

本文的算命方式采用八卦 + 周易+ 梅花易数实现,脚本基于python3.9.0开发。本人对于周易五行研究较浅,如有疏漏请见谅。



The final effect is as shown in the picture. After running the program, you will automatically get the hexagram image of what you have in mind according to the current luck (original hexagram, mutual hexagram, change of mind).





First of all, we need to understand some of the most basic knowledge of divination. At present, several mainstream ways of divination in China are basically based on easy evolution. Generally speaking, different hexagram images are obtained according to certain phenomena, and different hexagram images will eventually represent the beginning, development and result of divination.



Taiji gives birth to two instruments, two instruments give birth to four images, and four images give birth to gossip



I believe you have heard this sentence in many film and television works, but few people know its true meaning, this sentence actually summarizes the process of the production of hexagram images.

  • 太极:代表一种绝对混乱的状态,是一个哲学概念,如果非要应用我们的客观世界,它可以理解为大爆炸之前的宇宙状态,所有的物理定律都不起作用。在我们开始八卦之前,我们就处于这种状态。

    Tai Chi: represents a state of absolute chaos, is a philosophical concept, if we have to apply our objective world, it can be understood as the state of the universe before the Big Bang, and all the laws of physics are not in effect. We are in this state before we start to gossip.*

  • 两仪:同样是一个哲学观念,代表一个事物的两个对立状态,套用到客观世界可以是”生-死”、”黑-白”、”清-浊”,在占卜的过程中,我们通常会有”阴-阳”两个状态,为了方便记录,古人发明了两个符号代表这两个状态,在占卜的时候,一个这样的状态我们称之为一爻(yao)

  • 四象:当我们结合阴阳时,我们可以得到四种不同的组合。古人称它们为四象。请注意,这里的四个图像也是哲学的。它可以是“蔚蓝龙、白虎、朱雀和黑乌龟”。也可以是东、南、西、东四个方向。在占卜中,我们通常把这四个意象称为“太阴”、“韶音”、“太阳”和“邵阳”。


    four Images: when we combine Yin and Yang, we can get four different combinations. The ancients called them four Images. Note that the four Images here are also philosophical. It can be “Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird and Black Tortoise”. It can also be the four directions of east, south, west and east. In divination, we usually call these four images “Taiyin”, “Shaoyin”, “sun” and “Shaoyang”.*

  • 八卦:四象加一易,也就是三阴三阳的组合,就是八个组合。古人认为,这八种组合可以代表自然界的八种事物(八种中学状态),即八卦。


    gossip: when we add one Yi to the four images, that is, the combination of three yin and yang, we can get eight combinations. The ancients thought that these eight combinations could represent eight kinds of things in nature (eight middle school states), that is, gossip.*



Of course, it is not enough for eight states to represent the direction of things, so the ancients combined the eight diagrams (separate ones called Confucian diagrams) and got 64 different hexagrams. This is how the 64 hexagrams in the Book of changes came into being.



At present, the domestic mainstream divination is basically through different ways to get different hexagrams, and finally judge the direction of things. In fact, for programmers, it is possible to treat the two instruments as an one-digit binary number with two states of 0 and 1. The four elephants are two-digit binary numbers, which have four states: 000001j01j0pc11. Gossip is a three-digit binary number with four states: 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111.




Now we know how the hexagram image evolved, but we have not yet been able to get the way of the hexagram image. in fact, in the process of divination, the biggest difference between different ways of divination is that the way of divination is different. We use plum blossoms to start hexagrams here.



Plum blossom is easy to count hexagram (here only two ways of hexagram are intercepted)



That is, the sum of the year, month and day of the lunar calendar is divided by eight, the remainder is used as the hexagram, the sum of the year, month and day is divided by eight, the remainder is used as the hexagram, and then the sum of years, months and days is divided by six, and the remainder is used as the moving figure.



Ex.: on April 11 of the Lunar New year, the hexagram begins at 00 o’clock: the number of the year of application is 9 and the number of hours is 6.

上卦为:(年+月+日)÷8,取余数。 即:(9+4+11)÷8,此处无余数。
下卦为:(年+月+日+时)÷8,取余数。 即:(9+4+11+6)÷8,余数为6为坎卦。
动爻数为:(年+月+日+时)÷6,取余数。 即:(9+4+11+6)除以6,此处无余数。


This hexagram is as follows: the upper hexagram is the Kun, the lower hexagram is the ridge, and the movement is the upper curse.



This is a simple and accurate way to start a hexagram. When someone asks to test something, you can ask the visitor to say two numbers at will, the first number is the upper hexagram, the second number is the lower hexagram, the sum of the two numbers is divided by 6, and the rest is dynamic, or you can use other ways to get two numbers, such as flipping books, calendars, and so on.




We will be easy to count the plum blossom way to sum up the process in the words of programmers, the process is as follows.



Get a random number (we use the current timestamp here) to take the module 8 as a three-digit binary number.



Then get a random number, take the module for eight, as hanging (a three-digit binary number).



