirectly.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class FinalSalary{
    public static void main(String[] args){
        Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
        int n = input.nextInt();
        int salary = 1500;
        for(int i = 1 ; i < n ; i++){
            salary *= 1.1;
        System.out.println("第"+n+"年的工资为:" + salary);
        System.out.println("第"+n+"年的工资为:"+ Salary(n));
    public static int Salary(int n){
        if(n == 1){
            return 1500;
            return (int)(Salary(n - 1) * 1.1);
public static DLinkList(LinkList L) {
        DLinkList H;
        DLinkNode rear, s;
        LinkNode p;
        H = new DLinkList();
        rear = H.Head;
        p = L.Head.next;
        while (p) {
            s = new LinkList(Null);
            s.data = p.data;
            s.next = rear.next;
            s.prior = rear;
            rear.next = s;
            H.Head.prior = s;
            rear = s;
            p = p.next;
        return H;





The advantages of sequential storage: the method is simple, there are array types in various high-level languages, and it is easy to implement. There is no need to increase the storage overhead to represent the logical relationship between nodes. The sequence table has the characteristic of random access according to the sequence number of elements.



The advantage of chain storage: when inserting and deleting in the sequence table, there is no need to move elements many times, so it is efficient. There is no need to allocate enough storage space in advance, and a large amount of storage will not be idle or overflow.

非空的循环单链表head的尾节点满足 p.next==head



The advantages of circular queue: overcome the false overflow phenomenon, make full use of the vector space (the space after deleting elements can still be used, maximize the use of space) and make effective use of resources.



How to judge the emptiness and fullness of a circular queue





The Lord has nothing to worry about when he is a lost dog.



  • 一颗非空二叉树的第i层上最多有 2^i-1^ 个节点
  • 一颗深度为k的二叉树中,最多具有2^k^-1个节点
  • 对于一颗非空的二叉树,若叶子节点数为n~0~,度数为2的节点数为n~2~,则有n~0~=n~2~+1。



Only add some empty nodes that do not exist, make it in the form of a complete binary tree, and then store it sequentially.

Original: https://blog.51cto.com/u_15226631/5551244
Author: Feyncode
Title: 数据结构的几个小问题





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