The above two random numbers are combined to get a six-digit binary number.



Convert six binary numbers to decimal numbers and look up the table to get this hexagram.



According to the table of this hexagram and changing hexagram, the result of divination is obtained.

import json
import random
import time

# 源代码,Python学习资料都在这个群啦 924040232
gua_data_path = "data.json"

gua_data_map = {

fake_delay = 10

def init_gua_data(json_path):
    with open(gua_data_path,'r',encoding='utf8')as fp:
        global gua_data_map
        gua_data_map = json.load(fp)
yao_icon_map = {
    0:"- -",

base_gua_name_map = {

def base_gua_to_yao(gua, yao_length=3):
    result = []
    while gua >= 1:
        level = 0 if gua % 2 == 0 else 1
        gua //= 2
    while len(result) < yao_length:
    return result

def base_yao_to_gua(array):
    array = array[:]
    while len(array) > 0 and array[-1] == 0:
    result = 0
    for i in range(len(array)):
        if array[i] == 0:
        result += pow(2, i)

    return result

def print_gua(gua):
    yao_list = base_gua_to_yao(gua, 6)
    up_yao_list = yao_list[0:3]
    up = base_yao_to_gua(up_yao_list)

    print(yao_icon_map[up_yao_list[1]] + " " + base_gua_name_map[up])


    down_yao_list = yao_list[3:6]
    down = base_yao_to_gua(down_yao_list)
    print(yao_icon_map[down_yao_list[1]] + " " + base_gua_name_map[down])

def calculate_with_plum_flower():
    print_a_wait_animation("卜上卦:", fake_delay)
    up_base_gua = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) % 8
    up_yao_array = base_gua_to_yao(up_base_gua)
    print("上卦获取成功,上卦为:", base_gua_name_map[up_base_gua])
    print_a_wait_animation("正在获取下卦:", fake_delay)
    down_base_gua = random.randint(0, 999999999999) % 8
    down_yao_array = base_gua_to_yao(down_base_gua)
    print("上卦获取成功,下卦为:", base_gua_name_map[down_base_gua])
    print_a_wait_animation("正在组成本卦:", fake_delay)
    yao_list = up_yao_array + down_yao_array
    gua = base_yao_to_gua(yao_list)
    gua_code = str(base_gua_name_map[up_base_gua]) + str(base_gua_name_map[down_base_gua])
    gua_data = gua_data_map[gua_code]
    print("本卦为:", gua_data['name'])
    print("辞:", gua_data['words'],"译:",gua_data['white_words'])
    print("象:", gua_data['picture'],"译:",gua_data['white_picture'])
    print_a_wait_animation("正在组成互卦:", fake_delay)
    up_hu_yao_list = [yao_list[4],yao_list[5],yao_list[0]]
    up_hu_gua = base_yao_to_gua(up_hu_yao_list)
    down_hu_yao_list =[yao_list[5],yao_list[0],yao_list[1]]
    down_hu_gua = base_yao_to_gua(down_hu_yao_list)
    hu_yao_list = up_hu_yao_list + down_hu_yao_list
    hu_gua = base_yao_to_gua(hu_yao_list)
    hu_gua_code = str(base_gua_name_map[up_hu_gua]) + str(base_gua_name_map[down_hu_gua])
    hu_gua_data = gua_data_map[hu_gua_code]
    print("互卦为:", hu_gua_data['name'])
    print("辞:", hu_gua_data['words'],"译:",hu_gua_data['white_words'])
    print("象:", hu_gua_data['picture'],"译:",hu_gua_data['white_picture'])
    print_a_wait_animation("正在组成变卦:", fake_delay)
    change_index = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) % 6
    change_yao_list = yao_list[:]
    change_yao_list[change_index] = 0 if change_yao_list[change_index] == 1 else 1
    up_change_yao_list = change_yao_list[0:3]
    up_change_gua = base_yao_to_gua(up_change_yao_list)
    down_change_yao_list =change_yao_list[3:5]
    down_change_gua = base_yao_to_gua(down_change_yao_list)

    change_gua = base_yao_to_gua(change_yao_list)
    change_gua_code = str(base_gua_name_map[up_change_gua]) + str(base_gua_name_map[down_change_gua])
    change_gua_data = gua_data_map[change_gua_code]
    print("变卦为:", change_gua_data['name'])
    print("辞:", change_gua_data['words'],"译:",change_gua_data['white_words'])
    print("象:", change_gua_data['picture'],"译:",change_gua_data['white_picture'])

def print_a_wait_animation(tips,times):
    animation = "|/-\\"
    idx = 0
    for i in range(times):
        print(tips + animation[idx % len(animation)],animation[idx % len(animation)],animation[idx % len(animation)],animation[idx % len(animation)],animation[idx % len(animation)], end="\r"),
        idx += 1



Original: https://www.cnblogs.com/hahaa/p/16119925.html
Author: 轻松学Python
Title: 利用PYTHON实现科学占卜





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